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CHOP! of Antares

Today one of our club members held a Beyond the Gates of Antares tournament. I got into this game because I had the itch for something a little more “massed battle” than Malifaux and Blood Bowl, but not a GW game. I looked briefly at Bolt Action, but to much Real Life in my Fantasy makes me a little uneasy.

If you read my blog regularly, you’ll know I’ve been busy working on an army. It was 750 points, roughly, which was how many points the event was. We had 6 people to start, and got to 7 (someone sat out) mid-day. The plan was to have 8, but the 8th got busy…something about his girlfriend needing to go shopping or something.

We played 3 games and they were relatively quick. We played scenarios 3, 5 and 6 out of the main rulebook. In short — “get to the other side”, “defend objectives” and “take a thing from the center”.

I took some photos after I got destroyed in my first game. I learned a lot about mortars in that first game, and about how they are supposed to be used. Followed by some bad luck with my own mortars — the first was destroyed in an unlucky 10, and the second spent the entire game trying to recover from a Down result that it just couldn’t shake.

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The photo just above this line, at the bottom left, is the mortar that just wouldn’t “go”.

I learned some important things about the game, and my army in particular:

  • It’s nice to have portable shields (those blue template things), but it’s not as useful to need them to be portable and have them on your long-range artillery. There are other units that can take the shields, and I’m going to look into them as options. Perhaps a General Purpose Drone with a Batter Drone — 40 points for an extra dice (tempo) and a portable shield.
  • Having no units that can move any faster than 5″ and still be effective, is a real pain. You can see below, it’s a foot-slogging army. Scenario 3 needs you to literally run across the table. Scenario 6 needs you to run in and then out again. Scenario 5, which we all think we messed up on, requires the attacker to run across an open field towards the defenders. Faster can mean moves faster — like jump infantry or bikes — or it can mean has more actions per turn — like tanks. I don’t know which direction I’m going to initially go, but it’s nice to see the use of each.


I lost game 2 horribly, and took no photos of it. Every single attacker felt it was a super lame scenario. The defenders got to place 3 pieces of terrain on their side of the table, along with 3 objectives, and then 3 pieces of terrain on the attackers side of the table. The 3 pieces on my side were all hills, which are True Line of Sight in this game. So I had nothing to hide behind while my gun-line opponent shot me to death. Maybe some trees?!

Game 3 was great. I played against another fellow who had lost both of his games. 😛 It was a “run in and out again” scenario, and we both had some great tactics and bluffs and it just really felt like there was a back-and-forth, the kind that makes for a great game. This photo is of my troops lined up behind a shield, looking for a good moment to grab the prize!


At the end, every one got a special edition Concord model (shown in metal below) and a Ghar battle suit sprue (which I don’t know what I’m going to do with). I won Best Painted, which in this case is also known as Only Painted. 😛 It’s such a small community and everyone is just starting out with it and I guess they all just don’t have the same “if you’re playing in a tournament, it’s gotta be painted” mentality I do.


Lastly, here’s a photo of us poking fun at the special edition model. The model looks very much like it’s on one knee taking a selfie, so we all mimicked it for this photo (not a selfie…)



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Antares – X-Launcher, Batter Drones

This photo is suspiciously similar to this one. With the unpacking slowing down at home, we have more time to get back into our regular “wife watches TV while I paint” routine!

Nothing new, paint scheme-wise on these guys. Just the more I paint the same models, the more you get to know the ins-and-outs of common features. They all have these bits of leg armour that I’ve had a hell of a time getting shaded correctly, and the more I did it the more the shading just seemed to work out.


If you’re near Vancouver, Canada you should come to the CHOP! of Antares tournament this weekend. Here’s a Facebook event with some details. These guys are the last models in the 750 list I have planned.

My list is something like this:

  • 3x Strike Squads with Plasma Lance, Spotter Drone 125 each = 375
  • Strike Command Squad with Medi-Drone, 2 extra troopers = 174
  • 2x Support Team with X-Launcher, All munitions, Batter Drone, Spotter Drone 85 each = 170

Which is 719 points. I think I have another roster at work that finishes off the last 30 points, but if it doesn’t look awesome I’ll be heading into the Army Options section of the book to find something to use there!

This army is not at all optimized for the scenarios. We’re playing scenario 3, which needs fast moving models and I don’t have any and I know it, because I’ve played scenario 3 a bunch. But I didn’t want to buy more models until I’d played with what I had. 🙂

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Antares – X-Launcher

These guys have been primed for a while, but I have a tournament next week and have to finish a few more models!

Nothing new in the paint scheme, just a repeat of previous work. Made even less precise by the moving anxiety and new surroundings and bleh.


I have a lot more space in our new home, so I’m hoping to get some of my photography stuff set up somewhere to maybe get back to taking the nicer photos I was doing a year ago before I got lazy!

The X-Launcher is excellent. 40 points base and it provides a lot of excellent support in the form of overhead fire. There will likely be two of them in my list, to provide back-up as they aren’t terribly accurate.

Also pictures are 3 spotter drones, mandatory in many squads because of their ability to re-roll to hit and their cheapness. A medi-drone which can be taken by my command squad, and allows me to re-roll armour saves (“Res”) within a distance (I think 6″?). Lastly on the left is a gun drone. No idea why I painted this guy, I think I picked up the wrong drone because my list doesn’t currently have any gun drones in it. 😛

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Blood Bowl – Still zombie orc

I’ve moved my entire house contents from one location to another since I last wrote, so I’m quite happy to have had time to get some painting in!

Ballcrusher, as he is named, is officially my favourite member of Resurrection! I stole him from Dale, after killing an orc blitzer and now he’s a zombie. Strength 2, movement 4, armour 8, zombie. I loves him so much!


The above photo I think I took before I moved. I have no idea what I did to paint him, but I know I spent a lot of time on the fine fellow. He followed similar schemes as the rest of the team, but with some guts and destroyed armour and such. I’m SUPER happy with the orc flesh, it’s Dheneb Stone with a Waywatcher Green layer over it. It’s green and orcy, but super pale and undead.


This next photo I took tonight after I finished him. Some Blood for the Blood God on his wounds (head and gut) and on the ground behind and under him. A bit of silver weathering and some white highlighting on the skin.

Also pictured is the ghoul formerly known as Shayne. He had Block and Dodge and Tackle and…-1 Strength. It was recommended by several people that I fire his ass, and so despite my attachment I did and for the first time made use of the “easy erase” feature of the bases I made. Some black painted over the skills and I have an unskilled ghoul again.

Featured Images Tournaments

Malifaux – Henchman Hardcore and Enforcer Brawl

I had a free Sunday so I went to Wet Coast GT for just the one day. They were running Henchman Hardcore, an alternative Malifaux format where you get 20ss, must take a Henchman as your Leader, no summoning and the only Strategy is Turf War and the only Scheme is Assassinate. The goal is to run at the center and hurt your opponent — a decidedly “unMalifauxy” goal, in my opinion.

It’s not my favourite format, but it was nice to play Malifaux again. I took Kang and 3 Rail Workers and got my ass handed to me.

After that, we played an Enforcer Brawl with….9 people? Maybe 8? You get 1 Enforcer and one upgrade. You get 1VP for wounding an unwounded model (2VP if it’s more SS than you), 3VP for killing something (4VP if it’s more SS than you) and -3VP for dying. I took my Ice Golem because I haven’t really played with it a lot, and wanted to show it off! He ended up being excellent, as whenever he died I tended to get 2VPs for doing damage to someone for his explosive, which means I lost fewer points than others who died.

I won this event, but only because Mark won and Mark was the TO. Mark also played an Ice Golem, he just died a lot less than I did. 🙂

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The next day CHOP! chat got excited about Malifaux again. I think the confluence of WCGT and the GenCon order stuff going up caused folks to get excited about it again. I pulled Taelor out of my to-do pile and put some paint on her. A few hours later, this was the result:

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I was tempted to leave her albino after I had shaded basecoated her boots, pants, shirt and hair. She had this crazy goth look to her that I really liked. So I ended up leaving her skin less coloured than I would have otherwise, adding white to the Dheneb Stone when I highlighted, which took a lot of the pink out of the colour.

Otherwise I was just trying to copy this drawing. The pants really are that shiny — I tried to tone them down but have been unsuccessful so far. Still, I really like the contrast here.

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Blood Bowl – Skeletons!

I have no idea why I painted 3 of them. They are generally considered to be the worse of the 2 40,000 money options compared to zombies. They have AV7 vs 8, Mv5 vs 4 and Thick Skull which prevents 8’s on injury from knocking them out.

They are decent as foulers, since they have better movement and are still dirt cheap. But I don’t need 3 foulers. I need linemen, and skeletons aren’t linemen, zombies are linemen!


Identical paint scheme as the rest of the team, but I added some green glaze onto the bones and I think it really made the bland yellow/bone thing a lot cooler looking!

Featured Images Work-in-progress

Blood Bowl – Wights (and skeletons)

A double header because I forgot to take a photo of the Wights at any point in their progress. >.> Every model in this team is basically the same paint job, paint by numbers, though.



GW Sotek Green mixed up with GW Dheneb Stone. Vallejo Fluoro Yellow mixed up with GW White Scar. Dheneb Stone mixed up with White Scar. GW Mithril Silver.

The shaded basecoat is really working out well for me, I’m finally getting the highlights that look awesome. Being able to add some shading and then wipe away what I don’t want, taking care with a couple different layers, it’s really flexible and surprisingly quick considering the number of layers I’m glazing with. Plenty of Seraphim Sepia on the yellow and “skin” (bone), Drakenhof Nightshade and Guilliman Blue on the blue/green areas.

Also really enjoying painting the skills on my guys – I don’t have to pay as much attention to what number is where, since I can quickly glance at the base to see. I don’t know if my opponents are noticing, but it’s a real brain-saver at this early time when everyone is getting skills relatively quickly.

Featured Images Work-in-progress


Shown here are the 3 latest drones I painted – 2 spotter drones and 1 light support drone, done using the same technique as the Strike Squad the other day. It’s good, a lot less frustrating, less layers and more satisfying.


Behind them, are the drones I assembled. 1 nano drone for the NuHu, 2 shield drones, 2 gun drones, 1 medi drone and 3 spotter drones. It’s a little cloud of drones around the Nuhu, since all but 1 of those extras drones can be taken by her!

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Blood Bowl – ZOMBIES

I can’t believe I haven’t written about these guys since I primed them. >.< I don’t know if I have a really good idea of what the base layers were, but here’s a guess:

Sotek Green and Florou. Yellow uniforms, Dheneb Stone skin, Mithril Silver metals and I think Dark Flesh on the bases.

From there I put some Drakenhof over the Sotek to try to make the uniforms actually blue. I didn’t want green, but Sotek looked cool. I ended up using Enchanted Blue over the Drakenhof+Sotek as a mid-layer to bring the colour back to blue.

The yellows was that Vallejo yellow I’ve been playing with, with a lot of layers to make it actually yellow. I did Seraphim Sepia over it to give some depth, then back up with P3 Cygnus Yellow.

The skin I think I Sepia’d over the Dheneb, then did some Waywatcher Green in places to make the skin look deader.

The bases after the Dark Flesh were Sepia’d twice, I think, and then drybrushed up with Snakebite Leather and Zamesi Desert, similar to how I based my Antares Concord recently. 😛

The front of the bases is being left black, so I can paint skills onto the area so it’s super easy to tell what skill each model has.


After that, a bunch of little things. Like highlighting up the pants, then washing them down. Re-silvering the edges of the metal and the face guards. ‘ardcoat on the helmets. Some gloss in the guts.

I also black lined the yellow against the blue uniforms, which I think makes the yellow pop a hell of a lot more. That was the start of me actually liking these paint jobs. >.>


These guys are all done! Thankfully, as I have a lot more models to paint before July when the next season of CHOP begins.

I picked up the Vortice miniature mummies and wights, because they are awesome. So that’s 4 models. I also need to convert 4 ghouls and 1-2 skeletons to make a total of 15 models. Maybe do 3 skeletons to make it an even 16. I think skeletons have their use in an undead team, although the common wisdom is that their -1 AV isn’t worth their +1 MV as compared to the zombies.

Writing that down, I swear I had a better plan for the ghouls than the GW hunched guys. I think I was thinking of using Wyrd Punk Zombies for them. But…that’s not a great plan. I dunno, the GW hunchies aren’t terrible. Any thoughts?

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Antares – Concord Strike Squads, last for 500 points!

This was…

  • Ulthuan Grey all over
  • Drakenhof Nightshade in recesses
  • Ulthuan Grey highlight up (looks awful)
  • Nuln oil in recesses
  • Ulthuan, with much less water. This is the start of the clean-up pass.
  • White, in 2 layers.


Still don’t like it as much.

I think I’m better served by being more careful at the washing phase. Just the one Ulthuan Gray layer, then careful application of blue, then black and then cleanup then white.

But that’s 500 points of Concord painted for Beyond the Gates of Antares!