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Ten Thunders – Oiran Final

Not super happy with this model, but I want to be done.

The dress is a strange blue/green combo, when what I really wanted was just that one green. The hair is shiny, and it’s not bad, but it’s not right either. The base is a muddled mix of glaze colours over white, and when I tried to bring the colour back to the greys I’d been doing for my Guild crew, it looked absolutely awful.

Anyway. Leaving her alone.



Ten Thunders – Oiran basecoat

I got 2 of these ladies in a trade and wanted to be able to play with them in whatever Ten Thunders list I happened to be putting together. I realized they might be an interesting addition to the Death Marshall list because of their Wp buff.

I found this photo on the internet that I liked the colours on, and they’re a good difference to have what with the stream of red I’ve been painting.


I’ve also got finals for 4 other models to take photos of, but it’s pretty hot and I haven’t been motivated enough, which is why there’s been a few days of no posts. 🙂 Maybe a few more.