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Malifaux – Mobile Toolkit

To paraphrase Dale – I couldn’t be arsed to set up my photography stuff for this model. It’s hideous. It’s supposed to be a Swiss-army knife of cool construct buffs, but instead it says…HI GUYS!!

While looking for conversions to make it suck less, I found an image on Google that was kind of neat. So I bent up the awful looking legs, bent down the awful looking arms and glued two Ork shootas to it’s back as a jetpack.


I used it once or twice at GottaCon, but I found it to be of limited use. It has a single purpose (in my crew) – making my Rail Golem kill things faster. Sure it can give +1 Armor to another construct, but paying 3SS to buff a Rail Worker or Gamin doesn’t seem that awesome.

I’ve also used it with Ramos, and it works well as his Scrap Starter Kit. 1ss cheaper than an Electric Creation and Joss can cleave it in half to get 2 Scrap Markers to start summoning from.

But let me tell you, that when I needed something dead, Rail Golem with (+) to damage flips is real good.