I had to take a small break from my LED project to put some paint on a few models. I’m playing Malifaux this weekend with some friends. One of my friends is brand new to the miniature hobby, and we’re trying to encourage him to put some paint on his models. Or get his wife to put some paint on them. Which means I probably should avoid having bare primed models in my game. 🙂
Arcane Effigy! I got this model last year at the Wyrd Holiday Exchange and have slowly been making him presentable. The model is gorgeous, but apparently I’ve lost his book somewhere, which sucks. But having just put some paint on this guy, now I’m excited for the new models!

It’s vomit brown on the scrolls, snakebite leather on his jacket, ice blue body, ice blue+codex grey underjacket and sunburst yellow flames and OSL. Considering the OSL was done in literally seconds, I think it worked out ok. 😛 I’m working from this amazing source drawing.
As for using him in the game…one of the reasons he hasn’t been painted yet, is because I’m not convinced he’s worth it. He’s a Construct and has some good defenses. He has a shitty attack that you probably should never use (he’s better off re-positioning himself). And then he has the reasons you bring him — he can buff your leader to maybe give extra Burning and he can remove Conditions from friendly models within 2″. And he’s 4ss.
The extra Burning is pretty ok, particularly since he has Accomplice so you don’t lose your momentum, but Metal Gamin have a ton of Burning on their own (still for 4ss). The Condition removal is the main reason you bring him, I think, but because it’s a 2″ range and a 5″ Wk, that means you have a 7″ zone of effect, which isn’t enough unless you’ve planted him very carefully. And you’re in trouble if you need removal over there and your Effigy is over here. I think I’d be less hesitant about him if he had a little more range.
But since every single person I’m going to play this weekend (…today, really, since this’ll be posted just before they arrive at my place :)) has a Resser crew, Condition removal is required in every crew. 😛