Musings & Meta

WAAAGH – 40k Triumph and Treachery

I bought Triumph and Treachery from Mr. A. Andrew. It’s a supplement from Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but while reading it I realized there was very little in the rules that were specific to Fantasy. So I wrote some rules for translating it.

This link also includes the rules Duke and I have been using for 40k. They’re super restrictive, because we wanted to play a certain type of game. I feel like there’s some room for loosening the restrictions up a bit, but then I read my gaming club 40k chat and think that maybe there isn’t. 🙂

A couple things I need to focus on next time — making sure that “enemy players” are selected in each of the 4 phases. Fantasy has 4 distinct phases that you do things to other people in, but 40k in some cases only has 2 — shooting and assault — there is nothing* you do to your opponent in the movement phase, and not every army has a psychic phase**.

*You can tank shock. That’s nearly nothing.

** Everyone but Tau can have one, but psychers just aren’t as popular in 40k as wizards are necessary in Fantasy.

I also want to allow people to buy new Maelstrom Mission cards with Victory Tokens, because I think they would be pretty fun to sacrifice your win-currency to get more win-currency.

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