Musings & Meta

Goodbye to Old Tools

Today I said goodbye to this ancient, ancient tool of mine.

I’ve used this ice cream container lid since I was 19 and living with my dad (who had two growing boys and stocked 4L tubs of ice cream still!) I stopped using it in favour of a disposable piece of parchment paper on a spinach container lid (ha!) last year sometime, but couldn’t bear to get rid of my old paint palette.

I remember the joy of finding when the acrylic paint had gotten so thick that I could slowly peeeeeeel it off and have a rubber impression of the colours I’d used that year. I remember when the plastic started getting so brittle that it was cracking at the sides, so I had to be super careful when mixing glue and water, lest it spill out over the sides.


Bye little lid, you served well.


Have you got any tools from years gone by? Anything you should say goodbye to?

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