The very last Hawaii #3 post

I had time to edit down our 58 minute long flight to a mere 10 minutes.


If you’re a pilot, I think this is worth watching and listening to the whole way through. Tom talks a bit about take off and landing, turning, where people fly in the area and such.

If you aren’t a pilot, skip around. The scenery changes a few times, but the take off, landing and the cloud bits in the middle are my favourites!

Moar lernings

Mexico, being a distinctly foreign location, had a lot more to teach me than Hawaii, which I’ve been to 3 times in the last 1.5 years. >.> But there’s still a handful of things I want to think about for the future.

Clothing. Damnit, I’m tired of carrying around needless clothing. For a week long trip to a hot location, I only need the following items:

  • More underwear than you can imagine. Just bring it all. It’s small, lightweight and if you want new underwear, you can do that.
  • 2 pairs of “adventure shorts”. I can’t find the exact model anymore, but something like this. Zip pockets keep valuables safe. Comfortable. Lightweight. Folds easily. Dries quickly should it get west. Sweat band around the waist. I only currently own one pair, and the reason I want two is so that I don’t end up wearing the same pair all week. I brought two other pairs of shorts that were not at all appealing to be worn in the heat, near water this week.
  • 2 pairs of wicking t-shirts.  “Dry wear” type of poly-pro. Make them look good and dry quickly.
  • 2 pairs of tank tops. I really like these.
  • 1 shirt that could be worn to a nicer place.
  • Don’t bring any socks…
  • My toe shoes count as hiking, water and running shoes…just make sure to rinse after they go in the salt water. Yuck.

We ended up paying to upgrade to First Class for our flight back. This was worthwhile, but only because we had a backup plan. If we’d been anxious and ensured we had it, it would have cost an extra $300 each. Instead, we waited until 24 hours before the flight and booked it for only $150 each. Our seats in the back of the plane were ok, but FC gave us more recline, more leg room and more arm space which was awesome for actually being able to sleep on the blasted plane.

Miranda carried a pillow around Hawaii. This was a good idea, I wish’d I had an actual pillow. >.<

Last photos

I still have a flying video to post, but here are the last of my photos.

The powered hang gliders flew by our house on the North Shore regularly and one time I got my long lens out quickly enough to grab this photo.
One night we went out on the North Shore beach and took some photos. Miranda has some super awesome photos, but I forgot my tripod and just fooled around. That light is the moon, poorly lit.
My camera has an ISO 25600 mode. That’s a lot of ISO…that’s a lot of noise. This is handheld. 😛
Miranda takes photos by moonlight.
A finger above the mountain just to the right of the middle of a spec of black paraglider.
There he is!

Kualoa Ranch

They had a petting zoo, and a turtle.
Miranda poses with the turtle and a pig.
We find cats where ever we go.
Our tour bus.
The valley.
Hurley’s Golf Course. This is the best photo we got of it. 🙁 Would have loved to have walked up to the sign.
Just a random sticker on a random box inside of a bunker on the property.
Inside the bunker they had a bunch of photos from the shooting and signed memorabilia and such.

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Turtle Photos!

We drove to Papa’iloa Beach to try to find a Lost filming location. Instead we found a shit ton of turtles.


There was a turtle at the end of this path and he pulled himself back into the ocean.
3 of the 8 turtles surrounding us.
It turns out they like this green stuff. 3 girls were hanging out feeding them, and they showed us how…





I think this is the best photo of the lot.

Diamond Head

This hike is a requirement while you’re in Honolulu, and it’s easy to see why – a relatively easy hike, really accessible from the city and a phenomenal view!

The view inside the crater, of folks still climbing up.
The city. Some co-workers of mine climbed the fence right in front of me to get a photo from that bunker on the right…
Panorama of the ocean towards the city.



Our powered hang gliders had two cameras mounted on them, one for still shots and one for video, so all of these photos have the glider in the same position.

We flew with Tom and Denise from Paradise Air in O’ahu, these guys are great!

Take off!

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Flying over pineapple fields.

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3000 feet up above the clouds! We flew above them from the interior of the island, looking for a place along the coast to drop down into.

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