#5 – March 25th – Laie Point and Sharks Cove

We really wanted to take the Hudsons to Sharks Cove tide pools, because it’s a great place to take a small child to snorkel, and a decent place to take an adult!

First, though, we walked to Laie Point down the street because it’s amazing and we needed to kill some time while Ava slept. Here’s a video of the waves at the point:

Mia snorkeled like a boss. She’s unreal. She’s like sticking her face in the water and flailing and breathing really really hard through the tube and then jumping up and she looks really panicked, but then she sticks her face under again and (through the breathing tube) asserts that she can do it. While flailing so hard she has to breath three times as hard!


I brought my GoPro and wanted to try out the videos! At some point it got switched the camera mode instead of video mode, so I got this neat photo.


And here is the only video I took at the cove:

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