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Astronomi-con Vancouver 2010

So while I was busy not posting here, I finished off the battlewagon, considered the dethkoptas done, painted the animosity orks, found the princess and won the title “Champion of the Universe”.

During the last week before Astro Van (which was this last weekend, and which will be the subject of this post eventually), I was painting up a storm. I wasn’t rushing, but I was rushing. I painted well, slow and with purpose. But I’m not entirely happy with how the colours turned out. More on that in another post, but the point here is that I didn’t feel I had enough time to stop and take a photo and write about what I was doing. So when I get a moment to take some pictures, I’ll try to back-fill.

Astro is the tournament highlight of my summer. As I told a person video-graphing the event – when I first went, I was worried that Duke and Derrick had over-hyped it and so I’d be disappointed. I wasn’t disappointed. This event brings all of the coolest nerds in this city together to celebrate this fine hobby. The scenarios are all interesting, making you think far more than my poor little brain is capable of doing, but I relish the challenge. If you read this, and you play Warhammer 40k and you don’t go to this tournament, I suggest you make time next year around the end of August.

Now that I’ve gushed all over it, we can get down to details. 6 game tournament, and I think I have something to say about all of the games, although I doubt I’ll remember all of them in detail.

Game 1: Damnunition

Each game has a special scenario. For this one you have 6 crates around the table, and pick up (you can carry them) more than your opponent. All difficult terrain is dangerous, which makes it a little interesting. I played against an all drop-pod Space Marine army. I deployed my troops in a tight ball, so I could defend where needed. First turn I spread out just a little bit, setting myself up to take a crate or two, depending on where he dropped. His turn, he drops two pods right in the middle of my army.

I’m an Ork player. Most people expend massive effort trying to get away from me. This guy drops a 10 man tactical squad and a dreadnought with a twin-linked flamer and a flamer in my back porch. Kills a bunch of guys,. I attack back and kill the two units. Next turn he drops more, and I can’t clean them up as quickly.

He won the game. I think mostly because he was directing the flow of the game the entire time. At no point did I have an opportunity to take a squad and grab a crate. Worse, I made HIM able to, because I broke a squad of his, he’d run and auto-regroup and then he would have 2 guys in the back field able to do something.

Game 2: Sulfur Flats

All of the yellow stuff on this table was 6+ cover and difficult terrain. Victory point mission otherwise. The yellow was in just enough places to be interesting.

I played against a Deathwing army that was painted like some Chaos guys. Really cool guy, fun game. My usual weekend goes something like “First game, play really smart, and then brainpower drops rapidly after that.” I felt like I played this game really smart. But it wasn’t enough, at the end he had a squad of terminators that I couldn’t deal with, and he shot me to death. He won that game with shooting in the last turn of the game. I’ll try to remember the scenario. I think it was victory points.

Game 3: Hill 0.25

This scenario is table-quarters, with the massive hill in the center counting as a quarter. So table fifths, actually. I think I played this one smart as well, but again, got a loss.

My opponent was Guard, so there was no way I would be able to hold the hill for any length of time. I kept my troops back and took what shots I could around the edges of his army where he had less ranged. I did ok, until his Heavy 20 tank stomped up onto the hill. At that point I had to remove it, or it would be raining shots down on me. I pulled a cross maneuver to get my meganobs on the tank and my slugga boys on another squad and took them out, hoping that the meganobs could take a little firepower.

Well, they could, but they broke and ran with 3 guys and just kept running. I’ve told myself that I should run my Warboss with them, but that needs some more thinking. Another mistake I made was that I left a tank on top of the hill after the nobs got out. That tank could have held a table quarter and maybe tied the game!

Game 4: Lost in the Mist

A scenario where shooting was reduce to a 5+ against a Demonhunters army. He was screwed from the beginning. I got a win here.

This opponent is funny. I play him every tournament at about the game time. We both lose our way to the bottom of the pile, and then we play each other. I expected to play him game 3, but apparently he got 2 draws so it didn’t happen that way 🙂

This was another game that I felt I played really smartly. I learned a lot about Terminators from Game 2, and I applied that knowledge here. I didn’t rush in, and I didn’t put troops where they were flapping in the wind. I consolidated my forces and applied pressure properly, and I won.

Game 5: Hammer and Ambull

This scenario has 3 monster models that randomly come onto the table. 4+ to come on, if they aren’t on the table. 6D6 scatter in a random direction from the center of the table. These things had a hate on for me – I lost my dethkopas to them and they followed me around for the rest of the game. >.<

I don’t remember much about this game, except that I made a critical mistake in strategy. Playing against Guard, I drove forward through a forest on the edge of the table and flamed the snot out of them. Felt good. And then the Valkyries appeared on the table edge and flamed me back, and I couldn’t take the heat. If I’d tried to stay a little further away from the edge this would have been better. Maybe not though. If I’d gone to the middle instead, I would have been shot by the Guard instead of flamed. Also, his flamers/meltaguns were in Valkyries, so they could drive onto the table. Thinking about this now, I think I was out-deployed, and not necessarily out-played.

Game 6: Field of Screams

Everything on the table except the outside 6 inches was dangerous and difficult terrain. Oh goody.

I would have sworn I was going to lose this game, but somehow I didn’t. Against a shooting Tau army. I spent most of the game trying to arrange my trukks/battlewagon so that they could ferry Orks across the table. Except for some nonsense in the middle with two transports and the meganobs and burnas wandering back and forth (I lost 2/3rds of the burnas to dangerous terrain tests…), this was another well-played game.

Nothing else to say?

I think that’s about all I’ve got for this report. Good tournament, and I’m sad it’s over, even as I recover from the nerd-hangover of the weekend. I don’t really have any other projects in mind right now, but a few floating in my mind:

  1. Write some scenarios. I’ve got two scenarios in mind that I’d like to write. 2 potential Fantasy scenarios, in an attempt at increasing the level of Fantasy scenarios in the world. 1 potential 40k. We’ll see if I do anything with this.
  2. Work on a Tyranid army. The Orks are “done for now”. I’d like to do a shooting/artillery Ork army, but it will be a lot of models and effort. I have 80% of a Tyranid army collected and 50% painted, so it’s less effort. Also I’m trying to design one that might win games once in a while, unlike my Orks. Warseer, here we come!
  3. Build a display tray. I have some plans for a display tray, but my woodworking skills aren’t very good. Trying to get feedback from some people on what to do. I’ll probably post my thoughts on that relatively soon, since I think it’s the project that is most likely to float to the top.
  4. Organize another mini-Astro. Duke and I did a one day tournament last January, and I’m stoked to do it again. We know more now, it can only get easier with time!


Musings & Meta

WordPress Update, etc

Updated to WordPress 3.0.1 today. No idea what the changes are, but the thing requested it so I did it. Lemme know if something looks bad.

I have at least one Battlewagon update waiting on my desktop to post, and a bunch more work to put into the model. But between Starcraft 2 and paragliding lessons, I’m swamped!


Ork Battlewagon 4

Yesterday, I referred to having a plan to offset the boring drybrushing I painted myself into.

You can see the start of it here – Shadow Grey and Scab Red panels. I’m going to try painting metal chips on the edges of these and seeing how it looks.

Next up is a watered down wash of Graveyard Earth and then another of Scorched Brown as the Battlewagon guide suggests. Lets see what that looks like!

(I like that the carnosaur is visible in the background of these pictures…I took him out of the case after my tournament so I could try the Slann in 8th ed :))


Ork Battlewagon 3

A quick priming and we’re ready to put some paint on this thing.

I think I regret doing this now, but first I dry brushed the entire thing Boltgun Metal. It’s been my standby metal dry brushing for years, and it’s only after reading that Battlewagon guide I posted last post that I realized there were other options. Talk about a mindset. I’ve got plans to offset the boring nature of this though, so not all is lost.

Regal Blue is the base coat for all of my Rhinos, so that went on here as well. I usually do two watered down coats of the Regal, to prevent paint clumping since I’m applying vast quantities of it all at once.

That’s the update for today – later!


Ork Battlewagon 2

This part was less heartbreaking, and more difficult – how to fit the GW add-on kit deffrolla onto the Rhino. The deffrolla fits perfectly onto the stock cab of the battlewagon…no attachment points on the Rhino!

When I started out, I was fiddling around with placement, and I found a spot that looked like it was almost as if GW had intended on the deffrolla being attached to a Rhino in this way. The spots where I glued it – if the Rhino had been a quarter inch higher on the trukk bed, and the deffrolla been a quarter inch thinner, it would have been absolutely perfect.

As it was, I had to shim. Cut a door in half and stick it under the rolla attachment points. Cut up some sprue and glue it beside the attachment to add extra stability.

Added an Ork glyph or two to each side door, and voila! It’s done.

I will be adding on extra grots and orks and things later. I learned that lesson from the last trukk I assembled – don’t glue things inside until you have them painted, or they will look like ass!


I read this GW article on painting a battlewagon. Pretty good, with some good tips on rusting/corrosion. I have a different paint scheme in mind, but that article will be sitting in a Firefox tab for the next few weeks.

The Rhino will be my standard Regal Blue, with Space Marine Blue highlights. Not certain what other colours to use, but I think I’ll be using the technique mentioned in that article on some darker grays or reds.


Ork Battlewagon 1

With the last of my Fantasy tournaments for the summer over with, it’s time to change focus to my Orks again. I have some dethkoptas and a battlewagon to finish. I’m prioritizing the battlewagon for a couple reasons:

  1. If it goes no further than it is right now, it isn’t playable. The dethkoptas are playable, and look mostly done.
  2. For some reason I’ve constructed a barrier of fear around the dethkoptas. I really don’t want to paint them anymore.
  3. Battlewagon == AWESOME.

With that decision made, we pick up the project where I last left it – mostly assembled.

The Dilemma

Most of my trukks are Space Marine Rhinos that have been caved in, sawed in half, guns glued on randomly, etc. It’s a lot of fun. However, for this model I won a Battlewagon model and so wanted to use it instead of the Land Raider that I would have used otherwise.

I started to assemble it a couple months ago. I was amazed at the quality of the construction. Everything fit together perfectly. The instructions were complete and useful. The model was beautiful. It was a work of a divine being, and not the Games Workshop that I’ve come to know and love.

Which left me with an issue – how can you cut/carve/slice/scratch the work of the divine?! I didn’t want to convert it. I wanted to put it together in its pristine beauty and leave it for all the world to admire.

But…that would go against my theme. I asked a bunch of my gaming friends what I should do, and none of them could truely understand the nature of my problem – they all said (paraphrasing) “carve it up!” They thought I was asking for conversion advice, and not looking for permission to leave it as it was “no, it’s ok Craig, you don’t have to follow your theme this time…my that’s a beautiful tank you have there.”

The Solution

Time. I left it for a month. It’s still a brilliant model, but I don’t feel so bad about slicing it up. woot! Lets get cutting!

The primary conversion on this thing was to take a hack saw and slice a Rhino into 2/3rds, then glue it where the cab of the Battlewagon usually sits. For this stage, everything else is stock Battlewagon.

The Next Steps

  1. Figure out where to place a couple guns. The stock tank has gun turrets on top of the cab, but that won’t work out perfectly anymore.
  2. Figure out how to attach the deffrolla. Yeah, this bad boy needs a rolling pin.
  3. Decide what options I’m going to give it standard, and provide magnet attachment points for those. Think about future options and see if I can’t provide attachment points for those as well. This is hard, since it requires reading the future and I’m not so awesome at that.
  4. Orkify the cab.
  5. See if the Animosity Orks will fit in the trunk. gwahaha.


WCP Vancouver Tournament 2010

This tournament was a lot larger – 26 Fantasy players total. I feel like I’m in a little bit of a daze since I left, so I don’t think this post will be as comprehensive as the one for ConquestBC.

There were 4 people there whom I know pretty well from my local gaming store, so that was fun. A difference – when you don’t know anyone (or those whom you do know are busy) you make friends or you sit around being bored. At ConquestBC, I mixed it up – had lunch alone to unwind, but talked with people I didn’t know the rest of the time. At WCP, there wasn’t really any time to sit around by yourself. There was always someone’s game to go cheer, people to get lunch with, or people just chilling out talking. I like being around people, but I also like my alone time. I don’t have any value judgments to offer.

After going to two Fantasy tournaments in a row, I think I can say that people need to think more about Fantasy scenarios. WCP’s were a little more interesting scenario wise – for a couple you had to “do more things”. But their “bonus points” weren’t interesting either. ConquestGT had “you have more standards” “your general is alive” “his general is dead”, boring. WCP had “you have more table quarters” “you got 2 messengers off and he got none” – at least some of them were related to the scenarios, but they still didn’t add another layer to the game. What I love about the scenarios that Astronomi-con puts together, is that they, if you want them to, give you another level to choose from. You can win the game. Or you can win the game big. You can lose the game. Or you can lose the game big. I had a thought to try writing a Fantasy scenario based on something from Astro.

At one point this weekend two players decided they were going to have a special game. The stated rules were that there would be 8 shot glasses of tequila lined up on each side. Anytime one of them wanted a re-roll, they took a shot. They ended up just pouring from the bottle, and apparently were at 10-11 shots each when the tournament organizer cut them off. The story of this game was one guy rolled double 1s, two-fisted two shots, re-rolled both and rolled double 6s (it was some wounding roll or something). Crazy :).

I came firmly middle of the pack overall. Most favourite opponent votes, but my sportsmanship score sucked. You get votes for favourite opponent, and then each of your opponents give you check boxes after each game, totaled to give your sportsmanship score. Tied for second painting votes, but my painting score wasn’t terrific. Again, votes from the populous combined with scores, but these scores were from the judges. I agree with the judges here – I have a few nice models, but there were a couple armies of beauty there. End result – 2nd place Sportsman, and then somewhere between 4th and 10th in painting (their results sheet is slightly confusing – your votes count towards your final, but they don’t mention the vote-scaling factor anywhere)

I lost 4 games and won 1. I think the caliber of competition at this tournament was much greater than the last one. My second to last game, only my general survived, and then only because I ran him into a forest in my last turn instead of charging – depriving my opponent of the scenario bonus. My last game, turn 4 I offered my resignation to my opponent and suggested that we might drink a beer instead of playing anymore. He accepted, and I drank my beer in his honor – long may he push pink knights across the table.

I lose a lot of games in general. But there’s nothing like getting stomped 4 times in rapid succession to make you doubt yourself. I’m thinking of increasing the power level of my Lizards a little. A Skink/Krox unit, and an Engine of the Gods have both been recommended. We’ll see how that goes.

And now, I think I’ll sign off. I want to go open Army Builder and play with this list idea…

Have a good one!

Musings & Meta

“devlan mud lizardmen”

I have a plugin that shows me blog usage stats – where people are coming from, how many per day, etc.

Looks like someone found my blog through Google the other day with a search term of “devlan mud lizardmen”.

I did the search myself, and it looks like I’m at the top of page 6 of this search. That is one dedicated Googler! I usually stop by page 3…

Featured Images

Temple Guard Banner Final

I got the banner done in time for the tournament.

I recommend not following my steps exactly. This process could have been done better.

So, last we spoke I had assembled the banner and was moving onto painting it. I laid the fabric flat and started painting. You can see the result below – not spectacular, but not bad.

Someone commented that it wasn’t bright enough, in the sea of my bright yellow spotted saurus, which this is definitely a flaw. The issue here is that it is relatively difficult to get a bright colour down, as it just soaks in and diffuses into the black fabric.

I finished painting it and went to give it a wave…and discovered that white glue doesn’t set immediately. >.> Whoops. I lucked out, in that the multiple layers of paint gave it a bendable quality, so I bent it as much as I could without cracking the paint and then watered down some white glue and painted it on. I repeated that process 3 times before I could get a wave on it that looked any good.

Some people at the tournament recommended:

  • Paper. Actually, the person I was talking to was complaining about how his banner ripped. So he didn’t recommend it, but it’s an option.
  • Pop can aluminum. Warning: You must ensure that you file down the edges, lest you lose flesh one day.
  • Tin foil. I thought this would rip as well, but apparently you use layers of it and super glue them together to create a relatively thick piece of tin foil cardboard that won’t rip. Pretty smart, assuming you don’t wrinkle it in the process.

A tournament update to follow in a day or two. Later!

Musings & Meta

Comment author says what?

I just got my first comment!

I’m pretty certain it’s a spammer. But it’s interesting in that the bot/person/whatever picked a post with actual educational information on it (my single Technique post so far) and then posted:

Author: <their blog title>

E-mail: <some e-mail that could be plausible>

URL: <their blog URL>

Comment: Thanks a ton for this, I am greatful for the info.

So here I am, this naive person with a spam comment, and I almost want to approve it simply because it’s just so plausible that it could be a real person, who’s really appreciative of the information and help that I’ve provided.

Quick! Someone post a real comment so I can feel better about throwing their comment into the trash bin! 😛