I ran a Dreadball “League in a Day” event yesterday. I originally planned this because I wanted to see what a League looked like before I went to AdeptiCon to do it with people I didn’t know. Unfortunately, this backfired as I found 4 other people who wanted to play – meaning the organizer had no opponent!
Instead I answered rules questions and ended up running two demos of the game on the third board we’d set up! I leveled my team along with the league participants by pretending that my team played the same as the player who received the worst tournament points each round. I’d then randomized who on my team got a kill, or a 3-point Strike. My team didn’t level up much, but it was fun anyway.
I found that I didn’t really need more models. The 8 that come in the basic pack were enough. I ended up spending my megacredits on coaching dice (critical for the rats to score!) and replacing any models that died. Pro tip — if the model that died doesn’t have any XP, just recycle him for 5mc and then buy a “brand new player”, where the cost to save that player is his cost+1d6 mc, so you save 1d6+5mc!
I think my AdeptiCon painting priority is still valid. Finish the Malifaux models (going to GottaCon!), finish my skullcannon and then worry about what to do next. Because I still want to paint my Veer-myn Keeper, and painting 5 rats is no more difficult than painting 1 rat. 😛

This was hilarious. Owen’s Forge Father’s cornered Chris’ human and proceeded to beat the ever-living snot out of him. Chris was 1 point from winning the game of Ultimate when Scott took the last point!
In the end, Chris won the tournament/league having won all of his games, 2 of them in landslide and earning 17 points overall! Owen killed the most people at 4 kills, and Chris got the most popular team at 10 cheers! Scott won the Ultimate game.
I really want to play Ultimate again. It took everything I liked about Dreadball, and ramped it up to 11!