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Mantic – “Restic”, Deadzone Rebs Strike Force, etc

I feel like I’ve been feasting for days…I went away for a few days around Christmas and just got back, and am looking forward to putting some time into models and gaming!

I started this afternoon with my Deadzone Rebs starting crew. I’m going to need to assemble a lot more models, but this is a good place to start.


There’s been some comment made about the type of plastic/resin mix that Mantic uses. Even the game designer Jake Thornton commented on it at one point. I found my Dreadball models to be not bad to clean up. These Deadzone models…have been slightly bad.

Some of these models Mantic didn’t make it any easier, with some mold lines running over top of facial detail and some models with multiple axis’ of mold lines. I took a …knife…to the lines a few weeks ago to start working on them. When I was done, I was pretty sure that I’d left half of the material still on the model in the form of “pills” and it sucked.

I spent a chunk of time wandering around Walmart looking for wire brushes – recommended in that first link – to polish the models and remove these pilled up bits of material. I’ve had no luck, but today I was going to head to an actual hardware store to find what I was looking for. While looking over their online store I found…


Well, what I actually found was a picture of a Dremel bit that would do the job. Then I remembered that I owned a Dremel, and a small kit of bits, some of which I’d never figured out what they were for.

An hour later I had used that wild brush looking thing, and a round plastic disc brush on my models and I ended up pretty happy with them! Not really happy, since I’d rather have not had to worry about it at all, but happy enough. 🙂

Now back to Plaguebearers!