
We learned a lot in Mexico, and a lot of it was really small things that you wouldn’t think about.


When pushed, you can communicate. With less than a hundred words, no available translation methods, gestures, and a smile, you can make things happen.


Travel with ear plugs. You never know when you’ll be staying in the most beautiful place that just happens to have 5 dogs, a rooster and a lot of noisy neighbours nearby.


Driving in Mexico is scary. But it’s less scary than you think.


Many people in Mexico want to take your money as efficiently as they can. However, just like in your home country, there are genuine and amazing people out there if you keep your eyes, mind and heart open. We narrowly avoided a needless car rental bill because we’d met the right person, and our scooter rental guy was super nice. Both of these activities we were wary of, because you read so many bad things on the Internet.


Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. But you can believe some of it. Everyone has a different need when they travel. I can appreciate that some people may not want to do what we do, but if you want to you can do it.


You haven’t actually eaten a mango until you’ve had one in Mexico.


We searched high and low for the Best Guacamole in Mexico, and we finally found it in Cancun. But you can still get the Second Best Guacamole in Mexico from Earls in Vancouver.


It is worth finding the right place to stay, and stretching your boundaries to learn something new. We stayed in Playa for 9 days and in Cancun for 1. Cancun is fake, with giant hotels and people who speak “perfect” English. Playa is a much more real place, that is still a safe experience.  Don’t trust the stereotypes that you may have.


You can buy anything on 5th Ave. Some stereotypes are true. I got offered blow and crack one night.


Sometimes the best experiences of your trip, will be the least expensive ones. But sometimes, you just have to fork out the @#$% cash.


The more you know up front, the better you’ll feel. We did a bunch of research beforehand, but mostly left our day-to-day unplanned. We took a Spanish class beforehand, which was really worth it. 


Double check all your reservations…


There may be a map nearby somewhere that will tell you everything you need. It’s not the end of the world if you miss it, because the experience is worthwhile regardless. But there may be a turtle oasis if you swim just a little further.


Get someone to hand you your scuba camera. Check all of your waterproof seals. Check them again. Get the sand out of the o-ring. Check the o-ring again. Check your pockets for electronics before you go in the water. Check them again.


There is no situation in which you should bring socks to the Caribbean. Even fewer situations where you should bring 5 pairs. >.<


And that’s all we’ve got for this trip. Thanks for reading! Friends won’t be surprised, but we have another trip coming up in May… one of Miranda’s best friends is getting married in Hawaii, and we’re going. More turtles! 🙂







Some of these photos are out of order. And I’ve been dealing with photos all afternoon (wow, it’s only 1pm…) and I’m kind of done with it, soooo…enjoy the dolphins!


These two girls were in the group with us.


Miranda is not actually walking on water. There are a pair of dolphins underneath her feet. I have no idea how they train the dolphins to do this.

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I’d like to say that I was trying to look a little creepy, but I’m not a great liar, particularly when it’s good for self-deprecating humor. This is just a normal-day face for me. 😛

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This is a normal-day face for Miranda as well. 😛

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Cozumel Snorkel Tour



A few photos from our day in Cozumel!

Cruise ships docked. Most of the people on our tour were from one of these.
Miranda and her new bestie. Apparently this girl had been on a cruise ship with her family and family in-law for a week or more…I’d crave someone new to talk with as well. (<3 you guys!!)
He cheated, he carries fish food around with him. 🙂
I was trying to swim down, but my breathing isn’t good enough. This is a photo on the left-middle of a group of medium-sized fish. There were a few such groups around the reef!
This guy was swimming around me for a while.
The view from the Cozumel ferry. (Looking at Playa)

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Lots of ruins

A lizard on the road at Akumal. (no ruins)


Here’s a bunch from Tulum, on that semi-rainy day.

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Chichen Itza!

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The cenote Ik Kil.


Ek Balam. We’re a little sad that we didn’t have more time here. We wanted to get home before it got dark so we weren’t driving in Mexico…in the dark. Cool place.

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Both Miranda and I were taking auto-bracketed photos, and we have some HDR software…so here’s some funky modifications on a couple of the photos from above!

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I have a few more photos on my underwater camera, but we’re so close to being done!

Cancun on Saturday

We woke up…well, you know the drill. Made breakfast, packed our stuff up, said bye to our host and got moving to Cancun. We’d decided to take a bus downtown Cancun and cab to our hotel a move that saved us $50 versus busing to the airport then cab to the hotel, a shorter distance.

Thankfully, unlike our last day Hawaii last year, this hotel was lovely. Check in was easy, we found our suite quickly and met a really nice lady in check in line up. A quick lunch at the hotel restaurant and we’re off to the pool! And the swim up bar.

I think we swam, read, drank, swam, goofed off for a good 3 hours before we went back to our overly air conditioned room. A shower, an attempt at a nap and we left again by shuttle to a circus show!

Actually, first, dinner at Hacienda Sisal restaurant. We ordered guacamole (predictable), empanadas and tosadas. The food was good, but the guac was brilliant. We finally found the guacamole of our dreams!

The show was Deseo, apparently a new show roughly last year. The production quality was low-to-moderate, but the skill of the performers was all very high. There was one act in particular where the guy starts on a balance board with a ball under it, and by the end he’s standing on… 6 rolling tubes stacked on top of each other. The tubes were all perpendicular to each other, such that he could have fallen off in any direction at all, but he stayed up there for a good 10 seconds before coming down. They had a live singer who was excellent, and a group of acrobalancers who did an amazing set. Great show, well worth the time and effort and money!

I’m going to roll into the next day, since I have an actual keyboard now (home!). Up at 7am again, a quick breakfast at the TradeWinds (hotel restaurant) and we gave our last pesos to the cabby to take us to the airport. The Cancun airport is laid out well, and has all the services you might want near the departure gates.

The plane ride was hectic. Very very bumpy and scary. But we made it. Vancouver is cold, but not as cold as I expected. Brisk. We had Memphis Blues for dinner, and now we’re trying to make it to 9pm. We can do it!

I’ve got a few more photos from Chichen Itza/Ek Balam and a couple underwater photos and photos from the hotel. Hopefully I don’t give up on them! 🙂