
Pahaux Flamewalkers – Priest Some More Paint

I’ve had some serious painting ADD recently, floating between projects as the winds blow (and if you were in Vancouver yesterday, that’s a lot of wind!). I almost suffered from it again, first thinking I could paint the murderspider before today and then thinking I could paint a Silent One before today, but still having the Union Miners and Skorne Cyclops Savages on my project list (not to mention the Guild Death Marshals I only basecoated…)

So I decided to focus more. I’ve had an apothecary for my Blood Bowl team assembled for 2 months, and every time I use him in a game I roll double 6s and one of my team members ends up dead. >.> I think he resents being used, but unpainted and ignored.

It’s a fairly simple scheme so far – Codex Grey on the skink, Shadow Grey on the stone, probably Snakebite Leather on the wood and on the ground. I drybrushed Codex Grey over the brown ground, and regret it now.

A month later I added more basecoat and Guilliman Blue in the recesses of the ground…that ground is going to be a problem…


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