These guys are the basis of most armies that I’ll be making with Skorne, so they were pretty high priority to get painted up. I kept thinking of taking photos mid-steps, but instead kept painting. It felt pretty good to finish them over the weekend, but now you only get 2 photos. 
I started with white primer (thank heavens) and Basius bases.
The cloaks started with Bloodletter glaze, which is super orange. Then Secret Weapon Red Black, which wasn’t enough again. Then Seraphim Sepia. Then I realized what I wrote wrong when I wrote about Morghoul — I’d done another layer of Bloodletter. The thing about this second layer, is that because now it’s going over a brown, it tames out the orange and makes it RED, which is awesome and very satisfying to finally get to the colour you were hoping for. 
The scarves/ribbons/whatever are Tallarn Sand, Seraphim Sepia, Tallarn, Ushapti. Before the Ushapti everything felt like it was melding together, as I had a bunch of pale orange/pale beige together. One downside of the white primer+glaze technique is that it does require a lot of faith in your layers, because before I near the final stages it’s all very pale and washed out.

The metal was as I’ve done in previous Skorne models. And the bases were a modification of the Immortals — Abbadon Black watered down, drybrush Codex and Fortress, Guilliman Blue, I think some Secret Weapon Heavy Body Black, then some more drybrushing. The tracks were Tallarn, Sepia, Tallarn, and a drybrush of Ushapti.

Super happy they’re done! Unfortunately, I still don’t have a 50 point army fully painted and I’m hoping to play in Foodmachine (which may have passed by the time you read this :)). Realistically I’ve got the Swordsmen and Arcuarii still to paint for 50 points (I keep wanting to write “50ss”…) full painted, which is 12 models in a week and a half, which isn’t going to happen.
Looking at War Room, if I painted the Bronzeback I would have 50 points with Morghoul fully painted. But it would not be a finely tuned list, and would probably frenzy almost every round due to Fury issues. BUT IT WOULD BE PAINTED!