Musings & Meta

“Seems pretty expensive for used models…”

I apologize if the person I’m quoting is reading this! This isn’t about you, at all. It’s about our community, and you just had a particularly pithy quote! This is a totally unfair opinion post, and I’m as guilty as anyone reading.

I’m a member of the local Facebook game trading group, and another one that is near identical but allows auctions. There’s a regular stream of people selling models. Lots of models, entire armies worth of models. How we all ended up with multiple thousands of dollars worth of things that we just don’t want anymore is a topic for another day, but I wanted to write about something I noticed on these public forums. This is a pretty regular post:

WargameX army for sale! Total of $1000 worth of models, but I just want it gone, so it can be yours for only $250!

I want to talk about “pricing ourselves to the bottom”.

This is an expensive hobby. I walked into a store and spent $60 on plastic and card and paint without blinking an eye. When I added up my Tyranid army, it came to about $800. I bought a box of Dark Eldar Warriors at around $45 some years ago. We avoid counting because it’s a really big number when you’re done.

Why do we have such a problem with paying an actual reasonable amount for models? This fellow hobbyist spent $1000 on those models, he lovingly clipped and glued them, he spent hours of his life painting them to a standard that he’s pretty happy with…and we repay him by giving him 25% of what it’s all worth, because they are “used”. Somehow these objects have lost value, even as we put time and work into them!

When you put an army up for sale, you can’t actually put up a number that is anywhere near what the original value is. Even if you saved your buyer 3 hours of work in clipping and gluing. Even if you’ve put a ton of work the paint job and conversions, and if they had been a commission you’d have made money on them, you only get 25% of your original purchase price. Does it make sense?

I originally put my Tyranid army up for $300, knowing that this was an outlandish number. The DE Warriors started at $35, because they were painted damn well. The Tyranid’s ended up selling for $230 after parceling them out, and the Warriors went for $20. I “just wanted them gone”.


Sellers! Take some pride in your work! Raise the value of what you’re selling – your models are worth money! You put time and blood into them, and you deserve more than 25%!

Buyers! You spent $100 at GW on a single model, you should be ok paying $50 for a $100 model! We’re all in this together, and that guy you priced down just wants to use your money to buy more models! Help a brother out!


(Of note: Like motor vehicles, models seem to lose value the instant they leave the store. I’m not saying try to get 100% back. Maybe 35%. And maybe give me a discount because I’m on your side! :P)

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  • Xerxes
    May 19, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    I would say that part of the devaluation, at least when buying off of the net, is not being able to check condition and build quality before you get it. I snagged a used land raider on the cheap, and given how sloppily it was assembled (but with enough glue to make it beyond fixing), I think they got the good end of the deal. OTOH, I got a cheap Epic ‘Nid bio-titan that’s so amazing I’m almost afraid to look at it hard. 😉

  • Craig Fleming
    May 20, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    Hey, you are totally right! My plaguebearer project involved buying some bloodletters that were “creatively glued”, and inspired a 3-part series of articles on how cyanacrylate works. 😛

    At the same time, a lot of the buying/selling I see happens locally – folks meet up and exchange money for goods. Which should reduce the effect of that. I’m still miserable at haggling down – “hey dude, these are shodily cleaned and glued, how about X-$10 instead”?

  • Rudy Schuepbach
    May 28, 2014 at 8:20 am

    I recently bought a C. Hoffman crew that one of the guys in my meta stopped playing (He switched to gremlins… ugh). And when we were negotiating price I told him I wanted to pay him for the paint job, as it was spectacular. I did some figurin’ and ended up going with base cost of models some a little cash for the minions and a little more for the bigger ones (Master, Henchman, peacekeeper…) some thing like 5-10 dollars per model. Felt fair, it used to be his favorite. Now it’s one of mine. 😛

  • Craig Fleming
    May 28, 2014 at 8:27 am

    That’s amazing, I’ve never heard of someone doing that, and I applaud your sense of fairness!

    What’s in your Hoffman crew? I picked him up (new, in blister…) from Troy at AdeptiCon to use with Arcanist Assets and since I’m “nearly finished Tara” I was dreaming about him or Ironsides or Kaeris or…:P

  • Rudy Schuepbach
    August 21, 2014 at 11:25 am

    I paint also, so I know how much time he’d put into them, and it was one of his favsies in 1.5, so I knew the crew meant something to him as well. 😛

    Included were Hoff, a watcher, a guardian, two warden, a hunter, a peacekeeper, Ryle, and the attendant. I had the M&SU from my arcanists days. I’ve since also added a second watcher. 😛

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