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Blood Bowl – Ogre

I think he’s done. I’m too tired to pull out the camera and take real photos. Maybe when I have a bigger place…




Lots going on here. I’m pretty happy with it on one hand, but on the other hand I’m less happy about how dirty it all is. The contrast is really nice, and from 2 feet it looks great, but there’s no smoothness to it.

Here’s some colours:

SW Flesh Wash is SO YELLOW. Put that in the crevasses of the skin and went back with a damp brush to spread it out. Took the midtone colour and painted up the highlights again a bit. A bit of the Vallejo Flesh Wash, Seraphim Sepia and SW Amethyst.

Used Vallejo Fluorescent Yellow the broach, with some Sepia. Got to use the Vallejo Goblin Green for the little knoblar!

I think I’ve got some common colours at this point. SW Amethyst, Heavy Body Black, Flesh Wash. Vallejo Skin Wash, Bloodletter glaze, Seraphim, Nuln Oil, Reikland Fleshshade, Mithril Silver. I’m planning less and pulling paint out of the drawer more. Maybe that’s why it’s dirty? Or maybe I’m just impatient?


Blood Bowl – Ogre Basecoat

Since I got back onto this Ork wave, I really needed to finish off my outstanding Blood Bowl stuff first. Thankfully, I’m waiting on one more Supa Zzap Gun before I start painting them, so I’ve got time!

I picked the GW Ogre Paymaster as my Blood Bowl ogre, because it’s an amazing model and I’m stoked to be able to paint it!

His basecoat is super simple — Mephiston Red, Alaitoc Blue, Steel Legion Drab, Dheneb Stone skin and Mithril Silver.

After the last thing I really painted didn’t work out the way I wanted (and apparently I don’t have photos of the rest of the team I finished…) I wanted to go back to the Mr. Wappelly roots I was working on before I got lazy with the Skorne, which means highlighting my basecoat. So I took the Dheneb Stone and mixed it in a few different layers with the other bases to highlight it. The skin I mixed the Dheneb with just Skull White. You usually don’t mix with White since it tends to pastel, but in this case that pastelling is ok since I’ll be adding a bunch of glazes over it to bring the real colour back.


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Blood Bowl – CHOP CHOP! Apothecary

My team bought an apothecary last week and I impulse purchased this guy as my “war apothecary”. He’s an Avatars of War model. I’ve always wanted to buy one of their models, because they are great sculpts!

I basically painted this guy in a day, which I’m pretty happy about since I haven’t painted at all in a…a month. Probably a month. Before Christmas, for sure.

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The base, which are the same colours for the entire team, is Mephiston Red, Mithril Silver and Alaitoc Blue, with Dheneb Stone and Ushapti Bone.

I used the SW Dark Sepia instead of my usual Seraphim, and didn’t like it by itself – it shines a bit. So I did some of that sparingly, with the Seraphim in places where I wanted it lighter. The Drakenhof Nightshade from GW is a great dark blue wash.

The sign was Vallejo Fluo. Yellow, obviously with black and some SW Dark Sepia to brown it up just a little bit.

I should pull out the other 5 models that need finishing from this team. >.>


Blood Bowl – Human Basecoats

All of my human models, together in one photo. The guys with the green bases won’t be re-touched, although when you look closely at them they are definitely the victims of a pretty quick paint job. The guys with black bases are new, and I’m painting over another layer of paint (thankfully, just primer on half of them) so I don’t know if I’m going to get the same quality of paint job that I usually prefer.

It’s a pretty simple scheme of Mithril Silver, Mephiston Red and Alaitoc Blue.


I have a Comixininos order on it’s way with another Blitzer (because you need 4) and 2 Star Players — a Helmut Wolf and a Griff Oberwald — to round out the team. Also have an Ogre Paymaster waiting for me at Hammertime Hobbies to be painted up!

I’m looking forward to playing a team that has actual expendable linemen in it! 😀


Blood Bowl – Humans!

After the success of the Pahaux Flamewalkers, I decided I wanted to change it up for the next season, starting in December or so. I have 2 Orc teams that I’ve played a bunch, a Vampire team that I absolutely despise and a human team that I usually give to my opponent when I’m teaching.

ie, I’ve never really played them.

The box is an ancient box that I bought from GW Park Royal during one of their yearly auctions, for a steal, and it came with the box teams painted by the staff.


In this photo, the staff painted model is the dude on the left. I only had 11 models in the team, so I went to eBay to buy some more and found all the models on the right. Them, plus an ogre and a couple models from Comixinos and I’ll have a pretty bad ass team!

(I don’t have a team name yet — if you can think of a good one, I’m looking!)