
Ripperdactyls – …basecoat?

I was in a rush and forgot to post the colours I used for the basecoat of these guys. I don’t really post this stuff for you to read, because I’m sure it’s the most boring thing. You come here for the photos, I know you do.

I actually write about colours for two reasons — because it helps me reason out what I did and what I should have done, and also so that I can remember in 2 years what on earth I was doing!

The ground is just drybrushed Codex Grey. It’ll be drybrushed Fortress Grey in a bit. The skink has a base of Codex Grey, with Mephiston Red feathers, shield and spots, Dwarf Bronze metal stuff and Snakebite Leather strap stuff.

The rippers started with white primer (I’m 90% white primer these days) and then a “glaze” of Blazing Orange. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have “glazed” it…but when you have a dried up pot of paint and need that colour, you add water until it works. Which wasn’t as strong a pigment as I’d have preferred. It doesn’t matter, because the skin on these guys is going to have a lot more layers than the base-highlight-wash-highlight of the 24 skinks. I added some Snakebite Leather to the orange with still a good amount of water, and added that to the front of the wings, and the recesses. Then just plain Snakebite.

I forgot to do this next part before taking the photo, so it isn’t shown. The tops of muscles and back of the wings I did a coat of Blazing Orange mixed with Ushapti Bone — it turns out that this is a pink colour. That was a happy accident, because it turns out that this looks pretty good when done in small doses! I did another layer of just Sunburst Yellow with water, again on the highlighting areas.

I say that this is all “basecoat”, because it’s all pretty slapdash at this point. The shading and highlighting phase will clean up the colours and edges a lot.


No photos this time!

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