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Musings & Meta

2nd Annual Malifaux Holiday Miniature Exchange

Even though I’d only been on the forums for 1 post at the time, I decided to see about joining in on the Wyrd Forums Malifaux Holiday Miniature Exchange. (I’ve since gotten more involved :))

The rules were super simple: minimum of $20, don’t send something painted/assembled unless you send the minimum plus that. No problem, I can do that!

I signed up and a week or so later received word that I was sending to a gentleman in Kent, UK. Malifaux Mark told me his secret of finding a store in the location you’re sending to, and ordering from there. I did so, and sent my new friend a Waldgeist and a December Acolyte. One of the things I love most about Malifaux is the exploration of different avenues of list building, and I wanted to share that joy with others.

My own gift has been in the mail for just short of an entire month. I had just sent my gifter a private forum message this morning saying that it hadn’t arrived, just to let him know that it hadn’t arrived yet.

And it showed up this evening.




  • Malifools pink wristbands!
  • Malifools “Stolestone” poker chips!
  • Malifools brand coasters!
  • Rail Golem!
  • Willie!
  • Arcane Effigy!
  • A wood laser-cut lamp light terrain!

I’m astounded. I’ve done it wrong. I followed the minimum requirements, not realizing that no one does the minimum.

I’ve been working on making some small changes to my Scheme cards. Imma send him a few packs of those when I make a new order. >.>