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blood bowl


Antares, Blood Bowl, Friday Night

Unlike the rest of my Antares, I’m hoping to take this Nuhu Mandarin a little slower. So just a very careful recessed layer of Nightshade, and some Sepia in the rocks.


Then onto painting the Chaos Dwarf I raised from the dead during my game against Chris. Similar to the orc, he’s just a zombie. But the opportunity to get models from my opponent and paint them in my scheme is delicious. (I got this unpainted dwarf from Chris, it’s not an actual member of his team…that I know of).

He’s following the shaded basecoat plan of the rest of the team. Sotek Green, Dheneb Stone, Fluoro Yellow, all mixed up with Dheneb Stone and White where appropriate. I painted his skill on his base because I had the Dheneb out. 🙂

I think this is the only time I’ve ever painted a dwarf.


Blood Bowl – Display Tray

My goal is to win best army, away from Clayton, this Blood Bowl season. To that end, I’ve been putting a lot of effort into the models, making fluffy conversions and now building a display tray!

I have MDF lying around my house for just such occasions. I started by picking a piece of an appropriate size and lying out the items I want to put on it in a pleasing manner.


It didn’t start in this configuration. I took a photo at one point, and looking at the different view helped a lot in being able to figure out which pieces were too close to each other, and which pieces weren’t framed right. Part of this process is placing those taller pieces in a way such that they aren’t unbalanced visually.

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I drew out the outlines of the pieces so I could keep the layout organized while I worked and then I took my trusty wireless Dremel, cut out the edges and then used two types of sanding bits to sand down the edges.

I have a couple thoughts about what to do from here, some of them easier than others.

  1. I’ve previously used the Vallejo texture paint to paint in the non-model places. This is relatively easy.
  2. My existing bases for these models were pressed with SculptIt and Basius pads. (which, it turns out, I didn’t specifically write about). I could try to do something similar, but I don’t know how I would do it. The pad isn’t entirely that one texture, so I’d have to do it in stages, letting it dry after each stage. Then I’d have to sculpt the edges of each stage, and there is a risk that it might look “copy pasted”. Which it kind of would be. 😛 I’d also have to very carefully prepare the places for the models, cutting then sculpting those edges as well.
  3. I could do something a little easier (maybe) and use the Basius to press larger independent sections, then cutting and placing on the base. SculptIt is very hard to cut once it has dried, so while this would be easier to make the texture pieces, it would be harder to cut up. Then I just now thought maybe I could use Sculpy. It dries softer. But it would be more work keeping the texture in place while I peeled the Sculpy off since you have to bake the Sculpy. Maybe you can bake the Basius? Something to look into.
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Blood Bowl – Still zombie orc

I’ve moved my entire house contents from one location to another since I last wrote, so I’m quite happy to have had time to get some painting in!

Ballcrusher, as he is named, is officially my favourite member of Resurrection! I stole him from Dale, after killing an orc blitzer and now he’s a zombie. Strength 2, movement 4, armour 8, zombie. I loves him so much!


The above photo I think I took before I moved. I have no idea what I did to paint him, but I know I spent a lot of time on the fine fellow. He followed similar schemes as the rest of the team, but with some guts and destroyed armour and such. I’m SUPER happy with the orc flesh, it’s Dheneb Stone with a Waywatcher Green layer over it. It’s green and orcy, but super pale and undead.


This next photo I took tonight after I finished him. Some Blood for the Blood God on his wounds (head and gut) and on the ground behind and under him. A bit of silver weathering and some white highlighting on the skin.

Also pictured is the ghoul formerly known as Shayne. He had Block and Dodge and Tackle and…-1 Strength. It was recommended by several people that I fire his ass, and so despite my attachment I did and for the first time made use of the “easy erase” feature of the bases I made. Some black painted over the skills and I have an unskilled ghoul again.


Blood Bowl – ZOMBIE ORC!!

Oh man! I killed one of my opponents players on Wednesday and so I get a free zombie! Like any good hobbyist, pulled out my bitz box and opened a barely open box of Fantasy Black Orcs, which conveniently was exactly the model that died.


I sculpted/pressed another few bases, since I think I’m going to need 1-3 more of them as the team progresses. I built the orc and then, in usual ork fashion, took a knife to it!

Put a big gash in the front of the armour, on his pauldrons, “arrow” holes in the other one and a big slice through the helmet that pushed into the eyes and face YES. I had to cut it open a lot — zombies are armour 8, which isn’t great. Orcs are armour 9, which is quite good.

Some green stuff and I mucked some organ-matter coming out of the helmet and his belly. I’m not certain what is coming out of his head, maybe it’s probably going to be bright pink.


The above photo is of me thinking I need a new pot of something resembling Dark Flesh. I didn’t really want the base layer to be as thin as it is.


I decided to paint him in similar colours to the rest of the team. I’ll claim they repainted his armour after he died and changed sides. 😛

Featured Images

Blood Bowl – Skeletons!

I have no idea why I painted 3 of them. They are generally considered to be the worse of the 2 40,000 money options compared to zombies. They have AV7 vs 8, Mv5 vs 4 and Thick Skull which prevents 8’s on injury from knocking them out.

They are decent as foulers, since they have better movement and are still dirt cheap. But I don’t need 3 foulers. I need linemen, and skeletons aren’t linemen, zombies are linemen!


Identical paint scheme as the rest of the team, but I added some green glaze onto the bones and I think it really made the bland yellow/bone thing a lot cooler looking!

Featured Images Work-in-progress

Blood Bowl – Wights (and skeletons)

A double header because I forgot to take a photo of the Wights at any point in their progress. >.> Every model in this team is basically the same paint job, paint by numbers, though.



GW Sotek Green mixed up with GW Dheneb Stone. Vallejo Fluoro Yellow mixed up with GW White Scar. Dheneb Stone mixed up with White Scar. GW Mithril Silver.

The shaded basecoat is really working out well for me, I’m finally getting the highlights that look awesome. Being able to add some shading and then wipe away what I don’t want, taking care with a couple different layers, it’s really flexible and surprisingly quick considering the number of layers I’m glazing with. Plenty of Seraphim Sepia on the yellow and “skin” (bone), Drakenhof Nightshade and Guilliman Blue on the blue/green areas.

Also really enjoying painting the skills on my guys – I don’t have to pay as much attention to what number is where, since I can quickly glance at the base to see. I don’t know if my opponents are noticing, but it’s a real brain-saver at this early time when everyone is getting skills relatively quickly.


Blood Bowl – Ghouls

I blasted through these guys, and they’re looking pretty cool. Their skin is just Dheneb Stone, and then I went to town with the washes and glazes. I started with Seraphim Sepia, and painted it into the recesses and wiped away where it was too much. Then I did Waywatcher Green in random places, and in a lot more places than I usually would. So now they have that sickly green look.


I mixed Drakenhof Nightshade with some Bloodletter glaze to make a slight purple. Usually I would do this with the SW Amethyst, but the more I use the SW washes the more I don’t want to use them. They leave an annoying shiny finish that I don’t want to dullcoat away if I don’t have to. So mixing GW glazes works ok too.

I’m happy they are going so quickly, because the league starts now and I wanted to have most of my team painted before the first game! After these guys, I have a skeleton and 2 wights to paint for the starter roster.


Blood Bowl – More Mummies

After the highlighted basecoat, I did Seraphim Sepia in places, trying to keep it in the recesses to maintain some of the highlights I’d painted. If the Sepia got to much in a place I didn’t want it, I’d wipe it away with a finger to keep the bright colours able to maintain themselves. The pants I did a layer of Drakenhof, using the same technique, but they’re still really green.


After letting that dry I did another Drakenhof layer  in the recesses and another Sepia layer in the recesses and around to spread the contrast around. I also used GW Guilliman Blue glaze on the blue areas. I thought it would work out better than the Enchanted Blue I used on the Zombies, and so far it’s worked out ok except that I think I need 2 layers of it to get closer to blue and further away from green. It’s nice, because it’s transparent and it respects the highlighting/shading I’ve done already, but it makes it blue.


Between these two photos, I did another layer of the Guilliman Blue, which I think I’ll leave where it is. I also added some GW Waywatcher Green in the bandage-recesses. I like it, but I think to much could be…to much. I might give them some more green though.


And the bases are mostly done. Just need to use black to cover up the spillage. They were as I wrote in the Zombies post, but heavier on the Zamesi Desert. They look really cool I think with the brighter yellow/orange at the very drybrushed tip.


NO FIRES: Blood Bowl Tournament in Vancouver, BC

I’m running a 1,200,000 credit Blood Bowl tournament on May 29th at the Fraternal Order of Eagles! It’s a charity event, with proceeds going to help the Fort McMurray victims. Details are available here.

As part of the charity, I’m also selling these Special Play decks:


$20, with $12 going to the charity.

If you’re interested, check out the details and get me a team list!



I lost 6 games of Hearthstone in a row, and I destroyed my last drone propeller (more in the mail), so I had some time to spend on these guys. 😛

I went full-on into the Wappel shaded basecoat plan here, and I’m pleased with the results so far. The contrast is weak, but exists. The highlights are pastelly, despite using an off-white to lighten, but the point of the technique is to create to-high highlights so, success there.

I really like the subtle difference between the off-white-yellow wrappings and the off-white-grey skin, and I want to keep that distinction going as I going into glazing.


Colours are…

  • Skin: Dheneb Stone -> Ulthuan Grey
  • Wraps: Ushapti Bone -> Ulthuan Grey (not all the way)
  • Primary colour: Sotek Green -> Ulthuan Grey…but with some Dheneb Stone mixed in. Not that you can tell, but I used the Skin final to lighten the pants colour.
  • Secondary colour: Vallejo Fluoro Yellow -> Ulthuan Grey
  • Base: Dark Flesh -> Mephiston Red. We’ll see if this was a good idea or not. I want red dirt bases, but the Zombies have simple Dark Flesh -> Sepia -> Sepia, so the addition of the Mepiston could really muck up the cohesion.

It’s nice to feel like I have painter skills again, after the Concord. The last squad didn’t make me feel good about myself.

At the same time, basing these two mummies very quickly this evening showed me that I need new paintbrushes before I go much further. My Series 7 got paint dried in the ferrule and smushed bristles in the move-into-storage that we’re doing this month, and my larger brush has just had enough.