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flakk gun


Moar dakka!!

I usually make a significant change to my 40k army each year for Astronomi-con. I didn’t think I was going to be able to do such a thing this year – not only haven’t I had any strong Orky urges recently, but I also thought my list did alright!

I looked through their brand new comp system and calculated out what my list would be – an 18. Not bad, but there was a single unit that was losing me 2 points. I looked into how I could get those 2 points back. A bit of research into numerous IA books, and I came up with the Flakk Trakk, an armor 12/11/10 vehicle that can move Flat Out and still shoot it’s Flakk Gun (Heavy 4, S7, AP4, Skyfire, Interceptor) at a flier. Given the number of croissants and turkeys I saw at Adepticon in April, this started to sound like a brilliant idea. And even better – I had a Flakk Gun model from my Forge World order at PAX last year!


I’ve got less than a week to finish this thing off. I’ve been focusing on the Escalation League this month, thinking that I’d have lots of time to finish the gun. Whoops! This may be a little tighter than I like…