Mexico 2020 – Day 11

Another light day, as we wind down the trip.

Worried still that I’d broken her, we went to the pool that she had eschewed the other day, in her wetsuit and a long sleeve shirt in case it was the cold that was turning her off.

She was back in action! I’m still pretty sure she can be broken, but not today! The wetsuit really helped her bouyancy, and she had an excellent horizontal form in the water. 🙂

Lunch was at 100% Natural, I think our current favourite place. The food is good, it has a good option for Ava, it’s pretty nearby and nice.

The Oakley advertising screen is Ava’s favourite place to dance.

It was a no-nap day, and after nap we were back in the pool. This time there was a 4 year old and her mom (who didn’t speak English or Spanish). But it doesn’t matter what language you speak, when you’re a toddler who doesn’t speak much. Her and the girl had a good time playing in the pool together…until Ava got up and left the pool. Kids!

Dinner was at Aay Chabela, about 2 blocks away. We’d been here previously for breakfast (because breakfast is served until noon, and we eat lunch at 11…) and Miranda hadn’t liked it much. I advocated for trying it again at dinner, and she agreed. I had a shrimp burger, with avocado and a beef patty that wasn’t “well done”, so it was very smooooth. Miranda had a pizza from a stone oven that was right there. The proprietor was very talkative, and I felt he set the mood just right.

After dinner Miranda went home and Ava and I went for a walk. I think she knows exactly how to get to the water fountain, although her route goes around it by about 4-5 blocks. For the second time, while “aimlessly walking”, we ended up right at it. Tonight I had to pick her up past it and go home, as it was time for bed.

View from Indigo Beach Club, across the street from our condo, and on Ava’s route to the fountain.

2 thoughts on “Mexico 2020 – Day 11”

  1. As you are winging down we are finishing our packing and covering the furniture etc. Leaving for the airport in an hour. Plane is scheduled to leave in about 4.5 hours but we are getting there early as we suspect there will be additional security procedures.
    Enjoy your last few days!

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