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AdeptiCon 2014 – Wednesday, Day 0

I wasn’t going to post a Day 0 since it was pretty boring, but I ended up with a few photos and a few things to say, so why not. 🙂

Our flight left at 2pm, so I spent the morning re-watching Game of Thrones S3 with a cat and sending photos to my girlfriend at work. 😛


My first flight was with Patrick and Pip, but because of how we’d booked the flights, Pip left an hour earlier than us. We found a pub, had a few drinks and worked on lists and fluff writing for the team tournament! This particular pub in SeaTac would sell you half price shot if you bought a beer…


When we got off the plane, we discovered that our carefully packed display board box had been opened by the TSA. Push the panic level up 2 notches. When we got to the hotel, everything was perfectly fine and we even got to re-use the straps on our return trip. Thanks TSA!



I have 40 photos to go through for Thursday. Yay!


Malifaux – Performer

Given how many posts I have queued up, you probably won’t read this until after I’ve used the Performer at AdeptiCon!

I spent some time last week reading the story encounters for the Costume Event and wrote down some notes on how best to get victory points from the various strategies they’d designed. One thing that became apparent – there would be a lot of Interact Actions, and very few VPs from Strategies.

Because Interact can only be taken while not engaged, all an opponent who is trying to stop you has to do is get a model with a 3″ engagement near the Interact location and that Strategy is entirely blocked. If both players did this 100% successfully, the only points they could get would be from Schemes, and would limit the maximum points to 6.

Malifaux is a wonderous game that rewards the careful observer, so I took a look through the available models, both Mercenary and Arcanist, to find something that would help.

There were a few options, but the best one turned out to be the Performer. A 5ss Arcanist Mercenary, with some excellent usage as well as two very important abilitys: “Don’t Mind Me: This model may take Interact Actions while engaged.”, and a Wk of 5 The plan – keep her behind the lines (she’s a little fragile compared to the rest of my crew), get stuck in with my tanky models, and use her to claim the Strategy points. I won’t get 10 points from this plan, but if I can get a few extra points from the Strategy that my opponent is struggling to get, all the better!



After all of that thought process, I split a Colette box with Jamie. And because I didn’t think this performer would be caught dead working on the railroad, I had to come up with a basing scheme that worked for a higher class of lady than I’m used to working with. So I built a train station platform out of basswood!


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Adepticon – Final

No, you haven’t missed 4 days of event coverage! I wanted to help guide new readers (I handed out a lot of business cards this weekend!) and to reassure old readers.

If you’re into , you’ll want to Warhammer the “Fantasy” tag on the right – I’ve been writing about my daemons and Patrick’s and my display board for almost a year.

If you’re into Malifaux, you’ll want to click the “Malifaux” tag on the right. I started working on my Rail Crew and Friends around October last year, and have written about it all.

And regardless of what game you like best, I’m sure you’ll find something to enjoy over the next few weeks as I have a ton of photos to post and things to write about. Hold onto your hats, this is going to be awesome!

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Finally, here’s a couple photos of the entire team together at last!

We have…

This is a good looking army!

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I’ll be playing in the team tournament with Patrick, and the 1000pt How You Use It tournament. I may play in the 500pt Warband tournament, if I’m up for it and able – I’m on the waitlist for it right now, and may just wander the vendor hall or hang out while Patrick plays in it. 🙂


AdeptiCon display board – Packaging!

This is just as much hobby as the rest of this stuff…Patrick came over Monday and we worked to fit our board into a board that would meet the Alaska Airlines Checked Baggage Requirements (less than 62 linear inches…).

He brought over a bicycle box and cut the shit out of it!



Wrapped the board itself in bubble wrap. We decided that the crystal labyrinth and castle (which is now finished!!) belonged in a separate piece of luggage, since they were still to tall and breakable.



After Patrick hobbied the crap out of the box.



Here’s hoping it makes it!


AdeptiCon Display Board – Backdrop

Two posts today, and one tomorrow, and the AdeptiCon coverage will continue in an incredibly rapid pace once I get back. (I have 3-4 posts backlogged already for AdeptiCon).

We cut a backdrop for the display board. The theory still being that taller is better and that a solid piece of something in the back would draw more attention. (And damn, does it look good!) I don’t have any photos of the completed piece, but I will definitely do so once our armies are set up on Friday!

I pulled the airbrush out again, figuring that it would have gotten over our dispute from the other day. I started with an Ice Blue, and mixed up a bunch of layers with Kantor Blue and Altdorf Guard Blue.



The airbrush worked out perfectly! gaaaaaah! It painted a nice, solid blue line where I wanted it to.



More blue, and I added some Mephiston Red at some point to head into purple.



I took a photo of my PSI at one point. I spent most of the time painting at this pressure, and it gave a nice solid line. I put it down to 30 at one point, and put a less solid line of the red around.


The final piece! It looks great on the display board! You’ll also notice some spots at the “top”, these are magnets which attach to the back of the board. We did this so that we didn’t have to transport a 15″ tall thing, and could instead pull everything off and transport the tall pieces separately. 

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AdeptiCon Display Board – Final?

I finished off the display board tonight. Patrick has been working on his castle thing, and is taking on a few other things for the team, so I volunteered to drybrush the hell out of this thing. I’m super happy with the results!

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I couldn’t even tell you what I did here. It’s a bunch of different mixes of Stegadon Scale, Charadon Granite, Rhinox Hide, Zamesi Desert, Ushapti Bone, Dheneb Stone, Seraphim Sepia. Literally, I put the paint on my palette and then mixed the next colour in with whatever I had there already.

Something I made sure to do – if I used a colour as a primary on one side, I used it as a light layer on the other side. In this way, I’m hoping to tie the two sides together even though they are wildly different.

I also cut out some black plasticard in the shape of the sides of the board and glued them to the edges, to give each edge a more smooth look and feel. I used the Oxid Paste to fill the gap between the card and the board, but if I was going to do it again I’d have made sure to fill all of the gaps with hot glue and then textured over the glue.

The only reason there is a question mark in the title, is because we’re talking about adding some colour to the black backdrop. We’ll see if I manage to find time for that – it requires bringing the airbrush out again. >.<

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Daemons – Skull Cannon Final!

This model was a lot further back the last time I wrote about it.

I added nothing else to the metal “chariot” piece. Although I wasn’t overly happy with this part of the model when I finished it, adding the cannon piece inside of it really helped to balance the colour and provide a solid focal point. With this, the “amorphous metal” looks super good!

The cannon I just did successive layers of the blue and red glazes and went back afterwards with a few Kislev Flesh mixes to keep it the right colour.

The plaguebearer on top I followed a similar scheme as I’ve done previously. Same with the portal he’s walking out of!

You should click to open these photos up – I think they are stunning looking photos!

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Skull cannon…cannon.

It’s a penis cannon. You know it, I know it, everyone who looks at it knows it. My theory is that Patrick wins all of those painting awards because of his Penis Ratio, and I wanted to try to increase my own for my Daemon army. I don’t have quantity, but I do have quality. As in, my penis is bigger than all of his combined. (Also, he converted the Skull Cannon for me :P)

After the base coat I highlighted up the pink flesh with consecutive mixtures of Kislev Flesh and Bone White. Usually I wouldn’t mix up with white, but because the Kislev is already so bright, I didn’t feel like I had another choice. The primary problem with white is that it removes colour and leaves the surface looking pastel. But because my plan was to go back in with glazes, I felt that this was ok – there would be plenty of colour by the time I was done!


Cannon after all the highlighting.


Cannon after a single application of 1:1 Bloodletter:Water

I painted the Bloodletter:Water mixture into the recesses and the undersides of things. My next step is to do the Guilliman Blue, but to water it even more so that I don’t end up with parts that are blue. 


AdeptiCon Display Board – Paint!

I put some newspaper down, put on the Game of Thrones commentary and started painting.

Just some broad strokes to start.





And when that dried, I did a ton of drybrushing.



And then even more drybrushing.



There’s still sections that need another highlight, and we’re going to wash down the cobblestone to give it more contrast, (and the pencils need just plain painting), but it’s definitely coming along!