Mexico 2020 – Day 7 – The One With No Money

Only a handful of photos today.

We wanted today to be an adventure day, but we had two small problems that became obstacles.

One problem was that Ava woke up and was in a really bad mood and was spreading it around the house.

That one alone might have stalled us, or stopped us, but it was the complete lack of cash money that really had us worried.

We’d brought a good amount of Mexican dollars (it’s really odd to see menu items priced at $330…roughly $27CAD), it ran out, as it is supposed to do. We’d planned to just get more from an ATM, it’s a global economy, easy no problem. Except that yesterday, no ATM we could find would give us money, and we didn’t know if we could contact the bank before Monday (tomorrow).

Now, it’s not super bad, because lots of places take credit cards. But it severely limits our choices to those places that take credit card, which is mainly only 5th Ave, which is mainly the restaurants that are jacked up in price by $30CAD/visit compared to places a block away.

We tried both mine and Miranda’s cards, multiple dollar amounts, multiple currencies, multiple ATM machines, we even tried our credit cards we were getting so desperate. (note: never try your credit card, we were really hoping it wouldn’t work).

So we planned today to put it all on card. We had breakfast, packed up some stuff and walked down 5th to Fundadores Park a very well known park in the area. We put Ava in her new wet suit, hoping that it would mitigate any issues with cold water she might have.

But it couldn’t mitigate her being afraid of the ocean. So we played in the sand instead!

We had lunch at a credit card place that was in the same space as a restaurant Miranda and I ate at 6 years ago. Not the same restaurant, and I think most places we enjoyed aren’t there anymore.

We got home, so hot, and put Ava to nap and called Vancity. A guy told us it wasn’t on his end, and that he’d just been in Mexico and had needed to try a couple ATMs. I needed to go to Walmart for groceries, so I walked past a Scotiabank (no) and an HSBC (yes!!!) and brought home the groceries!

Dinner was back at Zitla, the #1 rated Mexican place in PDC, and then we walked past the water fountain again. A band was setting up, so Ava and I played in the water and danced to a 5-piece live band that played classic rock hits with a baritone sax and trumpet. It was a great night!

Mexico 2020 – Day 6

I forgot!

I didn’t forget, but I started doing something else after bedtime and then it was my bedtime, so here I am writing this on nap time the day after.

After our big day yesterday, we decided this day would be less adventurous, so back to pool #1. I also finally remembered the underwater camera and successfully got them online. (previously I’d mucked one of these steps, including deleting the photos >.>).

Ava is really coming along with her swimming, she’s figured out how to wave her arms under water to bring her mouth to the surface to take a breath, it’s pretty amazing. She doesn’t do it in a continuous manner that one would associate with swimming with ones head above water, but it’s enough that she can swim longer distances now than I’ve seen before!

Mexico 2020 – Day 5 – Xcaret


For Miranda’s birthday, we woke up early. She slept in 20 minutes while I made tea and breakfast, but we were out the door to catch our cab at 815 to go to Xcaret!

Xcaret is a “zoo” slash “theme park” slash “ecotourist” location that we decided to go to again on this visit. Miranda and I went here on our last trip (link 1 old photos, link 2 old writing), and now that we have Ava with us it seemed even more likely to be a fun time!

Which it really was. Although this was the first time (ever? maybe?) that we’d purposefully decided to skip Ava’s nap and I’m not sure we would choose to do that again, because it was much more difficult to manage than a day when we put her down and she decides to miss her nap.

Here’s a bunch of photos. I’ve captioned a couple of them to continue the day story.

We caught a cab back to town and got him to drop us off at our current favourite restaurant La Patrona de Playa, which is good because it’s cheap and decent, rather than because it’s the best eats.

After putting Ava to bed, I walked up the street to a nearby bakery and bought some chocolate cake and donuts to finish Miranda’s birthday proper off well. But I’ve promised to buy Krispy Kreme before the end of the trip.

Mexico 2020 – Day 4 – Punta Esmerelda

We decided on day 3 to make day 4 a little mini adventure, even though day 5 will be a bigger adventure.

We’d done some research before leaving and had noted that a place called Punta Esmerelda was a good starter cenote for kids, so we set up to make a trek out to it.

Desayunos de la casa were had, although I think we need bacon. I laid out all of our adventure stuff on the floor and packed it up into 2 good sized backpacks, and out we went.

We walked up the street a couple blocks and were hailed by a cab. (you don’t hail cabs here, they hail you). Miranda and I had discussed taxi negotiation beforehand, and she was to be my “foil”, but she capitulated quickly and I couldn’t recover, and we didn’t haggle at all. 200 pesos, about $14CAD for about a 15 minute drive.

At Punta Esmerelda, it was lovely and not at all touristy. The first thing we saw was a big sign saying “FEE”, which turned out to be an acronym for the “Foundation of Ecological Education” >.> We’re just used to everything costing. (the bathrooms, for example, are $5MX, about 35 cents CAD). We found a place to put our stuff in the shade, and got changed into swim stuff and braved the cenote.

It didn’t go super well.

Ava seem uncomfortable in the sandy, semi-cold water (it was warm enough out that the water was nice). I took her to the ocean for a bit and we played “it’s going to get you!” and she laughed up a storm, while clutching to me desperately. After the ocean we walked back to Miranda, and she stayed clutching to me until I think she realized Miranda was nearby and then she transferred to her and stayed there for a good long time.

We’d already set out in a semi-bad mood, plagued with little things like Ava locking out the electronic lock on our door, our condo concierge being absolutely useless and THEN trying to sell us a tour we hadn’t asked about, and HUGE winds at the beach, and the place felt a little bit disappointing, so although we’d thought to spend the day there (or at a couple nearby cenotes), so after this list of issues, it was time to pull the rip cord and go home.

Back home, a nap was attempted and failed.

After nap, back to pool #1 again! I mentioned a family staying nearby, and they have like…8-12 children between them and the children are constantly in the pool. Hilarious, but they take up a lot of space. At one point they were all in the hot tub and Miranda and I wanted to go there and couldn’t because there was no space.

Once space cleared up, we joined another couple in the hot tub and had a great conversation about places we’d been to, places to eat and kids.

As for the pool, I think spending time swimming every day is really coming along nicely for Ava. She’s learned that she can push her arms down and raise her mouth out of the water to take a breath of air, so now I literally don’t have to do anything to keep her safe except watch that she doesn’t muck it up! (or get tired and be unable to complete it). I’m super excited for whatever skills she puts together over the next little while!

Mexico 2020 – Day 3 – Diving The Pit and Dos Ojos

I went diving!

I try to make a dive day on each vacation, because I love diving but it’s hard to justify taking more time than that away from my lovely family. So one day, go hard, have fun!

I woke up at 7am Mexico time, had a quick breakfast and hailed a cab with all my stuff to another part of town. My dive guide was a fellow I’d dove (diven?) with last time. (first link is text, second link is mostly bad photos, because…read the first link. :P). This time I didn’t flood my camera, although the vacuum detector started beeping and going yellow about 10 minutes in, which really worried but ended up meaning nothing.

Some of these photos are really great, and some of them are just here because I want to show you actual photos of this really cool hole in the ground. They are overexposed because I had to shine a light on things to see them, because I don’t have an underwater flash. If you think a photo is trash, it’s the latter. If you love it, it’s the former. 😛

Mexico 2020 – Day 2, Take 2

Computer shut down unexpectedly on the first try…

Which is reminiscent of how the day started. I’m slowly learning that I don’t handle time zone changes all that well. I woke out of a deep sleep in the middle of the night, but the clock said it was 8am, and the kidlet was happily talking up a storm in her room. Bah.

We’d gone grocery shopping yesterday, so I made breakfast and tea!

We had some discussion about what to get up to today, as our second day in Mexico perhaps it was time to go on a greater adventure, but ultimately we decided to do a rough repeat of yesterday.

Which meant…the pool!

My hope is that Ava learns something new by swimming (almost?) every day. I’m not sure what that new thing will be, but I’ve got a couple contenders I’m trying for. She’ll come up with her own, I’m sure. I’m thinking about a doggy-paddle, or using her arms usefully under water maybe. I’m wondering if we need more pool stuff. Or maybe I just need more pool stuff, she seems pretty happy with what we have.

Lunch today was at a place just around the corner. Once you get off the main strip, things get notably less expensive really quick. But still not nearly as inexpensive as regular Mexico, I’m told. Lunch for 3, with drinks, was about $20 CAD.

After lunch, back home we put Ava down for her nap and Miranda and I vege’d real good. We’re thinking of one day maybe skipping her nap, on purpose, but it’s a hard choice to make.

After nap, we tried the third pool again.

Actually, I’ve decided it’s the fourth pool. So the first pool is the one shown above. The second one is attached to this one and is a hot tub that I think they heat at the start of the day and then leave alone for the rest of the day. Then go across the street to the sister hotel, and the third pool is a little jacuzzi that Ava isn’t allowed in that has a great view of the ocean. And then the fourth pool (which was the third) is a regular sized pool.

Ok, back to the story. I felt like the fourth pool was slightly warmer than then first pool today, but because the hot tub is near the second pool, the first pool ends up being warmer because you can swap back and forth a bit. So we started at the fourth pool, then got cold and jumped into the hot tub (second pool) and the played around.

Confused yet? Yeah, it’s ok, it doesn’t super matter. 😛


We walked up the street to a seafood place on 5th. This is where the real expense comes in. The seafood platter for 2 was $970MX, which is roughly $70CAD, which is roughly what one would expect to pay for a similar meal at a similar restaurant in Vancouver. We bought individual plates, which I think with the drinks came to around $50.

We walked for ice cream after.

She enjoyed it until it got to cold.

There’s a family staying in a nearby apartment that has a BBQ on their deck, and their dinner smelled amazing. I’m full, but I want burgers.

My dive day is tomorrow! So I’m waking up around 715, hopefully I can wake up easier than this morning, and hopefully I’ll have some cool photos tomorrow!

Mexico 2020 – Day 1

I am pretty tired as I write this, so who knows where this will go!

We woke up at a reasonable hour, PDC time, so an unreasonable hour Vancouver time and I felt like hot crap. Sinuses were plugged, body ached and had slept for long enough that I didn’t want to sleep any more.

Because we hadn’t gone to get groceries the night before, we had planned to go to a nearby buffet breakfast. Ava woke somewhat easily, and off to the dinner. We had to walk past 3 pools to get there, which was a challenge with our daughter who loves pools.

I asked the waiter for a recommendation and he recommended a thing that ended up being runny eggs served with potatoes and onions and vinegar. It was pretty tasty, but was unexpected. Tea was amazing. Miranda had pork tacos and Ava had chips. (Edit: Ava had lots of fruit, I’m reminded.)

I’m this photogenic naturally.

The chips are a theme so far. They are served at every meal, and she’s super happy about them.

After breakfast we walked down the beach just a bit, before we decided it was pool time, the first. Ava and I had a great time in the relatively warm pool while Miranda watched.

Pool #1!

We walked down the main street, called 5th Ave, which is a bit of a show of a walk. Lots of people, lots of stores and somewhat pushy salespeople standing outside them. We found a lunch restaurant and enjoyed fresh guacamole and fajitas. And my second beer, a 4.5% cervesa-style lager of no real import. (there will be a beer post at the end, don’t worry).

Miranda was taking this photo because the dude behind Ava was much to close, but I thought it was a nice photo of the two of us.
Lunch was gooooood.

Nap time was somewhat easy, but Ava woke up unhappy. 3 hour time difference, I think.

After nap, back to the pool! We tried the third pool (she’s not allowed in the second one) but it was too cold and the weather here isn’t warm enough for it to be refreshing, so back to pool #1. Miranda joined us this time and we all had a great time. I’m looking forward to swimming with Ava every day I can!

Dinner we walked up to the #1 rated Mexican place in Playa Del Carmen which was damn good. I asked the waiter “como estas?” as we sat down, and he launched into his opening thing, fully in Spanish, so apparently my Canadian accent worked well. As he was finishing I had to ask him, in English, to repeat the last bit, because I was with him until he seemed to be asking about a high chair. (he was asking about a highchair). He was super nice, and we had a great conversation about beer and the menu and such. He recommended two tacos that were absolutely delicious, and a craft beer that was great (Cucapa Amber Ale, 4.5% 17IBUs).

We finished off with a long walk to Walmart and back for groceries.

Back at home, very tired, less sick, but very tired, I took a break on the couch before enacting a dance party before bed.

Ava is not yet asleep!

Mexico 2020 – Day 0

Day 0 was a known problem. It started at 5:30am, we gathered our bags and got in a taxi. I was unable to secure breakfast before our flight at 8:30am so I was not feeling happy when we boarded. The flight was about 6 hours, and Ava wasn’t super into watching her show for that long, which was a little surprising because our last flight from Fredericton she was good with it. So lots of her climbing on us, and needing attention, and such, when Miranda and I just wanted to sleep or die, because we were both feeling a little sick and a lot of tired.

We arrived and stood in the customs line up for way to long. The first line was the longest, but it went the quickest. We were “smart” and walked to the last line, which was the shortest but the slowest. Boo.

No issue at customs or border declaration, except that it took much longer than expected. Our luggage was right there when we got to it.

And our shuttle bus to Playa Del Carmen was super nice. Guy was really noticeable, it was just the 3 of us in the shuttle and he offered me a beer upon getting in. It was a 3.5% cervesa style lager, but it was much appreciated. He spoke very little English, but we conversed about street signs and how to pronounce “Xel-ha” (it’s “chel-HA”).

It was dark.

Got to our place and Ava was interested in exploring even though it was night time. She and I walked around while Miranda sorted out our accommodations.

After we put our stuff down, I went out to buy some milk and find some dinner. “Comer para llevar” is “take out?” and I found some nice food and a 7-11 to buy milk from.

I had planned to walk to the store to buy stuff for breakfast, but we were exhausted so just put Ava to bed and slowly decided how to go to bed in a +3 hour time zone and still sick and traveled all day.

Sleep was restless for me, but Miranda slept well as did Ava.

More in a bit!

Fredericton – Just the beer

We recently went on a 2 week vacation to Fredericton and the Maritimes. Why would you do this, you ask? Well, because we have great friends who live in Fredericton whom we’d been promising to visit for some time, and now was finally the time. We had an absolute blast, but unfortunately for you I’m not here to write about any of that. I’m here to write about the beer.

As is my new vacation hobby, I was trying to fit in as many local craft brews as I could. Fredericton alone has a good number of breweries, and when you add in the rest of the Maritimes, you can tell that beer is a passion of the area.

About Me

Re-reading my Hawai’i blog about beer, I think maybe one of the problems is me. I just don’t like a lot of beers, and in order for me to claim that I like it, it usually has to be either quite sweet or quite interesting. I love interesting. But at present, I don’t have enough knowledge or experience to discern whether this particular Red Ale is better than the next – I just know that I’m not a fan of Red Ale’s in general.

Worse, I think I pick and sometimes like beers based on their graphic design. Call it a personal failing, or call it a peculiarity, but I appreciate a good label and a good logo.

New Brunswick

Big Axe

Big Axe is a brewery in Nackawic, New Brunswick, which is apparently the home of the worlds largest axe. I guess when you’re a small town, you need something. Despite it’s silly origins, the name works and their logo and graphic design are eye catching, which is why I ended up buying 3 of their beers from the liquor store.

Lizzie Border Red American Amber Ale

This one was a little more of a red ale, and in hindsight it even said that on the label. I don’t like red ales because the coppery flavour tends to be just a little bit bitter for what I’m looking for. Unfortunately, I tend to believe that I like amber ales, so I bought 2 of them and regretted it.

Seaberry Sour

I’ve grown to really like sour beers, I think because the brewers have tended to take more risks with them and you can end up with some great fruit flavours without having a “fruit” beer. This was really quite sour, and had a strong punch to it. I really liked it!

Blonde Hatchet Ale

This one a little hoppy for what I prefer. However, it was not as hoppy as some of the local breweries that love their hops, so it was still within the realm of “yeah, I’ll finish that”.

Pumphouse – Blueberry Ale

Pumphouse is a brewery in Moncton, roughly 2 hours drive from Fredericton. I only tried one of their beers, even though my friend bought a sampler pack. I was trying to find one last new beer on the last night, and grabbed this one. I love blueberries and I think they make great beer. I feel like you can go really deep into the blueberry hole with beer and still come out with something that tastes like beer, but also strongly of blueberries. (unlike something like a strawberry where you tend to end up with a strawberry drink).

Graystone – Into the Woods Brown Ale

Graystone is a Fredericton local brewery, and the only beer I tried that was from where we were primarily staying! Brown ale sounds more like my style. Untappd says it has “chocolate and caramel flavo[u]rs” and I’m sure they think it does, but I only tasted a regular English brown ale. Nothing overly special, except that I have a deep love of the full-can landscape art.


Nova Scotia

Garrison – Nut Brown

Garrison is a Halifax brewery, and I had this beer in a little roadside eatery in a little town we were passing through when we needed to eat. This Nut Brown had a nice but not overpowering malted taste, very easy to drink with just enough flavour to be good. It had some bitterness that I didn’t love, but it wasn’t to much.

Propeller – ESB

Propeller beer seemed to be everywhere we went, so much so that I think I had an assumption somewhere in my mind that it might be like our local Granville Island Brewing — local, but huge, so maybe not like “craft” craft beer. I eventually tried their ESB, and it was quite good. It tasted like it had more head than I was used to, or like a foaminess to it that was a little odd. Even though I claim to not love bitterness above, I keep trying ESBs (which literally claim to be “bitter”) because I had a New Westminster local Steel & Oak ESB that was just phenomenal a few years back and I keep trying the style to get that taste back. This wasn’t it.

Shipwright – Fruitea Weissbier

Lastly, the Shipwright. We stayed in Lunenberg for a night which is a quaint little town that knows it’s quaint. It is seaside and has a lighthouse nearby and a famous sailing ship and all the buildings are a variety of different colours, and it was lovely. They had one brewery which I had to stop in and visit.

They seemed to prefer hoppier beers, as of the 2 others on tap there was an IPA and another hoppy beer I don’t recall much about. The third option was a wheat beer which is a style I don’t generally mind.

This is officially my second favourite beer in the world. 

It was different and cool and I felt like you could taste tannins from one of the teas in it and it was fruity, but not overly fruity and light and wheat-beery and man I bought 4 “crowlers” (32oz cans) on the spot after trying it. I shared one with the friend we were staying with, left one with him and bought 2 home.

(my first favourite beer is the Red Rice Ale I had in Hawai’i…)


Anyway, that’s my survey of beer in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. We went through Prince Edward Island, but didn’t stop long enough to enjoy any beer they might have had.


#5 – The Last Post, with Lessons



  • Apple TV FTW. I recommended she bring it almost at the last minute, and because we had so much downtime between Ava’s naps she got good use of it.
  • She should have brought her laptop.
  • Always bring more charging cables than have devices
  • Bring re-usable bags. We brought one, but it wasn’t nearly enough.
  • Bring a couple pieces of tupperware for leftovers.
  • Less clothes and toys for Ava, because we ended up buying stuff there – easily enticed by local wares.


  • My PJ pants aren’t necessary – gym shorts are fine PJs.
  • Check dive watch battery. It didn’t have any power for my first dive so it was useless.
  • I need to bring at least 3 usb cables – 2 for my stuff and 1 for the car.
  • Don’t forget toothbrush charger. Annoyingly, this one is the larger of the 2 small-USB standard plugs. 🙁
  • Having my laptop was amazing.
  • Don’t need to bring 2 books…or even 1 book… I play games or write or edit photos, particularly with the laptop with me.
  • Also with the laptop, didn’t use tablet at all. 🙁 Maybe on the flight still though.
  • I want a snorkel compass. I’ve wanted one for years, and I tried to find one while in Hale’iwa but it didn’t work out. I want to navigate and make a little map of underwater places.
  • Just 1 “nice” shirt. I brought 2 but only wore one. I was a little embarrassed by my Hawaiian shirt when I packed it, but ultimately didn’t feel that when I wore it.
  • 4 tank tops. I brought 3, needed a fourth.
  • Bring the meat thermometer! I bought a $6 cheap one so I could cook meat without worrying.
  • 3 weeks is about when we lost our steam. Even with the reduced pace with Ava, we were pretty burnt out after that!

And that’s it for Hawaii #5. Thanks for reading, and I’ll catch ya’ll next vacation!