That’s right, absolutely no jaguars in the Jaguar Rescue Center.
We woke up and went to the Jaguar Rescue Center for 9:30am, there were a ton of people waiting for the tour so it was pretty full. We left around 11:30am and started our long trek to La Fortuna, a 5-6 hour drive away and as much as possible we didn’t want to drive after dark.
We got there, got our stuff into our new place. It’s a pretty nice town, with a lot more space than Puerto Viejo. The drive through the mountains was also really cool. We went to a place called Nene’s for dinner and I had the ribs, and I blame them for my subsequent food poisoning. Spent the entire night wishing I was dead. Woke up in the morning and felt better, but had to babysit my stomach all day.