I failed badly at taking photos of the painting process…
Because I’m trying to tie together my two Malifaux crews, I painted the gravel like my Arcanist bases, but with more layers. I started with Rhinox Hide all over, and then drybrushed two layers of Rhinox+Scab Red mixtures. I drybrushed the Tallarn Sand in sections, and then mixed the Tallarn and Ushapti Bone together.
I tried to drybrush all in a single direction, and when I got to the more yellow paints, I only did it in sections. This caused the ground to look a little bit like sunlight was filtering in between the trees. Totally unplanned for, but nice to know.
At the end I did a really light drybrush of Liche Purple perpendicular to the main direction. I was trying to re-shade with a common colour.
The cobblestone was done like my Outcast bases. Straight black, then Codex Grey+Black, then a really light drybrush of Liche Purple. I did a bunch of layers here, with black+more Codex, more Codex, then straight Codex, then Fortress with Codex. Finally, to change up the tone a bit, I used Kantor Blue in places, and Warpstone Green in other places.
I started with Rhinox Hide everywhere on it, to ensure that it wasn’t black inside. Then I mixed SW Amethyst with Rhinox Hide almost everywhere, in particular deep in the cracks – because of that common shade colour I was working towards. Then I drybrushed Mournfang Brown, then MFB+Vomit Brown in many successive layers.
All told, painting this thing was super easy, just a lot of drybrushing and mixing colour in an insane heat that kept trying my paints out!
Some Last Modelling
I didn’t want to write a separate article on it, and I have no photos of it…but after I was done painting I had some more modelling to do. I used GW Dead Grass under the tree and in certain stones. And then SW leaves placed artfully around, as though blowing in the breeze from the forgotten tree.
Lastly, I had an unbiased reviewer provide feedback, and he suggested I model a swirl of leaves coming up from the ground. I did this, but I feel as though I went overboard – I was trying to hide the wire I was using to bring the leaves up, and so ended up with a giant leafy thing in the middle of the board.
Here’s two meager photos of some mid-stages. 🙂