It’s been 6 months since I posted. I can’t remember if I wrote about this, but I’ve discovered since having a baby that I don’t paint if I don’t have an event or regular gaming time. I really like painting, but I don’t love it on it’s own. And with the kid, I’m not gaming that regularly so I’m not painting and so….I’m not posting about painting.
We did a kitchen renovation at the start of this year and after we had packed up all our kitchen into our storage space, it showed us just how much garbage we had in our storage space. A bunch of games that I just don’t see myself playing anytime in the next 10 years so why bother taking up space with them?
My tradition with stuff I used to love but don’t anymore is to take a photo and use that to convince myself I don’t need the actual thing anymore. So you might get a couple posts of old stuff for a bit.
Here are two pieces of terrain I was so proud of back in the day.
This one is the more recent of the two. I had this grand plan for a Big Mek table with a hangar bay and planes and shit like that. The only piece I built was this attempt at a crashed rocket that never really looked the part and was shit terrain to boot. The only part that looks good is the very nicely done layering of dirt and dead grass. Here’s a post from way back in 2010 when I wrote about it originally!
The next piece saw more play because it was actually useful as terrain. A ruined little corner of an ork fortification. Less nicely done layering, but I agonized over how to paint the walls so they weren’t just one solid colour. This is about when I started experimenting with washes, and I’d had enough failures on flat surfaces to know that I was going to have to deal with tide marks. I think I did ok with this one.
Both have been relegated to the trash bin now. I almost started playing 40k recently, but the timing and a lack of enjoying the game made me stop again. Which means I don’t need 40k terrain taking up valuable space in my loft.
Thanks for the fun, terrain!