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Blood Bowl – Lizardmen Display Board

Last time I wrote about how I intend to win the best painted award in my Blood Bowl league. This is my clincher, if the terrific paint jobs on the rest of the team don’t work enough.

I had an idea that I’d taken from reading an old post of mine from Adepticon 3 years ago. This guy had made a display board for his team from mouse pad material. But how to get a logo to put on it?

Enter Fiverr, a marketplace where you can buy anything for “$5”. I looked around and found a guy who would do sports mascot design. I paid him $5USD (like $7.50CAD…) to do a line drawing for me. If I liked it, I’d upgrade. I sent him a link to my team photos from years ago as inspiration. He wrote back a couple days later with this.


I liked it, although obviously he could use a tail and a left leg. I contacted him to upgrade my logo – this service cost much more than $5 to do, but given that I knew it was going to be quality work I didn’t mind paying. After some revisions on the line drawing, he came back a few days later with this.


Pretty damn good! But I wanted brighter, poppier and more colourful! It’s something I’ve always worked into my paint schemes from the very beginning of my painting journey with my night goblins — bright colours bring people over to look at them. We had a couple more revisions back and forth, until we got to this drawing.



Not exactly what I’d imagined when I saw his example art. But just because it wasn’t what I would have drawn, doesn’t mean it isn’t great work!

Then the easy part — I paid the gentleman, made a 1900×1600 version of it and sent it off to London Drugs online to be printed on a mousepad. I’m ridiculously happy with the end result!


(I forgot to put the newly finished apothecary into this photo…he was still drying on my desk as I was taking photos!)

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I’m going to destroy this painting competition! 😀 😀 😀


P.S. When I had initially contacted rafatha, he was actually the second person I’d asked about doing it. The first person I did an order for $7.50CAD, and then noticed their order queue was ~40 orders and they were going on vacation in September! I’m glad I found rafatha, since his work was much more in line with what I actually wanted done!

At the same time, I should point out the work of this other person, because it’s damn good! This was one actually just $7.50CAD, rather than requiring an upgrade to the base order. This logo may find it’s way into my team literature somewhere, because it’s pretty amazing!



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Blood Bowl – Lizardman Priest

Really happy with how this guy turned out! It was a lot of little painting sessions that added up to a lot of good shading and highlighting. My Blood Bowl league is counting down to the Finals in October and the league commissioner has put a bonus out for “best painted” and man, do I intend to win that!

This model is the most recent model I finished, after having focused since I last wrote. There’s about 2 weeks of “final” posts upcoming that have actually been done for months, but haven’t been photographed until this evening. 🙂


I took a lot of inspiration from my posts on previous skink paint jobs for my Warhammer army.

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The base was looking pretty terrible at one point. It was a layer of watered down Snakebite, I think, followed by drybrush of Codex Grey which looked just awful. I did a few spots of glazes to try to make it “interesting” instead of “terrible”, but in the end had to Seraphim Sepia the whole thing to get it to good. I think it really worked in the end, because of the variety of hues under the Sepia.



The feathers are my first time using a Vallejo Game Color Fluorescent Yellow. I like it, but it’s a careful tool to wield. I had to use a lot of glazes to bring the colours back down to a more natural colour!


Pahaux Flamewalkers – Priest Some More Paint

I’ve had some serious painting ADD recently, floating between projects as the winds blow (and if you were in Vancouver yesterday, that’s a lot of wind!). I almost suffered from it again, first thinking I could paint the murderspider before today and then thinking I could paint a Silent One before today, but still having the Union Miners and Skorne Cyclops Savages on my project list (not to mention the Guild Death Marshals I only basecoated…)

So I decided to focus more. I’ve had an apothecary for my Blood Bowl team assembled for 2 months, and every time I use him in a game I roll double 6s and one of my team members ends up dead. >.> I think he resents being used, but unpainted and ignored.

It’s a fairly simple scheme so far – Codex Grey on the skink, Shadow Grey on the stone, probably Snakebite Leather on the wood and on the ground. I drybrushed Codex Grey over the brown ground, and regret it now.

A month later I added more basecoat and Guilliman Blue in the recesses of the ground…that ground is going to be a problem…



Blood Bowl – Lizardmen – One More Saurus

When I made my lizardmen team for AdeptiCon a few years ago, strangely I only built 5 saurus players. It’s strange, because I was building a team, and I knew that 6 saurus were the optimal number (also, the maximum number) and building a 6th wasn’t that much more effort than the 5…so why didn’t I? Laziness. So now I have to catch up for past-Craig’s laziness and paint one more player model for my team.

Here’s a base coat, which is much easier to copy because of the notes I made many moons ago on the colours I used.



I swear one of these days I’ll take photos of finished models…so busy…


Pahaux Flamewalkers hire a pitch-side priest

A friend started a Blood Bowl league about 2 months ago and I joined up. I love playing this game, and the RPG-aspect at the end makes it even better!

2 games ago I saved up enough to finally buy my Kroxigor (the commissioner convinced me not to buy him initially), and the very next game I bought an apothecary so I could protect my guys better!

I came home from a night of training for our upcoming show (June 6th, Hats Off day in Burnaby, you should come if you live in Vancouver) and opened my bitz box and everything I pulled out of it gave me an idea for a project!

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After the first photo I sent it to my club and trolled that I was converting my army to round base for the rumoured 9th edition change. 😛



Adepticon 2013 – Day 4 – Blood Bowl!

I haven’t really played Blood Bowl in a few years. We once had a strong, thriving league happening in our old GW store, but it fell apart at one point and I hadn’t played since. When I decided to go to Adepticon, I wasn’t feeling in the Fantasy mood so I thought I’d played a number of different games to make up for it. Blood Bowl was available for a 2 day tournament and I leapt on the chance! I converted a whole new team, one which I’d wanted to do for while and applied all of my latest painting techniques to it, to create something that I thought was pretty cool.




The people there were as hardcore as the people downstairs! Many of them had custom boards made, which were very cool looking.





My first game was against a super nice guy, playing Undead. Watch out for the S5, Mighty Blow mummies! He’d obviously played a lot of BB and knew the rules and tactics inside and out, but wasn’t at all rules lawyery. He killed a skink early on. Then he killed a saurus (that requires two 2d6 in a row to roll 10+). His comment “that was game changing”. Then he killed another saurus. My comment “and that kind of seals it…”. I was having a good game, and he was nice, so even though I was horribly outmatched in both tactics and in dice rolling, this was a good time.


In this game, I was shown part of why people still love Blood Bowl. It is an incredibly tactical game. I watched some of his positions, and they reminded me of people studying Chess positions.


I was pretty hung over from the night before, something that I deeply regret at this point. I’m not a BB wizard, but I feel like I have a solid grasp of the basic tactics of the game and how to move models to achieve my goals, but in this game everything was sluggish. He felt sorry for me, and I felt like I needed a drink and something to eat.

I came back after the break to find out that the painting competition had happened in my absence.

Consider a sentence above, wherein I claimed that these models are the pinnacle of my current skill. Several people over the rest of the weekend mentioned that they’d seen them, and were looking for them during the paint judging. And I missed it, because I was hungry and thirsty and hungover and hadn’t paid attention to when the judging was. Frustration.

My second game was against skaven. I knew at this point, since I’d been crushed absolutely in my first game, that I was now playing someone who had also probably lost quite badly. He was great, but his knowledge of the rules was about mine. We had a good game, and I saw him numerous more times over the weekend, and it was nice to meet and talk with someone who I hadn’t traveled with. He won that one.

My third game was against a goblin player. I’ve never played against goblins, but I would do so again in a heartbeat. My opponent was pretty gruff at first, but he warmed up as the game went on. I like to think he got more friendly, the more that his fanatic, chainsaw wielder, pogoer and bomb-thrower did random things. I laughed my ass off that game! We had rolled -1 to pick up the ball for weather, so most of the game was spent trying to pick it up, and hitting each other. Highlight of the game was when his bombardier thew a bomb at my krox. It stuns the person hit by it, and stuns people adjacent on a 4+, a brutal weapon. But my krox…rolled a 6 and caught the bomb. This meant that he got to throw it back! So I tossed it at one of his trolls. I thought I needed an accurate pass to hit, so I used a re-roll when it failed. When the re-roll failed as well, it scattered 3 times and finally came to rest in a clumping of 3 of my guys. Bad spot, but hilarious to watch!

I had to run very quickly after this last game as I had a photography class at 5, so we called the game when he had scored a touchdown and it looked like I wasn’t going to be able to score any back. My third loss of the day.

I wasn’t disappointed about 3 losses, but I was surprised. As I said above, I feel like I have a solid grasp of how to play basic BB. But at the same time, my hitting team couldn’t remove players from the pitch at all. BB is about managing risk, and I got a ton of solid 2 dice blocks every turn, but I couldn’t roll an armour break except rarely, and when I did, it was rarely more than a stunned result with very few models being taken off. I’m not certain what I would do different, except that certain skills might be necessary to put on my team to deal with dodgy teams like skaven and elves.

Before I left, I asked if there was any other opportunity for paint judging. One of the two judges said that the two days were two separate tournaments and that there would be tomorrow. I left feeling like a fool, but ok since I’d have another chance.

The next few posts will be about the two classes I took in the evening, as well as some general commentary. Later!

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Lizardmen Blood Bowl – Pahaux Flamewalkers

I’m pleased to present the Pahaux Flamewalkers! Hailing from the City of Ash, this team has been sent to win at Blood Bowl by their Slann Relic Priest, for reasons that no one really understands. He mumbled a bunch and the head skink pointed at a few guys and off they went.

The painting of these guys followed a similar pattern to the Krox. After the dark wash, grab the colour that started underneath (or a similarly bright colour). Mix a bit of water and a lot of acrylic medium with it and apply gently to the affected areas to create a soft and sloping highlight.

I’m officially a big fan of the acrylic medium.

Looking back now, I wish I had taken the time to assemble the models better. These are some of the best models I’ve painted in years, and they suffer from rushing through the assembly, as you may be able to see with some of the photos below. However, Adepticon is in 11 days (holy hell) and I’m playing in a Saturday/Sunday tournament with these guys, and they needed to be finished!



Ready to beat people up and think about scoring goals.


I used GW ‘ardcoat on the helmets, finally finding a situation where I needed a glossy coat.




This guy has frenzy, rawr!

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Lizardmen Blood Bowl – Kroxigor Final

I decided to finish the Kroxigor first, since he was a big, centerpiece model.


I wanted him to look similar to the Krox in my Fantasy army, but I failed at that. Those Krox don’t have any yellow on their scales, and most of their back is grey as opposed to the all red that I have going on here. He still looks pretty badass, but he isn’t the same.

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After the Mephiston Red base and the “wash” that I did from the last post, I used some GW Lamenters Yellow glaze to see what it did. Woooah boy, did that make things yellow! You can see it in these photos, there is yellow on the edges and in the cracks. Then I took a Matte Medium+Bleached Bone+water combo and gently did all of the edges of his scales. The end result is this sort of yellow, sort of pale off-white, really red, thing. I like it, but I think it’s much to much red.

Working on the rest of the team next, who are also much to red. Worse, the skinks even have red helmets right now…need to figure out what I’m doing with the “team uniform”. 🙂


Lizardmen Blood Bowl – Shading

I tried something new today. I’ve been reading about glazing more. The idea is that you put down a basic colour, and then shade, highlight and tone it with transparently coloured pigments. This post isn’t about that, but we’ll get to it.

My last attempt at glazing on the Dreadball team failed miserably – the pigment clumped in the water so that when it dried, it created patchy dark sections. It was pretty ugly, and only saved by “liquid talent”. I did some research and found that people use dish soap as a mix instead of water, which has the properties that it still dilutes the pigments, but that the pigments (apparently) don’t “float” on the surface, but instead spread out better.

Dish soap sounded like a home-made hack, so I looked further and found that another solution was to get acrylic medium and use that. I did, and my next post will be more glazing related.

But to start, and get a handle on how this stuff handles, I mixed the acrylic medium with some black and a bunch of water to try to recreate a wash.


There were some not-great spots on the Krox shoulders where it sat wrong, but overall I think it was a success! I haven’t done anything more here than mix my own Badab Black, and even then it doesn’t have the “fall into the crevasses” property that the GW stuff has, but I think it was a good step towards using it.

The medium has an almost glue-like consistency. When I mixed it with the paint, it didn’t seem to get any more diluted, like when I use water. To be safe, I added some water to get the very runny consistency that I’m used to working with. I think that this might be a necessary mix, since the goal is thin layers, and this stuff is thick like paint out-of-the-pot, although with less pigment density.

Next post is the finished Krox!


Lizardmen Blood Bowl – Basecoat

I decided to paint all of the basecoat of my team before moving onto the highlights. I usually paint an entire colour at once, but I’ve read that this way you can judge all the colours at once. I primed white, and since everything looks darker next to white, it would be harder to tell if the colour you’re painting is actually the shade you want.

So here we are – Codex Grey, Mephiston Red (a lovely colour, by the way), Bleached Bone, Dwarf Bronze and the Goblin Green bases. That’s it – no shading, no highlighting. Just some water and some pigment and me trying to cover the white.


I haven’t painted Goblin Green bases for years! Since I discovered that they were horrendously boring.

Also you can see the Krox conversion I did here. A couple Ogre fists and a lot of hobby knife later and you have one awesome Krox bruiser!