
Blood Bowl – More Mummies

After the highlighted basecoat, I did Seraphim Sepia in places, trying to keep it in the recesses to maintain some of the highlights I’d painted. If the Sepia got to much in a place I didn’t want it, I’d wipe it away with a finger to keep the bright colours able to maintain themselves. The pants I did a layer of Drakenhof, using the same technique, but they’re still really green.


After letting that dry I did another Drakenhof layer  in the recesses and another Sepia layer in the recesses and around to spread the contrast around. I also used GW Guilliman Blue glaze on the blue areas. I thought it would work out better than the Enchanted Blue I used on the Zombies, and so far it’s worked out ok except that I think I need 2 layers of it to get closer to blue and further away from green. It’s nice, because it’s transparent and it respects the highlighting/shading I’ve done already, but it makes it blue.


Between these two photos, I did another layer of the Guilliman Blue, which I think I’ll leave where it is. I also added some GW Waywatcher Green in the bandage-recesses. I like it, but I think to much could be…to much. I might give them some more green though.


And the bases are mostly done. Just need to use black to cover up the spillage. They were as I wrote in the Zombies post, but heavier on the Zamesi Desert. They look really cool I think with the brighter yellow/orange at the very drybrushed tip.

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