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space hulk

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Space Hulk Scenario

Not actually a painting-related post, but it’s art of a kind, so I post it.

Cleaning up my desktop this morning in preparation for downloading Heart of the Swarm (yay!) (there’s a lot of movies on my desktop…) and I came across a Space Hulk scenario that I’d designed for a GW contest back in the day. I put a damned lot of effort into this scenario, from counting tiles to ensure that each movement was possible, but only barely out of reach from the Genestealers, to taking photos of the desired setup and cropping them onto a grid-like background.

The GW in question gave me a Blood Angels book for my effort, and I was the only person who entered. >.>

This is particularly amusing, since I just sold my copy of Space Hulk 2 weeks ago. It’s not a great game, with very little tactical depth and the only redeeming feature it had was that it was absolutely gorgeous.

Here’s a link to the scenario if you want to check it out!