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Blood Bowl – More Mummies

After the highlighted basecoat, I did Seraphim Sepia in places, trying to keep it in the recesses to maintain some of the highlights I’d painted. If the Sepia got to much in a place I didn’t want it, I’d wipe it away with a finger to keep the bright colours able to maintain themselves. The pants I did a layer of Drakenhof, using the same technique, but they’re still really green.


After letting that dry I did another Drakenhof layer  in the recesses and another Sepia layer in the recesses and around to spread the contrast around. I also used GW Guilliman Blue glaze on the blue areas. I thought it would work out better than the Enchanted Blue I used on the Zombies, and so far it’s worked out ok except that I think I need 2 layers of it to get closer to blue and further away from green. It’s nice, because it’s transparent and it respects the highlighting/shading I’ve done already, but it makes it blue.


Between these two photos, I did another layer of the Guilliman Blue, which I think I’ll leave where it is. I also added some GW Waywatcher Green in the bandage-recesses. I like it, but I think to much could be…to much. I might give them some more green though.


And the bases are mostly done. Just need to use black to cover up the spillage. They were as I wrote in the Zombies post, but heavier on the Zamesi Desert. They look really cool I think with the brighter yellow/orange at the very drybrushed tip.



I lost 6 games of Hearthstone in a row, and I destroyed my last drone propeller (more in the mail), so I had some time to spend on these guys. 😛

I went full-on into the Wappel shaded basecoat plan here, and I’m pleased with the results so far. The contrast is weak, but exists. The highlights are pastelly, despite using an off-white to lighten, but the point of the technique is to create to-high highlights so, success there.

I really like the subtle difference between the off-white-yellow wrappings and the off-white-grey skin, and I want to keep that distinction going as I going into glazing.


Colours are…

  • Skin: Dheneb Stone -> Ulthuan Grey
  • Wraps: Ushapti Bone -> Ulthuan Grey (not all the way)
  • Primary colour: Sotek Green -> Ulthuan Grey…but with some Dheneb Stone mixed in. Not that you can tell, but I used the Skin final to lighten the pants colour.
  • Secondary colour: Vallejo Fluoro Yellow -> Ulthuan Grey
  • Base: Dark Flesh -> Mephiston Red. We’ll see if this was a good idea or not. I want red dirt bases, but the Zombies have simple Dark Flesh -> Sepia -> Sepia, so the addition of the Mepiston could really muck up the cohesion.

It’s nice to feel like I have painter skills again, after the Concord. The last squad didn’t make me feel good about myself.

At the same time, basing these two mummies very quickly this evening showed me that I need new paintbrushes before I go much further. My Series 7 got paint dried in the ferrule and smushed bristles in the move-into-storage that we’re doing this month, and my larger brush has just had enough.