Feb 5, more driving.

I have no photos for today. Well, maybe I have one, but it’s over there and I’m over here and…

We woke up, packed our stuff up and let the amazing La Fortuna Suites for Playa del Coco on the Pacific Coast. It was an interesting drive that hugged the Lake Arenal really closely winding all over the place. We drove at 50km/h most of the way along this highway, because you couldn’t turn any quicker.

At one point we made a completely unsigned turn onto what looked like a driveway, but turned out to be the turn for the route we needed. We knew because of Google Maps and Miranda, and would’ve gotten lost otherwise.

Another time, we turned onto a dirt road that we were assured again by Google Maps and our paper map, that would turn into a major highway. About 20 minutes of driving through red dirt and potholes and we came off onto a paved street that had a shoulder and everything. So weird.

We drove through Liberia, which is another bigger city in Costa Rica. They were upgrading the highway along the route, which caused a shit ton of confusion as we drove. There’s apparently a roundabout in the middle of that construction mess, but we followed the car in front of us until it made sense.

Arriving in Playa del Coco was easy and we found our place. It’s a bit of a longer walk to the beach than we’d like, but the main strip is a big party place with a ton of open air sports bars all over. The beach was covered in really fine sand and was a little dirty, with a great concrete beach walk. We’re told that Playa Ocotal is good for snorkeling and may check that out later.

We had a swim, then came back to swim in the pool attached to our new place. Had pizza for dinner. I organized another birthday surprise for Miranda that I’m still not 100% will work out, but so far so good.

Organized my scuba stuff! I’m going diving tomorrow and not only had to get my stuff together, but wanted to run through my camera housing steps to make sure I had them fresh in my memory. 3 dives tomorrow while Miranda is going shopping and to the spa! Super looking forward to it!

(and I might post the single photo from today later…:))

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