No good photos today. Update: a couple photos added from Miranda. And something happened in Chrome to close this tab while I was 75% finished writing, so I’m annoyed.
This day did not go well.
I had a plan to take Ava to a playground I’d found. There aren’t many in the touristy area, so we were going to cab to it. She refused to put shoes on, to the point of her being extremely angry about it, and we cancelled that plan and reset and went swimming instead. Happiness was found.
Dinner was at McDonalds. I usually resist eating chain food in a foreign country, but it’s late enough in the trip I didn’t mind.
It RAINED on our way back. Which is rough because McDonalds is one of the further restaurants we’d been to (Senior Frogs was further, but it was on the way through from the ferry). Like rain where all the street shops packed up, tourists gathered in store entrances, and puddles past my ankles developed as the storm drains were overloaded. We walked home in spurts, got home and stripped of wet clothes.
Post-nap swimming.
Dinner was at Blue Lobster again and was a disaster.
It started when Miranda asked for a table for 3, and they gave us one for 2. We tried to correct, and they brought over a high chair instead. We accepted this, grudgingly. Then Miranda and I had a misunderstanding, after which I was upset. Then Miranda was being dripped on by something. And our table was much to close to our neighbours, which made me feel anxious and boxed in. We had it out, then sorted out the misunderstanding, then switched to a better table…and then dinner arrived. We’d both ordered lobster steak, going for a memorable meal for our last night, and the amount of food on the plate was so small it was laughable. We both started laughing (at least, I was laughing…Miranda might have been crying, or laughter turning to crying). The meat was smaller than your fist and it came with only a salad. The lobster was not very good, somewhat flavourless and tough to chew. The salad was ok, but not what Miranda had wanted.
Overall, bad.
We walked up to Ava’s fountain where she got soaked again.
Home to a dance party and books and bed, and now just relaxing watching Anne of Green Gables and writing.
The condo gave out balloons for Valentines Day and Ava loved it. She loved it so much, she had to take it swimming. The disappointing lobster dinner.