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Board Game – Dune – Mostly Finished

I’ve mostly finished building the game now. Giving the rulebook another solid read to make sure I’m not missing anything, but I am:

  • A marker for where the storm currently is.
  • Tokens for the spice. I’ve ordered 100 purple cubes from Starlit Citadel (a local games store) so this will be solved quickly.
  • Some way to mark Fedaykin and Sardaukar, apparently those troops have stars on their tokens in the actual game, but I’m playing with cubes. I have different shaped cubes, but only 4-5 per colour so I have to figure out if that’s enough.
  • Seconds later I look down at the rulebook and see that there are 3 Fedaykin and 5 Sardaukar, of which the colours I have are perfect.

I cut and sleeved about 200 cards. Carefully cut out 6 player aid shields. Less carefully cut out 2 combat wheels.

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After I glued the edges of the map last time, I Purity Sealed the top and then painted into the crevasses with colours similar to the colours that were missing. Because the map is 9 sheets of printed paper, there are 4 lines across the map where my job of lining the pages up were not perfect. Purity Seal again, to keep the paint down. Then some white glue painted carefully on in places where the paper was pulling up. I didn’t want to white glue a lot, because it can shrink the paper if you’re not careful.

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And a photo of the whole set! I hope to find a good box around the house to put it in.


I’ve started organizing a time and place to gather the various actors who have a vested interest in the status of Arrakis, and hopefully the next photos will be of me and 5 other friends playing this game!


Board Game – Dune

Suddenly I have a lot of projects going at once! This one is an obsession though and seems to have gotten top billing above all others. I was looking up colour schemes for my new Freeborn models and wanted to see what various artists had done with Dune over the years (most common: desert orange/brown with blue). In that Google image search I found a Dune CCG and a little thing at the back of my mind tweaked and suddenly needed it. Mercifully, I resisted (CCGs are not good at this phase of my life!) and as I continued my image search I found this post on Board Game Geek of a gentleman who had put together a print-and-play copy of an ancient Avalon Hill board game Dune.

My Build

I hope no one from work reads this, because I started by printing a lot of cards at work. >.> It took a bit to get the cards printing right, as the front and back needed to line up perfectly to actually make cards from it. The map was a bit of a pain, as I don’t have a 23.5″ printer at work, so I found an plugin for my favourite program that would separate it out into 8.5″x11″ sheets and print those.

A short trip to Staples had me bringing home $100 of supplies. About $20 of this is card stock, as it doesn’t come in any smaller units than 250 pages (I’ll use it all…eventually…), and after starting the project I think I’ll get to return about $30 of stuff that I won’t use. This sounds like a lot (it is), but it’s mitigated by the fact that this game costs up to $200 on E-Bay because it’s pretty old and pretty rare.

Once home, the cutting began. I started by cutting up a lot of transparent report covers. I knew from experience from my own board game design (I’ve never put it up anywhere) that the transparent sleeves wouldn’t stand up to shuffling. You usually need to put a card in the sleeve with the paper, and for this project I wanted the card backs to show through because they are so cool looking (and also, they help sort the decks out). So I chopped up a lot of plastic, without even having card sleeves on hand.

The next day I bought some card sleeves. They are Ultra-Pro non-matte transparent sleeves, and I’m annoyed that they have a little hologram on one corner of them. As one print-and-player said, they are designed to not get in the way of Magic cards (their primary purpose these days), but not other applications. I’ve put the hologram on the back so it’s annoying, but not in the way.

I cut and sleeved 99 cards before I ran out of sleeves. This game has 209 cards so far, so I’ll need to pick up another few sets. I’ve done this a lot before, so no problems here.



The map, however, was stressing me out and I thought about it all night and started thinking again when I woke up. It’s 23.5″ square. Staples sells foam boards in units of 9×12, 11×14 and 20×30. Some quick math will tell you that there is no combination of those that covers the entire board and doesn’t use 9 pieces. I didn’t want a 9 piece map since it would be very likely to shift around during play. Last night, I set it all out and starred at the problem for a while. I told my wife about the problem, and thought up a solution that used on 6 pieces. She stood up, and suggested I cut the edges off the map to make it 22″ square. I didn’t like this solution, as I really liked the black edging on the map, but after some thought I realized that the black edging was less important than having only 4 pieces to the map.imag2389.jpg

You can see the overhang here.



I woke up this morning and started cutting.




I glued the map down first, then flipped it over and used an sharp knife to cut through the paper where the foam board edges were.


Then I used a steel ruler and that same knife to cut away the excess foam board so that the map pieces were exactly the right size.


At Staples I’d picked up some mini-duct tape and I used that to tape down the outside edges to return back to that nice black edging. Lastly, I painted Elmers glue on the inside edges for two purposes — to hold down the paper a bit better, and to allow me to use a spray on the maps. You may know that the propellant in most sprays melts foam, but you can prevent this by using a bit of white glue over it. My next plan is to spray it with a matte coat, then paint in some places where the inside map edges don’t touch properly, then spray it again to seal it all up.

This is a big project…and hopefully I’ll be able to find 5 other Dune fanatics that want to play a very old game of strategy and deception with me. 😀

The Files

Here is Scott Everts Dune Redesign. It’s a lot to take in at first, but it’s very well presented after you wrap your head around the various game components. There are also a lot of components I got to skip because I didn’t want to make either of the two expansions for it – The Duel seemed silly and unnecessary, and the Spice Harvest seemed just unnecessary.

I won’t link to anything linked to in that link above, but I’ll link to any other resources I found as I did this.

You need:

  • The rules. There are various incarnations of these. Avalon Hill has an original copy. Descartes put out a French version, which was then translated. Use these if you want the pure original versions. Then two of the BGG community members cleaned it up and made it look nicer. Starbase Jeff made his own version, which is just a small clean-up of the originals, with his comments on balance and house-rules added at the end. I think I like Starbase Jeff’s version the best, as it’s concise and also I like his thoughts on the Advanced version of the rules (unnecessary) and balance.
  • Scott’s Base Game files. These are literally all of the files needed to play the game, and include a lot of cards and the map.

You don’t need anything else. But there are a few other things that I printed anyway because they were included for a more modern sensibility about board games:

  • Storm Movement Deck. The original had people reaching into bags and pulling tokens out, which is weird.
  • Betrayal Deck. This is a mini-expansion ported over from FFG’s Rex, which is a duplicate of this game but themed for their sci-fi universe instead of Dune. I really love asymmetric shared victories, so I’ll be including this when I play.
  • Leader Cards. The original game has you putting tokens into the center of the table to randomly generate a traitor, but I didn’t want tokens so I’m using these.
  • Scott’s Dune DropBox. Lots of other stuff in here you could include if you wanted!



Blood Bowl – Skaven Expansion

The Skaven Blood Bowl box only comes with 2 Gutter Runners, but 4 are pretty much required to play. I commissioned Patrick to sculpt me a couple Gutter Runners from a Clan Rat base, inspired by these models. I wish I’d taken a photo before I primed them!

I also bought an Island of Blood Rat Ogre from a friend and tossed him on some cork. Cork is the best way to make a model fit on a base smaller than it’s footprint. 😛

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Featured Images

Antares – Drop Squad and C3D2 Drones

It’s been a while since I wrote, because Christmas and some other things got in the way unfortunately. But tonight I powered through the last of my drop squad guys and finished assembling the C3D2 drones.


The drop squad guys are the same recipe as the leader, drone about a month ago. I painted one a night for a few days and then life. These are absolutely the coolest models in the Gates of Antares range. They’re so dynamic, and so bad ass looking and every drawing in the rulebook of them I see makes me dream of awesome space war movie scenes. I’m glad I’m done them so I can move onto other projects, and I’m super stoked to play with them all painted!

The last game I played I noted that I was very behind in the arms race. My NuHu was the only way of getting a really solid anti-tank weapon — SV4 on the lances just isn’t enough — and the NuHu is very expensive at 200+ points if you kit her out properly. I wanted some guns that were a little more tough to kill, and a little more dependably anti-tank. The C3 plasma cannon support team hadn’t been released yet, so I ordered the C3D2 Drones which have a plasma cannon on them. They are more glass cannony than the support team version – they have +1 Acc which is great, and +3 Res (roughly) which is awesome, but the support team I think wins out the defense race because it has 2 (or 3) guys to soak hits and the drone has to roll on a weapon drone chart which doesn’t make up for that.

These guys were stock to assemble, except that I took a drill bit to their underside to drop them lower onto the pegs. I learned from watching Clayton and his Freeborn Skyraiders that metal models standing high on little flying stands are going to get knocked over a bunch.

Remember years ago when I would pull out my photography equipment and take some really nice photos with nothing in the background to distract you? I got lazy. Thankfully, TableWar came to the rescue with this kickstarter, and I bought a new home. Once that KS comes in the door I’ll be setting up a small area to take photos, and we’ll make this happen.

I also have a couple Antares related projects coming up, so if you love Antares hold onto your hats, this is going to be a great few months!

Musings & Meta

Antares – Writing Scenarios

The Beyond the Gates of Antares community on Facebook is super active. One of the Warlord employees is constantly on there, and he recently put up a scenario writing contest.

Scenario writing is a good exercise. It’s very similar game design, but the parameters are really limited. You still have to build something that is readable, understandable, makes sense, and is fun for everyone. But you are limited by (some of) the actions already available in the game and by the theme or genre of the game. For example, I love the hell out of how Malifaux does scenarios, but I can’t just drop a Malifaux scenario into Antares, because (just for starters) in Malifaux units get 2 actions per turn and in Antares they get 1 action per turn. Antares already has the idea that orders dice denote an “action”. If we were playing in 40k, there are no “actions” at all — units in 40k are either standing near something or they aren’t, killing something or they aren’t. The language of the game doesn’t support anything more interesting than this.

I instantly had an idea for one scenario, and ideas for 3 more were conjured up days later. I wrote 3 of them out, and the 4th one was left on the drafting room floor, as it had too many moving parts for me to have time to finish. I haven’t included the files here, since I don’t know what Warlord is going to do with them, but I’ll try to put them up if they don’t end up using them in any official capacity.

The scenarios were:

  1. What Does God Need With a Starship? A 2-player game where both players have a lot of mobility, but limited reach and so need to choose positioning carefully. I like games that have a lot of mobility, so that tactical positioning is really important, but because the game is still about “shooting that guy over there”, you can’t just be able to show up without constraints. I split the table up into 3 sections that couldn’t interact with each other, then placed objectives players need to shoot on each of them, and a “God” in the last one who was invulnerable until his shields were taken out, and who was shooting at players the entire game.
  2. Hack the Shard. A 3-4 player game of lying while racing to the center. Players must choose how best to use their limited actions to earn victory points, vs killing their opponent to reduce their available options. I’ve always been inspired by the lying and bluffing of the Battlestar Galactica board game, and this game comes a little bit from there. 1 player is secretly holding the “Superior IMTel” and has different victory conditions from his or her opponents. Players are incentivized to run to the center because of the VP-holding marker there, but also have to use their actions to discover who has the Superior IMTel. You can lie about who has it, if you’re a decent liar, to put people off the track of where the real VPs are held.
  3. The Antarean Trail. Race for 8 markers, each of which earn you points once per game. You can quickly grab a few points, but you’ll have to work harder to get them all. We didn’t get a chance to play test this one, but it’s the simplest of the bunch, so I’m more confident it’ll work as-is. >.> I like that in this one players get VPs as the game progresses, so you can keep a running total, and also don’t have to worry about your VPs. Once you have 2VPs, you’ll always have at least 2 so you can change your focus to the next goal. It’s kind a “checking off the list” game – “Ok, I got the medicine and the food but need the equipment still…”. I also really love the Oregon Trail reference. 😛

Here are some photos of our play test last night! Everyone really enjoyed the game, to the point that we’re still talking about the rules and how to best manipulate them today on WhatsApp!

We played Hack the Shard with 4 people. I choose a force of only 5 dice at 750 points to reduce the chances my opponents would be able to h4x0r my shard. At the same time, this reduced the number of dice I could use to h4x0r other shards. A trade-off that ultimately paid off. 😛 Drop Command with Medi Drone, Drop Squad, 2 Strike Squads and a Light Support with Batter Drone.


Clayton’s Freeborn are really cool. He had this 300+ point Command Squad that was blowing 18 SV0 shots per turn around the table. Downside is, in a game with a lot of trees SV0 isn’t good enough to make your opponent fail a lot!


Racing for the center to try to take the intelligence marker. I moved up my C3D1 drone to provide batter shield before I moved my troops up.


Next turn I moved it up again, pinned and/or killed the Boromites to my right so I only had to worry about the Algoryn to the front. Unfortunately, this strategy ultimately failed as the Algoryn had too many units still on the table and were very much able to kill my shit, then race in with his bikes and take it away!


Another photo of Clayton’s Freeborn Command Squad. This thing is a beauty!


Two of us had the same coloured dice, so we used my Orders Dice (Android) app to play the game.


This was a great game, that only needed a few numbers tweaks to make it better. I got what I wanted from it – at one point I believed every person had the Superior IMTel other than the person who actually had it. Well played.

We play tested What Does God Need With a Starship? last week, which went extremely well. It’s really nice to be able to have down to earth conversations about what is and isn’t working in a game!

Featured Images

Blood Bowl – Skavens! Stormvermin (I think)

Here’s a start to finish of a single Stormvermin. I just picked him out of the pile to be the first test model. He’s a lot lighter than I had imagined, but I also was imagining a scheme identical to my Veer-myn scheme from years ago. (just went back to look at details on that link – those are poorly done models all over the place. >.>)


The base coat was 3 simple colours – Zamesi Desert skin, Emperor’s Children cloth and Mithril Silver armour and other metal bits.


I highlighted that base coat by taking the Zamesi and mixing it with Dheneb Stone, and the Emperor’s with White Scar and doing 3 quick layers.


Then it gets really chaotic. Seraphim Sepia over the skin, wiped away the tops. SW Amethyst similarly on the cloth, but this got a little messy, I might do the Drakenhof first next time. Drakenhof in the silver parts, some Nuln Oil in places that needed more contrast.

I applied the decals at the wrong moment, after I’d finished all of this and it didn’t look great so I had to go back again and re-metal and re-shade over the decal. Next one I’ll do the decal after the base coat.

The base is simple as you can likely see – black edges are classy, Vallejo Goblin Green over. I won a pack of Rain City Hobbies flowers at the Blood Bowl Foodbowl so I glued some flowers to my rats base for fun. 😀


Malifaux – Not Really

I’ve got a few tabs open and have had them open for weeks while I was trying to find inspiration for the Troubleshooters box.

Unfortunately, those models are back in the case and I don’t plan on playing Malifaux anytime soon and I have a bunch of other painting priorities so I’m going to put the links here. 🙂



I kind of just wanted to use the stock photo of Ironsides as my inspiration. It’s simple, and nice looking and would look good against the other plans I had.


The Captain

I liked where this guy was going with the Captain, but felt it wasn’t finished. I thought the brownish orange would look good with a bit more shading and contrasting.


Oxfordian Mages

Prepping for Gen Con

Lastly, the Ox. Mages. I wanted them to be super bright colours so I started painting their cloaks in pink and started painting their magic effects in…well, I don’t remember, but I wanted bright colours.


Who knows if these models will ever be finished, but this is here as some good things to look at!

Featured Images Tournaments

Blood Bowl – Foodhammer MegaBowl Sunday

MegaBowl was a lot of fun yesterday! There were some definite hi-jinks in play, including Greg leaping a Slann into a boxed off ball, picking up the ball on a 6, throwing it on a 6 and catching it…on a 6. But for me, the highlight of the day was seeing my boards being played on!

I played an Undead roster of:

  • Count Luthor Von Whatever
  • Hack Enslash (no ref means Chainsaws were everywhere!)
  • 1 Wight with Guard
  • 4 Ghouls — 2 with Block, 2 with Wrestle
  • 4 Zombies – 1 with Tackle, which I never used.

Here’s a photo of the middle of the board on turn 2 of my first game:


That’s a lot going on in a few squares.

Here’s the setup:


The dugout come out looking great, even though I enlarged the images by a bit, this was my biggest fear!


Every $5 you donated gave you $100,000 in Blood Bowl cards, and you had to give $50,000 to 2 different opponents (out of 3 people). This was a clever scheme to keep the game balanced while encouraging a little bit of screwing over your friends, but in the end it felt a little petty and arbitrary to exclude one person.


My team! I was planning to put a photo of my Luthor proxy/conversion up, but forgot to take a clear photo of him. It’s a Guild Ball Ghast model from the Morticians faction. I think the Guild Ball models are some of the best looking modern models I’ve ever seen, and I’m a little sad that I bought them and never truly got into it. This is the first GB model I’ve ever painted, and it’s not even for the faction I play!


I don’t plan on doing a version 2 of the board right now, but here are a few notes I took from playing on it:

  • The little “+”s that demarcate the squares, should be white with black drop shadows. This is what FF-Fields does, and it’s specifically so that the squares can be found no matter what the background is. The black “+”s looked fine on the snow background sections, but in the middle with the dirt they were very hard to see properly.
  • The rules hadn’t been finalized before I finished the board, so I didn’t know that the Line of Scrimmage on this board is straight across the lines of the dugouts, not at the center where I’ve depicted it. I would add another 4 lines to note this.
  • The rules have an oddity to them whereby you can’t cross the two squares at the very corner of each of the dugouts. I didn’t realize it until I played the game, but this is to prevent people from having an easy out around the corner – it’s much harder to block this passage without this rule. However, the rule is an “exception” to normal movement, and so could be forgotten. I thought to add a little spiked-thing or something, jutting out from the corner of the dugouts into that square, to help remind people they can’t travel that way.


A few rules issues that bugged me, but overall a great day of Blood Bowl!

Musings & Meta Work-in-progress

Blood Bowl – Skaven Unboxing

I asked GW if I could do a review of the new box about a month back. They were kind enough to write back saying they’d send my request along, but unfortunately I never heard anything about it afterwards. So as much as I’d like to have a little disclaimer here about how this was “paid advertising”, it isn’t. Maybe next time!!

This is going to be a long one.

I want to start with how pleasantly surprised I was at my local non-GW games store getting so many of these boxes. I’d heard that small stores were only going to be able to get 1 Skaven box per 5 core boxes they had ordered, which is ridiculous in a game that has such a big existing community. So, good start.

I have no idea how much it cost, but I picked up the Death Zone book, this box and the warpstone dice for about $100 CAD which wasn’t unreasonable.

Whats in the box?

It’s a cool looking box.


There are two of these sprues inside it. I love how full this sprue is!


There’s a Skaven theme decal transfer sheet! I paid extra money for such a thing when I made my Dreadball rats, and I’m totally going to use the shit out of this one!


The models were easy enough to clip out of their sprues, with only a few awkward angles. Every piece is pretty easy to figure out where it’s supposed to go. I lined them all up on the instructions to make sure each rat was right, but I think it would be very hard to mess this up as each model has very specific tongue-and-groove fittings.

Also on each sprue are a little Blood Bowl marker and 4 ball tokens. I don’t know what the one with the hand is supposed to be, but there are two awesome looking warpstone themed balls that fit into the little hole on the bases, and one free-standing ball.


Lastly on the back of the assembly instructions is a short army list. I’m a little disappointed here, as while it contains all of the rules for each model in the box, it doesn’t have rules for the rat ogre. One more table row would have made this a complete army list for the Skaven, but someone decided not to include it. Maybe they didn’t have space, since there are 3 translations here, but I think a complete roster would have better, and maybe would have helped entice new players to seek out and buy a model for it!


I’m a little sad that the box doesn’t have more of a complete team, needing just 1 more linerat, 2 gutter runners and an ogre to finish it off. The ogre I definitely wouldn’t expect to be in here. I also think that 12 models is a good place to be, and if you had to pick 12 out of the 16 possible, these are a good 12. But buying a second box and not needing 9/12 of the models is annoying. When/if they put out an individual box of Gutter Runners and a Rat Ogre, it will be amazing. But that last line rat is going to bug me for a while.


Assembly was a breeze. I’m miserable at mold lines, but near as I can tell these are barely visible at all. The sprue venting holes are placed in easy places to clean off (shoulder plates mostly) and in one case is completely covered by a piece that is placed over it.

I really like the new inclusion of a hole on the base for the ball to fit in, and I also really really like that they went to 32mm bases. 25mm is too small for Blood Bowl.

The models are really damn good looking, but aren’t at “bloody amazing”. The poses are great, and really dynamic. When I first saw the photos I was stunned, but the more I look at them, the more I feel that the details are just a little soft. I’m also very concerned about these tails. I’ve heard of some folks cutting them off and magnetizing them and I may do that myself shortly. There is no chance that the throwers tails will survive transport.


I glued them together with plastic glue, but I don’t think they needed gluing if you didn’t want to. The tongues were all push tight enough they would stay together without it. But with that, I wish they were green plastic or something. 😛

Here are some close ups! Nice thing about having duplicate of each model is I can take one photo and show multiple sides. 🙂

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Death Zone

I don’t have any photos of the Death Zone book. It’s nice, but doesn’t have enough difference from LRB6 to make it super worthwhile. I mean, there are a few differences you’ll need to know about, but that’s not my thing to talk about, I let others do so. It’s a nice book, buy it if you want more Blood Bowl in GWs future.



The dice are crazy. Translucent green, with a sweet font for the numbers, the BB symbol is on the 6, all the dice you need to play the game and it comes in a cool little box.

A friend recommended I check the dice for bubbles, since he’d known other GW produced dice to have issues. I did under my desk lamp – no bubbles I could see.

Also, unlike some other GW dice (the Khorne ones), these ones feel and roll like actual dice, rather than like plastic toys.

They were a total impulse buy, and cost $16 for something I did not at all need.


The box is awesome, and I’m looking forward to individual releases for more. The models are great. The book is good, but you could probably get away without it. The dice are sweet, and kind of expensive.


Featured Images

Blood Bowl – “Hack Enslash”

I made 3 skeletons before this season started, assuming that I’d realize part-way through that the common internet wisdom that zombies were way way better than skeletons would turn out to be a little exaggerated.

It is not exaggerated, zombies are just plain better.

One of them is in my roster, because I paid for him and then that was that. One of them has been ripped off his base so I could use the base for a special project. And one of them has been converted into Hack Enslash, an Undead Star Player.


Clayton was good enough to give me an ork nob choppa which I split into two pieces, both of which were only about the size of my model. This was the best option — every other chainsaw was easily twice the size of him!

I’m playing Foodbowl this Sunday, and if you’re at all interested in Blood Bowl you should sign up and come to the Fraternal of Order of Eagles. It’s a special 4-player game that’s going to be some crazy mayhem!