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Musings & Meta

PSA: How to Make the Most of your Phone/Tablet Battery

This is a PSA post, not a hobby post. 🙂

When I bought my new HTC M9, I wanted to try to treat my battery right. It’s a nice device, and the battery isn’t replaceable. On top of that, I was playing a lot of Hearthstone on it, which was causing a lot of discharge. I knew from Miranda’s experience with Candy Crush Saga (and now Luminosity!) that these kinds of battery-hungry applications could ruin a good battery quickly. About a year into the life of her iPhone 5 she had to spend $80 to get the battery replaced!

So like any good nerd, I did some research. I learned enough to try to keep myself afloat, but I didn’t truly understand what the ideal process was. I’ve had a number of friends say some random things about maintaining their battery life. I’ve tried to explain what I’ve read, but without writing it down I’ve had half-baked ideas in my head.

So here it is – the post I’ll link to people who say odd or outdated things about their batteries. 🙂


I’ve just done some reading. I’m not an engineer. I skimmed over anything that wasn’t related to phone/tablet batteries. This knowledge may be completely ass-backwards for your laptops. It may even be completely backwards for your phone! (but I doubt it, it’s well sourced)

There are some *’s below, they mean “keeping everything else ideal, but varying this one thing”. Science!

I put references at the bottom, since this article is a combination of a bunch of different articles.

Some Battery Life Myths

Some people believe that their phone battery has a memory, so they have to “be careful” at what percent they charge/discharge at – this is incorrect! Those people are thinking of the old Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) rechargeable AA batteries. Your phone is Li-Ion and doesn’t remember where you charged it. This means you can charge to 80%, use it to 40%, charge to 75%, and it won’t matter at all – charge when you want, and use it when you want.

I’ve read about some people thinking that discharging your phone to 0% is a good plan. Heck, I offered it up as a solution at one point! Discharging your phone to 0% is not a good idea. Those NiMH and NiCd batteries needed to be charged fully to 100% and discharged fully to 0% every time (that’s the “memory”, and “being careful”) but your Li-Ion does not. And it turns out to be a really bad idea, as we’ll get into below!

Last (for this section!), I’ve read that discharging to 0% can re-calibrate your battery meter. Those same articles usually have people in the comment section saying that it’s nonsense. After looking into it a bit, I haven’t seen any evidence that this works the way they think it does. I didn’t look into how to actually calibrate a battery meter (if it even needs calibrating?!). Maybe a separate article on battery meters? 🙂

Best Case Scenarios

This stuff is impossible to do perfectly because smart entrepreneurs haven’t looked into battery life enough to allow this level of customization for your phones. It’s coming though, as some of it is important in the life of electric car batteries where the battery alone can cost $20,000!


This one is easy. Keeping your phone at room temperature is your best bet — somewhere between 20C and 30C. A Li-Ion battery stored at 100% charge for 1 year will have 94% capacity at 0°C, 80% capacity at 25°C, and 60% capacity at 60°C after 3 months.

0°C looks good in the study I stole these numbers from, but in general cold is the enemy of batteries – it causes their chemical reactions to run slower. I don’t have any science on the cold thing, but it’s unlikely you guys are keeping your phones that low. Even when you ski with them, your body heat likely keeps them pretty warm!

Depth of Discharge

This one is less easy. This is “how much of your battery capacity you use”. If you use 100% of your capacity every single time*, you’ll get 300-500 discharge cycles out of your phone.

One discharge cycle is running your battery from 100%-0% in one go. I’ve also read that if you use 50% battery, charge to 100% and then use 50%, that is also a single discharge cycle.

If you use 50% of your capacity every time, you’ll get 1,200-1,500 discharge cycles. So by using less battery before recharging, you’ll get more than double the number of cycles. These numbers just get better: 25% discharge gives you 2,000-2,500 cycles. 10% discharge gives you 3,750-4,700 cycles.

So not only should you not discharge your phone to 0%, you also should try to keep it at as little discharge as you can! I read that every so often to 20% or lower is ok, just don’t make a habit of it. If you only use 10% of your battery at a time, you’re golden! Except that’s not possible in this mobile/disconnected/Hearthstoney world. 🙂

It’s also not that easy, because…

Peak Voltage

Peak voltage is impossible to customize with our current phone battery technology. Tesla and NASA deal with it all the time though with electric cars and satellites!

I won’t define peak voltage because it doesn’t matter for this discussion — it can be equated with “how much charge you put into your phone when you recharge”.

If you charge to 100% battery every time*, you’ll get 300-500 discharge cycles. Charging to 86% gives you 600-1000 cycles — you get double your number of cycles just by charging 14% less! If I could have technology to set this, I’d end my day at ~50% battery and would get an extra year or two of life! 72% gives you 1,200-2,400 cycles and 58% gives you 2,400-4,000 cycles. Your battery doesn’t like being at 100%!

If you combine this with the Depth of Discharge advice, you should only charge your phone to a lower percent (58% is ideal!) and then only discharge it by 10% (to 48%) before charging it back up to 58%! This is where the wheels really come off our little adventure.

How come nobody does this, how come there is no technology to help you manage this? Because phone manufacturers all believe that “daily life” is the thing consumers want – they are playing the trade-off game for you and setting our phones so we’ll get more daily life out of our batteries at the cost of their total lifespan! I know some people reading this will hate that!

Some Other Stuff

Your phones are a little smart. For example, once your phone gets to 100% it stops charging — if it were to continue it would overheat the battery, stress it out and cause problems. It then runs down to a certain percent (I don’t know where to) and then charges back up. These mini-cycles are good as a trade-off between keeping 100% battery life all the time, and keeping the temperature down. Russ sent me an IndieGogo for a charging cable that stopped charging entirely after hitting 100%. It’s a good start, people looking at charging technology, but it’s not enough.

Games are super rough for batteries. Not only do they spin up the Good CPUs (if your phone has 8 cores – 4 of them are for lower-power regular use, and 4 are for higher-power challenging use) which use more battery more quickly (speeding up your discharge cycle) but those higher-power CPUs also generate heat, which causes batteries to be unhappy! I haven’t looked into whether your phone being super hot to the touch is good or bad. On the one hand, it means the heat isn’t staying trapped in the case! On the other hand, you can’t do much about it – playing games, it’s going to get hot, that’s just how it goes. PC gamers know this stuff. 🙂 (Windows is doing water-cooled phones…)

Fast-chargers are a terrible idea! Putting energy into a battery faster generates heat, and heat is bad! You can probably afford to wait the time it takes to charge. And if you can’t, perhaps you should think about your time management — what were you doing 2, 4, 6 hours ago that made you unable to charge your battery ahead of time? Consider putting an external battery somewhere. Or buy a phone that has a replaceable battery.

I haven’t at all touched on storing batteries. The short: store your batteries at room temperature, at 50% charge. They’ll be more likely to come back to life. Never store at 0% charge, you will likely not be able to use that battery again.

The Summary

You can’t choose your charging peak voltage right now. I tried. So the only two things you really have control over are temperature (keep it at room temperature) and discharge (don’t go below 50%). That’s what I’m doing.

I’m also looking to buy a tablet to play Hearthstone on, so I can move that battery drain from my mission-critical phone, to a “nice to have” tablet. 🙂 This is more of that pre-planning — I’m mitigating the problem.

Questions, comments or corrections are welcome!


Battery University: How to Prolong Lithium Based Batteries: If you can swim through the charges and more-engineering-based language, this is the best site.

Electropaedia: Battery Life (and Death): I primarily used BU, but this was a good supplementary site.

TechRepublic: 10 Common Misconceptions About Mobile Device Batteries: Mostly myth-busting, it was good to jog my memory about a couple things.

How To Geek: Debunking Battery Life Myths for Mobile Phones Tablets and Laptops: Some of the 0% stuff.


Musings & Meta

This is not a year in review post.

They don’t really say much that you (the reader) haven’t read before. On top of that, I really don’t recall what I did this year. 😛 I’ll catch you up in May, with the blog anniversary. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought a little post to say something about “now” would be appropriate.


Just before Christmas, I started to think that maybe WMH was not a good game for me. I haven’t played a whole lot of it, which is partially why I’m struggling with it. But when I think about my experiences with Malifaux, I’m certain that isn’t the reason I’m struggling. I think it’s just a poor game. Not a bad game, mind you — that title is reserved for Age of Sigmar (which isn’t a game) and WHFB (which is a bad game). But WMH has a few things that make it not modern (no pre-measuring, no alternating activations, “tacked on” non-kill missions) and a few things that make it a poor choice for me (lots of game-critical text on individual model cards). (Malifaux has lots of text on cards, but for the most part it boils down to “shoot something”, “hit something”. Malifaux rewards you more for knowing your own models, than knowing your opponents models). Given this realization, I have a bunch of models that I’m just not excited to paint anymore.

Blood Bowl

At roughly the same time, my Blood Bowl league started season 2 (finally!). Blood Bowl is a good game. It isn’t a perfect game, but it’s damn good. Too much randomness, combined with too much “fail this and your game is over” bring it down a notch. However, a lot of BB is about mitigating that randomness and making choices about how best to move it around. It has a stunningly good positional game, and even though most games tend towards 3 hours long I have never thought “man, I’m bored” at any point in a BB game. You don’t have to study your opponent, just their archetype. And the RP system leaves me craving more every time I play. The last game I had, I lost pretty badly. But when the RP-phase was over, I noted that I had achieved exactly what I had set out to do — focus on the “bad players” on my team to level them up before I hired the good ones. This decision before the league started meant that I would not be as strong until I did hire those players, but that when I did hire them my existing team would be able to support them better. Long-term strategy like that is not something you find in a lot of games, let alone table-top ones.

Gates of Antares?

A friend won the rulebook for this at a local tournament, and I picked it up and started reading it a bit. It’s apparently a sci-fi version of Bolt Action. Bolt Action, as near as I can tell, has a lot of the best mechanics from Epic Armageddon, which makes me want to play it. EA had some amazing mechanics, that just needed a little bit more polish. I looked into BA a few months ago, but just couldn’t get behind the WW2 theme. Gates of Antares is like BA, but with D10s instead of D6s (more variance in randomness) and with a sci-fi theme instead of WW2. Sign me up! Unfortunately, my game-time has been limited for the last couple weeks and I wanted Warlord Games to put out a PDF version of their rulebook and BB is in my mind (and I have a sweet conversion for my human apothecary!) so this got pushed back.


I think I’m going to sell my daemon army. I don’t think I’m going to play much WHFB ever again, and I have 3 armies for it. That’s kind of silly. I can’t sell my goblins, because memories (but I could sell the orc portion of them). I can’t sell my lizards because if I did ever play WHFB again it would be with them. But the daemons, while nicely painted and converted, are taking up space in the house I could use for other things. (like drone things).

40k is still a thing, barely. Duke tried to have a game with me on Christmas Eve but we wound up playing some board games instead.

Board games!!

Miranda got me a Bohanza expansion for Christmas! This game is interesting still. It reminds me of Blood Bowl…in that it’s mostly random, and your only game is trying to mitigate that randomness. But Miranda loves it, and I like playing games with her, so here we are.

Duke and I played 4 games of Trains: Rising Sun, and half a game of Archipelago on Christmas Eve. Trains is a fantastic game — taking the good parts of Dominion and tacking on a board that provides a different focus. Would play again. Archipelago was hard, as it’s complicated enough that we had to re-figure out how to play. Then it’s partial co-op, in that you can both lose, and I accidentally caused us both to lose and we found out we didn’t mind so much. Then we played Carcassonne with both our wives, and Miranda and I got trounced. This does not happen frequently — Miranda is traditionally near the top, with me and Jamie trying to catch her and Duke at the bottom. Instead, Miranda and I were fighting for “not last”, and she won. 😛


I tend to follow my heart when it comes to games. BB has me for sure. GoA could have me, if it put out a PDF rulebook that I could slaver over. But who knows what will happen!

Musings & Meta

Actually playing 40k?


I don’t remember the last time I played 40k. (though here’s the last time I painted something 40k, and the last time I played in a 40k tournament!) Duke asked me the other week if I wanted a game, for old times sake and I said sure, if he organized it. Turns out he was more motivated than I thought, because we played the next weekend. 🙂

The rules were: 7th edition 40k, 1000 points, standard Combined Arms detachments, “no fuckiness” (no Lords of War, purchased terrain or flyers), and discard/redraw Maelstrom mission cards that were impossible (“impossible”, not “really hard”). I pulled out my Ork codex and started reading, as I think I’ve had a single game with this book, and maybe a single game in 7th ed. I couldn’t promise I would try to play 6th ed instead.

First — the new books are absolutely stunning. The ork codex made me desperately want to buy new models, the Gorka/Morkanauts are gorgeous, all the paint jobs are great and the page references back and forth are well done enough that it feels easy to find what you’re looking for.

I built a list to throw Duke off — no vehicles. I usually play all vehicles. 🙂 I took a Weirdboy, because PSYCHIC POWERS, 2 units of 24 boyz with 2 rokkits and a nob with pkeach, a unit of 12ish shootas, 1 unit of 12 lootas and 2 units of 5 deffkoptas.

Duke also tried to throw me off by playing Guard instead of Tau! He had a Russ, a Chimera full of vets, 3 sentinels, some autocannons, some lascannons, some Guardsmen, some of them with heavier weapons than others.

We rolled a Maelstrom mission scenario that had us drawing up to 3 Maelstrom mission cards at the start of each round. I really wanted to draw at the end of each round, because one of the things I miss about other games is the need to be involved in the game when it isn’t your turn. 40k is almost “sit back and wait” on your turn, except for some armour saves. Having next rounds cards in my hand during my opponents turn would give me something to scheme about, and also give me a bit more information on how to make tactical decisions about where to Jink/Go to Ground (just about the only decisions you have to make on your opponents turn).

We set up, and I outflanked with the 2 units of deffkoptas, and him with his sentinels. I put down my 3 units of boyz and lootas, screening my lootas behind the boyz. I discarded 3 Maelstrom mission cards before my turn started — the last of which because Duke’s only Psycher’s head exploded on his first turn! Turns 1 and 2 were mostly jockeying for position. The lack of Warboss in my list meant I couldn’t Waaagh to ensure I could get into his men! I don’t like forced models, and it’s disappointing that I think to play the melee game with Orks you need the Warboss. Also disappointing the the Weirdboy doesn’t have “first class” gear support — he can’t buy anything. Whereas you can buy the Big Mek things and maybe, with the right list, make him your Warlord.


A photo to break it up. I think near the end of turn 3. I’d had some lucky draws with mission cards and had cards for objectives that I already held. I gave them up, because I needed to press forward to clear out some of his firepower. My Weirdboy jumped a unit, trying to get onto an objective, but scattered away and landed in a pie-plate shaped huddle, no where that was useful. Duke wandered his vets over, cleared them off the board and then had free reign of my left flank.

One unit of deffkoptas didn’t come on until turn 4, which was very bad for me, and when they did come on they were on the wrong side! This left the above vets available to claim objectives in my deployment zone, as well as claiming Linebreaker (1VP for being in enemy deployment at end of the game) and some other mission cards.


Duke was ahead 9 to 4 at one point, and I was getting a little down because the dice weren’t pulling it off for me. Turn 3 I scored no points at all. The mission we drew, you had to score every turn. Because you draw up to 3, having cards still in your hand at the end of the round meant you had fewer available options to score points. I discarded a card that looked hard to get (which I ended up regretting) just to keep some variability in my hand. Particularly near the end of the game, drawing more cards gives you more options to get the +D3 VP cards, which is huge in winning. I got 3VPs from a card for killing his leader, another 1 because of just killing his leader, and 1 more from shooting an entire unit down, putting it at 9-9 which brought my spirits back up.

The thing I don’t like about certain games, is when you don’t feel like you have a game to play. If I hadn’t scored 5 in that round, it would have been a severe Duke-win, which means my turns 4-5-6 would just be me wandering around and seeing if I could stop Duke from scoring more, rather than having the ability to win. Getting those cards in hand, studying the board to determine how to get them, and executing the best I could, and then being rewarded for it, felt absolutely amazing.

This game feels more like Malifaux than it does 40k — you aren’t necessarily trying to kill everything to get points. The problem with “kill everything” games, is that the goal is to remove your opponents power from the board. To remove their agency, and their ability to play. When you make things other than killing the objective, you ensure that both players can continue to have fun because you still have things you can do. This is why Malifaux is brilliant, and why the core 40k ruleset is brilliant.



At the end, half of my deffkoptas performed well, and the other half failed repeated Ld7 tests to get me points. I didn’t have enough models in turn 6 to win the game, but did have enough to leave the game feeling like I’d done my best. The score, as shown above, was 15 to 12 for Duke.

Afterwards we talked a bit about the meta-game. Duke’s plan was to have a game, to see if it was still fun. If it wasn’t, that would have been another nail in the coffin of 40k — we haven’t played for a while, and if it hadn’t been fun then what would be the reason to keep all these hundreds of models around?

I went home and re-opened my codex and started dreaming of how to fit a [G|M]orkanaut into my case.

Musings & Meta

Playing Malifaux

It’s been a busy summer, and it’s been hard to get time to play games (and when I am playing games, I’m playing Blood Bowl as I’m in a league that has 2 scheduled games a month!). But a good friend is moving across Canada shortly, and he wanted to get some games in before he left forever.

We tend to play 3 player, since there are 3 of us in this group, so I’ve gotten inventive about writing multiplayer scenarios at the end I’ll share the scenario we used.

Arcanists vs Arcanists vs Resurrectionists

Arcanists #1 (me!)

  • Rasputina, with Armor of December and Arcane Reservoir. I originally had her with Imbued Energies, but decided I wanted more cards. Armor of December was an inspired choice, and I think it was the difference between losing miserably and winning.
  • Ice Golem. I’d originally planned to take the new murderspider/Arcane Emissary, but decided to go with the Ice Golem since it was finished and I didn’t want to start painting a new project…
  • December Acolyte. I wanted 2 of them…but again, with the not starting new projects. I took Frame for Murder on this guy because he always dies. And I figured 2 points was good.
  • 2xIce Gamin
  • Silent One. This model was unpainted…because of not …starting new projects!

Arcanists #2 (Derrick)

  • Marcus, with Trail of the Gods and Feral Instinct.
  • Myranda with Imbued Energies. Derrick ended up tossing this card for Fast, instead of sac’ing Myranda and getting 4 cards!
  • Rogue Necro
  • Slate Ridge Mauler. Derrick knows this is a sub-optimal model, but he took it because he’d been told to handicap himself a bit.
  • Canine Remains. For Frame for Murder…

Resurrectionists (Duke)

  • Seamus, with Red Chapel Killer
  • Sybelle
  • Copycat Killer
  • 3x Belle

Duke pretty much takes the same list every time. It worked out well for him this time! Here’s a photo to break up this text. 🙂


Marcus ran at me in the first turn and Raspy and the Ice Golem tanked him for 3 turns.


The scenario was Mistaken Identity, which I wrote originally for Breaching the Faux. I was pretty happy with how it looked, but I hadn’t had time to playtest it.

There is a 30mm marker in the middle of the table. Any player gets 2VP if they end the game with the marker on one of their models stat cards, and they gain it by taking (1) Interact Actions. If the model dies, it’s placed into base contact before removing the model. If you have 2 models within 3″ of the model with the marker at the end of the game, gain 1VP.

Randomly deal each player an Ace, making sure the Tome is in the pile. The Tome player gets 2VP at the end of the game if no one has seen their Ace. The other players get 1VP if they’ve seen the Tome players card. Whenever you kill a model, flip a card and on a 10+ you get to see the card of the owner of the model.


The necro has just killed Bette Noire, and the Bear is about to pick up the Arcane Heart marker.

The Game

Marcus ran at me quickly, I think assuming that he could take me out and deal with Seamus later. Seamus spread out to get Line in the Sand. I…tanked Marcus and tried to kill him while Myranda healed him. I took Frame for Murder (successfully getting the Acolyte killed by Sybelle) and Make Them Suffer. Suffer was harder – I kept killing Minions without Raspy killing them! Marcus lost most of his models around Turn 4. He forced me to put most of my forces into him, then split up a bit and when Seamus came in with his models he lost almost everything.

The Bear picked up the Marker, then died and dropped it, allowing Seamus to pop in and pick it up and then Back Alley out to the far side of the board where he’d be safe with his 2VPs and preventing others from getting 1VP from being close to him.

In the end, I won with 6VP, Duke got second with 5VP and Derrick got 3VPs.


A sweet photo of the Breaching the Faux deck made this year. I bought about 20 of these to give away at a future tournament. If only I had time to organize such a thing…


After playing it, I felt that the Tomes player 2VP were too swingy, either getting 2VP easily or requiring them to play defensively to keep it. I also thought that the “end the game within” 1VP was too difficult.

I changed:

  • “May” flip. Forcing someone to flip after they’d already seen the players card was weird.
  • 10+ -> 9+. Just making it a little easier to get. I also considered allowing people to cheat the flip to give it a little less randomness. I think if you can cheat it, I’d put it back at 10+ or even 11+.
  • 1VP for the Tomes player if your card is unrevealed to at least 1 other player. This maintains the “secrets from other players” aspect I really like, but makes it a little less swingy. I imagined a 4 player game being difficult to lose this point.
  • I moved that 1VP so that everyone is trying to stand near the Arcane Heart model. It’s just nice to bring people together. 🙂

Here’s the updated version.


Musings & Meta

End of an Era, the Second

I wrote an article in 2012 about how the Park Royal Games Workshop store was closing, and how it affected me. At the time I was melancholy, but hopeful for the future of my gaming club, CHOP!. It didn’t occur to me to write about the End of Warhammer Fantasy Battles until after I’d listened to Chumphammer episode 45, where Patrick used those exact words – “end of an era”. It hadn’t occurred to me, largely because my last game of WHFB was about a year ago. I’ve been watching and reading all of the drama around the Age of Sigmar, but aside from a little disappointment that I’ll probably never play my lizards again, it’s not really a big deal.

It’s interesting to watch the reactions of people. Some people have long since moved on (myself). Some people moved on when the first rumours of WHFB not being quite the same. I feel like some of these people moved on because they were bored, and others might have a little bit of prescience… Some people are raging about 15 years of loyalty lost. Some people are saying the new game isn’t that bad. Some people are saying they’ve given it a try, and it’s pretty good. Some people are saying they’ve given it a try and it’s pretty bad. Some people are in the process of figuring out where they might move to.

That’s a lot of variability! But I think what’s really important to note, is that no one I know thought “ah well, business as usual”. Everyone had to make a choice.

I started my decisions by selling my Brettonians, of which I have no photos here because the army was that old. I still have Orcs and Goblins, my Lizardmen and my brand new Daemons of Chaos. That’s a lot of models for a game that I don’t think I’ll ever play again.

Because that’s the thing for me – at least with WHFB, it was a game I’d once enjoyed, and I enjoyed the aesthetic of it, and I knew that if I brought an army someone would play with me. Now, with the community fractured and scrambling to figure out what the next big tournament game will be, it’s just another game that I own that no one I know really plays.

Which is why you see more Hordes on my painting table! Because a large group of my friends decided to play that game, which I have a few models for.

Anyway, this Era Ending isn’t a huge deal for me…but I thought it deserved writing about anyway.

Musings & Meta Work-in-progress

Sharing the Hobby

A year and a bit ago one of Miranda’s little cousins had come over and we built a model for him out of the bloodletter pieces I had sitting on my desk at the time. He’s back and staying with us, and one of the first things he asked was if we could build another model. So I pulled out the bits box, grabbed the ziploc bag of bloodletter pieces and the hobby stuff and we set up at the table.

A big difference from last year – I knew what to expect. I also decided that I was going to let him handle the superglue, after a serious talk about being careful. The words “touching your eye with this stuff, while it’s on your hands, is a trip to the hospital” were uttered. I watched him every time he picked up the bottle.

This boy is a wonder to hang out with, lots of energy and super smart, but listening and following instructions are things he’s working on. I’m happy to say that no one superglued their fingers to their eyeballs.


He took a bunch of half built bloodletters and put arms and banners on them, then asked if I could bring the paints out and if he could paint them. I did, and said “remember that talk we had about the glue?” “yeah” “none of that applies to the paint. Just don’t spill it. Have at!” He painted a sweet sword in black and Liche Purple (my favourite colour) with a light edge highlight of Ryn Flesh.

He told me that I had to assemble an army to oppose his daemons. I looked around my box to look for something that I wanted to assemble, and remembered that I had Sidir, a Wastrel and some Guild Guard in there that would be nice to have for Wet Coast (assuming I end up going).


One of my Guard came without hair! >.<

Like I needed more models. I’m painting at a decent rate to get a Guild crew ready for Wet Coast, but it’s not a crew that covers all of the holes you need covered to play Malifaux successfully. Mercenaries will hopefully cover some of those holes.

Musings & Meta

Don’t do this.

I was trying something new, painting with alcohol mixed with the Secret Weapon weathering pigments.

The alcohol took all the bristles from my brush, and removed them.


And the end result of the paint job wasn’t that good. Kind of just like taking opaque paints and applying them. So…fun experiment ended. 😛


Musings & Meta

Token Factory

While at Gottacon I walked through the vendor hall, because you never know what you’re going to find. I love the cosplay and costumes and leather, the indy board games, the giant board game stores, the minis, just all of it.

One place I walked past was crewed by a lady I met at Magic Stronghold a little while ago while playing Malifaux, and she was sitting in front of the most brilliant (lighting-wise) product I’d ever seen, so it was easy to stop and talk.


This is actually a super crappy photo, the lighting is not good, but those flame markers are the most amazing neon colour ever.

Token Factory is a local company to Vancouver, they look relatively new and they’ve got some awesome laser-based product. My only complaint is that I wish the measuring widget was 1x2x3x4x5, as the 6 isn’t really useful and a 5 would be good as that’s the most used Wk value, along with 4.

(I received no free product for this post, which looks like an advertisement, but is still just me being excited about hobby stuff :P)

Musings & Meta


I haven’t done much hobby recently – the last month has been backlog. And I’m vacation until the 16th. But when I get back from vacation I have a very special project to share with you all!

Posted from WordPress for Android

Musings & Meta

Wyrd Holiday Miniature Exchange 2014

I participated in the Holiday Miniature Exchange again this year. I did it last year, and I like it, because it’s a little bit of community building, a little bit of Christmas surprise and a little bit of the joy of giving someone something that you don’t really have to worry about whether they’ll like it or not. 🙂

My gift arrived in the mail today!

wpid-imag1062.jpg wpid-imag1063.jpg


Cat not included, although I made that joke on the Wyrd forums. So stoked about the McCabe box, it’s exactly what I wanted!