Playa wanderings

We both were surprised to be awake at 8 am local time…

After realizing that this problem wasn’t going away, we got up and walked to a nearby fruit stand.


Breakfast was as amazing as it looks. Mexican mangos (squishy and juicy!), watermelon, and something called an aguacate which is related to the mango, but is a little tart. Made some eggs and breakfast is served!

Next, we walked. Apparently around 7 kilometers total over the day. There is a lot to see on 5th Ave! Including…


Ok…so this sucks a little. These are live animals and are super cute. But after doing this we spoke with my dive folks and they asked that we not do this. Apparently, not legal and exceptionally questionable. Very sorry. 🙁

We stopped at a place called La Vagabunda for a snack that ended up being lunch. Two daiquiris, guacamole and quesadilla and we’re good!



The water is lovely.


Cozumel is right there.


Miranda, such a kidder!



I’m in love with this girl!

Also, with this public art peace. Wish Vancouver had crazy huge statues that remind me a little of those statues from Final Fantasy 3US…(nerd…)


After, we TripAdvisored a nearby restaurant. Walked over, and the place in question no longer existed, but was replaced with a different and very similar looking place.

No English is super fun!

Tomorrow we’re thinking of Tulum!

Moron me forgot a really important cable at home, so this entire post, and all subsequent posts, was written using my phone keyboard. Good thing I’m a fast typist…

Posted from WordPress for Android

One thought on “Playa wanderings”

  1. Two daiquiris is probably a bit too much if you wish to continue with the rest of the day. However 7 plus km of walking will keep you both in good shape. My advice, stay out of the water, too much fun apparently.

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