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drop command

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Antares – Drop Squad and C3D2 Drones

It’s been a while since I wrote, because Christmas and some other things got in the way unfortunately. But tonight I powered through the last of my drop squad guys and finished assembling the C3D2 drones.


The drop squad guys are the same recipe as the leader, drone about a month ago. I painted one a night for a few days and then life. These are absolutely the coolest models in the Gates of Antares range. They’re so dynamic, and so bad ass looking and every drawing in the rulebook of them I see makes me dream of awesome space war movie scenes. I’m glad I’m done them so I can move onto other projects, and I’m super stoked to play with them all painted!

The last game I played I noted that I was very behind in the arms race. My NuHu was the only way of getting a really solid anti-tank weapon — SV4 on the lances just isn’t enough — and the NuHu is very expensive at 200+ points if you kit her out properly. I wanted some guns that were a little more tough to kill, and a little more dependably anti-tank. The C3 plasma cannon support team hadn’t been released yet, so I ordered the C3D2 Drones which have a plasma cannon on them. They are more glass cannony than the support team version – they have +1 Acc which is great, and +3 Res (roughly) which is awesome, but the support team I think wins out the defense race because it has 2 (or 3) guys to soak hits and the drone has to roll on a weapon drone chart which doesn’t make up for that.

These guys were stock to assemble, except that I took a drill bit to their underside to drop them lower onto the pegs. I learned from watching Clayton and his Freeborn Skyraiders that metal models standing high on little flying stands are going to get knocked over a bunch.

Remember years ago when I would pull out my photography equipment and take some really nice photos with nothing in the background to distract you? I got lazy. Thankfully, TableWar came to the rescue with this kickstarter, and I bought a new home. Once that KS comes in the door I’ll be setting up a small area to take photos, and we’ll make this happen.

I also have a couple Antares related projects coming up, so if you love Antares hold onto your hats, this is going to be a great few months!

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Antares – Drop Command Leader (and Targetter Probes)

Is it “Targeter” or “Targetter”? Both are spelled incorrectly according to Chrome.

I speedily finished off the Targeter Probes, lamenting my singular lack of painting talent while I did so. I’ve been playing World of Warships and painting in between deaths, so I’m actually painting more than when I play Hearthstone. 😛

After I finished the Probes (just avoid the “T” word entirely), I made a decision — I was going to paint the Drop Command Leader, and only the Leader.  To see if I could paint and make myself believe that I was ok at it.

I’m pretty happy with the results, although my OSL against white needs work.



  • The Probes are the same as the last Strike Squad I painted.
  • The bases are how I wish to do my Antares bases from now on — Snakebite Leather, 1-2 layers of Seraphim Sepia, Drakenhof blue shade as a shadow and the drybrush up with Tallarn Sand and then Ushapti Bone. Much nicer looking, in particular with the extra base effort I took last time!
  • The Leader guy I finally slowed down. Ulthuan Grey all over. Watered down Drakenhof in the recesses, then watered down Nuln in the recesses. The watering meant I could easily paint over with the Grey again where I needed to. White Scar at the top. He looks good as is!
  • His gun is the same as for him, but then just a lazy wash of Nuln over top, with a little bit wiped away with my finger. I want it to look the same, but slightly different.

The lights are Ice Blue. I read this tutorial on OSL and it says:

The easiest and most effective way to create a believable glow effect is to start with an otherwise dark model. This doesn’t mean you have to paint your model black—you still want good contrast—but it does make your life easier if you choose a darker than average palette. Remember the cardinal rule. It’s not impossible to pull off a lighting effect on a white model, but it is extremely difficult. (Retribution players, you have been warned.)

(Emphasis is mine) Ah hell. I tried to start darked by going over with the watered Nuln a few times around the areas that I knew I was going to try to Ice up, so I had a darker surface to lighten. Drybrushed up the Ice and put it in the center of the lights. Then mixed the White with the Ice and went inside the lights. I really like how it looks on his shoulder lights! But the backpack (which you can’t see in this photo) bugs me in the same way that my unphotographed T7 bugs me — painting into engine vents is tricky work.


When I added the “Recipe” header, I had more I wanted to write that wasn’t about the painting. I guess it’s just nice to know that when I take the time, I can make a model that looks pretty sweet.

And with this scheme, it should be pretty easy to do the rest of the squad (9 more models, over 2 squads) the same. It was pretty quick, so I should be able to get at least 1 guy done every time I sit down.

Now I just need to find the time to play…>.<


Antares – Drop Squad and Command

These guys are among the best looking models in the range! Specifically, the Drop Command, but at this point they models are mixed together so I don’t tell which I love the most.


Easy to assemble, with small mold lines not obscuring detail. I did the bases in the same way as the Targeter Probes, because I literally did them at the same time. 😛