Manuel Antonio

Manuel Antonio is another national park (there’s a lot of them). The place is said to be worth the visit, even though it is overrun by people every day.

We were walking up a hill at one point, and I said to the couple with us that I could see as many people in that one spot, as I saw over 4 hours in Monteverde several days earlier. Lots of people here.

We hired a guide, mainly because he was #1 out of 54 in Activities in Manuel Antonio on TripAdvisor. How does a person get to be #1? We found out, this guy was phenomenal. A really personable dude, who had great English, loved to show you the animals and tell you about them. By the end of the trip we were just talking about things, like we’d known each other for months instead of hours. Johan Chavez. Solid dude.




I took a photo of this spider, and it was until Johan was looking at my LCD that he noticed that there is a second spider on her underside just between her top-most legs. Apparently her husband, he was being used for energy for their offspring. As in, he was dead or dying.


This bug is hilarious looking.



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Johan had a spotting scope that went up to 800x magnification. The best part was that you could put your phone up to the looking lens and take a photo through the lens. 🙂 These last few were taken like that.

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