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cyclops savage


Hordes – Cyclops Savage – Think I’m done

The photo doesn’t look all that much different, but I think the light at my desk is being weird and overly orange.

Just a few simple things after the last post — hightlighted the tassles with some white to bring a non-orange/yellow into it, black lined the recesses that didn’t have enough contrast, more yellow on the banners to bring that star out a bit more.

But I think I’m done. They’re pretty same samey, but I think that in a crowd, with a variety of models and a different coloured terrain around that they’ll look pretty sharp!



Hordes – Cyclops Savage – More paint!

I put another quick layer of glaze on the next morning. It was simple, just some Waywatcher Green on the base and armour, Guilliman Blue on the base and under areas. Then I went to work.


After work I played a shit ton of Hearthstone. >.< But I finally beat Sapphiron on Heroic! Only Kel’thuzad left…

After I got sick of that, I put some more layers on. SW Amethyst in the recesses of the cloth. Drybrush up with Codex, Fortress and some Skull White on the base. Then some waaaaashes! Again, part of the reason I’m enjoying painting these guys is because I’m getting pretty good results quickly and effectively. Washes got a bad rep in some places, but at the end of the day “liquid skill” still looks damn good. I just can’t leave it as the end result! So here’s some Nuln Oil on the cloth and Seraphim Sepia on the armour. I love how it brings a ton of depth to the models which were previously very flat.


I just noticed that I accidentally posted the first draft of these guys out of schedule, so it’s been about a month since you saw them. 😛


Cyclops Savage – Getting there

After the Seraphim Sepia and Nuln oil layer, it was time to add some colour and contrast back in. I started with a simple highlight of Mithril Silver over the gold edges and the models immediately popped a lot more.

I took some Amethyst to the undersides of things, and again in the recesses to try to keep some interest there.

The banners and fabric had a couple layers of Bloodletter glaze applied, in striped patterns on the banner and on the raised areas on the cloth. The banners I went over again with Lamenters Yellow glaze to start a star pattern, then did some more opaque layers with Vallejo Moon Yellow.

The sword was annoying, because I wanted it “bronze” but a different colour from the rest of the armour. I started by wet brushing with Mithril Silver with the edge, the tip pointing towards the edge of the blade. This looked like ass, so I tried to make some “distressed” areas by using Bloodletter and Amethyst, but that didn’t help. I used Blood for the Blood God, smearing it around to cover up some of the bad areas. Lastly, I stippled on Mournfang Brown and then wiped it away/around with a finger and I think they have enough going on to be interesting, and not terrible.




Hordes – Cyclops Savages Basecoat

I played 2 games of WMH this weekend, and enjoyed them. It’s not my favourite game, but it is the game that all my friends are playing so it’s easier to get into. Coming out of it, I really wanted to get on with painting my army so I could buy more toys!

These Cyclopses were easy to “base coat”, although it was more of a layer of tinted washes that give the impression of gold and red. The hope with these guys is to paint them with literally 3 colours, but to give the impression that there is more going on!


It’s an old Baal Red (which I used on that ancient Brute!), Dwarf Bronze and Snakebite Leather. Oh, and the base formula from here.

And these are really old models too, so they are both metal. 🙂