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Outcasts – Malifaux Child – Finale

Again with the blasted eyes… this guy had a different problem, in thatwhile I got the left one ok, the right one (looking at him…) would continually blot out the entire surface of the eye. Kelly recommended that I got back on my Performer and deepen the eye sockets a bit, and I may have to do that to this guy as well.

He got a huge pile of leaves coverage the storm drain he’s sitting on, because I was feeling like moar leaves were moar bettah.


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Next up, I think I’m back to working on Arcanists. There’s a tournament coming up that I’m thinking of going to, and I need a handful more models to shore up my potential Hardcore list. 😛



Outcasts – Malifaux Child

After base coating this model, I really like it. The face has excellent features, and the clothing hangs nice, and I like the little details like where his pants cover his ankles because it’s to big.


I painted his hair and inner shirt Ushapti Bone, and his skin Kislev Flesh. His jacket was a 1:1 mix of Warpstone Green and Mournfang Brown, and for the pants I mixed some Vomit Brown into that mix.

This little guy has proven to be 2ss of miraculous flexibility with Tara, and I think he’ll see a place in most crews I build with her!