Mexico 2020 – Day 2, Take 2

Computer shut down unexpectedly on the first try…

Which is reminiscent of how the day started. I’m slowly learning that I don’t handle time zone changes all that well. I woke out of a deep sleep in the middle of the night, but the clock said it was 8am, and the kidlet was happily talking up a storm in her room. Bah.

We’d gone grocery shopping yesterday, so I made breakfast and tea!

We had some discussion about what to get up to today, as our second day in Mexico perhaps it was time to go on a greater adventure, but ultimately we decided to do a rough repeat of yesterday.

Which meant…the pool!

My hope is that Ava learns something new by swimming (almost?) every day. I’m not sure what that new thing will be, but I’ve got a couple contenders I’m trying for. She’ll come up with her own, I’m sure. I’m thinking about a doggy-paddle, or using her arms usefully under water maybe. I’m wondering if we need more pool stuff. Or maybe I just need more pool stuff, she seems pretty happy with what we have.

Lunch today was at a place just around the corner. Once you get off the main strip, things get notably less expensive really quick. But still not nearly as inexpensive as regular Mexico, I’m told. Lunch for 3, with drinks, was about $20 CAD.

After lunch, back home we put Ava down for her nap and Miranda and I vege’d real good. We’re thinking of one day maybe skipping her nap, on purpose, but it’s a hard choice to make.

After nap, we tried the third pool again.

Actually, I’ve decided it’s the fourth pool. So the first pool is the one shown above. The second one is attached to this one and is a hot tub that I think they heat at the start of the day and then leave alone for the rest of the day. Then go across the street to the sister hotel, and the third pool is a little jacuzzi that Ava isn’t allowed in that has a great view of the ocean. And then the fourth pool (which was the third) is a regular sized pool.

Ok, back to the story. I felt like the fourth pool was slightly warmer than then first pool today, but because the hot tub is near the second pool, the first pool ends up being warmer because you can swap back and forth a bit. So we started at the fourth pool, then got cold and jumped into the hot tub (second pool) and the played around.

Confused yet? Yeah, it’s ok, it doesn’t super matter. 😛


We walked up the street to a seafood place on 5th. This is where the real expense comes in. The seafood platter for 2 was $970MX, which is roughly $70CAD, which is roughly what one would expect to pay for a similar meal at a similar restaurant in Vancouver. We bought individual plates, which I think with the drinks came to around $50.

We walked for ice cream after.

She enjoyed it until it got to cold.

There’s a family staying in a nearby apartment that has a BBQ on their deck, and their dinner smelled amazing. I’m full, but I want burgers.

My dive day is tomorrow! So I’m waking up around 715, hopefully I can wake up easier than this morning, and hopefully I’ll have some cool photos tomorrow!

One thought on “Mexico 2020 – Day 2, Take 2”

  1. Ice cream and pools, what else is there to do when you are 2.6 years old? Glad to hear that she is handling the jetlag better than her parents.

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