Category Archives: California

California Paragliding Trip: Day -1

I guess this is a travel blog. Wooo, for all of that traveling I do. I leave tomorrow for lovely LAX for a week of sitting on top of various mountains in the area taking photos of people.

I spent this evening packing, *cough* playing Agricola with Sean, and researching all of the sites that I’ve been told we might be flying at. There’s a list of 12 of them, but I have this feeling as though we won’t fly some of them, and we’ll probably fly others that aren’t on the list. I like having fore-knowledge.

Out of the 12, I’ve marked 5 of them in red, I’ve marked 4 of them in green and 3 have been left in the default black. Naturally, red ones sound like they are leaning outside of my skill and comfort level. Green sound like they could be ok. Black, often there isn’t enough information.

I liked this process of research. Lots of information on launches (which are mostly large and grassy), landings (which are mostly large and sandy) and flights (which …well, it sounds like some of them will have strong thermals). I loved seeing photos of the places, getting a sense of what was in the area. I’m looking forward to taking my own photos and maybe posting some of them here.

Here’s a spreadsheet of the sites, some notes I took, and a quick URL for more information. In the case of Kagel, I couldn’t possibly take enough notes to write down all of the hazards of the place. wooooo! Probably just sit that one out. >.>

So, buckle up, set your RSS reader to, and let’s DO THIS. YEAH!