Tag Archives: lodging

Day 2 – 5 Sisters Lodge

We woke up the next morning to actually be able to see the gorgeous place we were staying in.

The view from the table :).

Breakfast was had.

We went on the “Nature Walk”. It’s about a 30 minute walk that starts at the lodge and ends up at the waterfall/lagoon we visited the night before. There were lots of other neat things to do – horse riding, cycling to 1000ft Falls – but at this point we thought we only had a couple hours before we had other plans.

This tree has spikes!

Random vines wrapped around a tree.

Dayl and a river.

A nicely framed photo of the hut and waterfall.

Some sort of tropical lizard decided the outside of the window was a rad place to hang out.

We left around noon and drove back down the lengthy dirt road to San Ignacio.

Day 1 – 5 Sisters Lodge

5 Sisters was the best lodging we had while traveling, I would highly recommend this place to anyone traveling through the interior of Belize. The downside of our trip – we didn’t have time to experience much more than the most basic parts of their experience, but it was more than enough to allow me to make this recommendation.

This was the room that Sean and I shared. I have other photos of the girls place and the outside, but they are in day 2 :).

The glass on the left contained a punch/rum drink, which was presented to us when we arrived and consumed minutes later. I’m a big fan of any place that gives you rum when you show up at the door :P.

The dinner table that was set for the 6 of us. A beautiful setup – unfortunately because of the dark the view behind isn’t visible yet. We’ll see it again in day 2. The food was great – but I’ll write about that in a food specific post later. For now, we can marvel that my photo turned out as amazing as it did! This sort of photo makes me really glad I bought a new camera a few months ago.

After dinner (and a few more drinks…) we took the walk down 300 stairs from the lodge to a waterfall/lagoon at the base of the cliff.

More camera geekery – these two photos were taken in full-dark, by the light of the full moon. 🙂 We went swimming. I made the brilliant decision to use the waterfall as a water slide. In hindsight, this was a bad idea – the next morning I found that my tailbone had swollen up and it reminded me of the last time I had hit it on something – I almost ended up in emergency because of an infection >.>. (3 days later and a lot of Motrin the swelling had subsided and no one was the wiser…:D) Sliding down was lots of fun though…the waterfall had made the rocks completely smooth.

300 stairs back up later, Sean and I had a game of Carcassonne in our room and then fell asleep.

Day 2 will probably be split up as well, with some more 5 Sisters love at the beginning and then the rest of the day. But we’ll deal with that tomorrow. Later!