
Malifaux – Performer

Given how many posts I have queued up, you probably won’t read this until after I’ve used the Performer at AdeptiCon!

I spent some time last week reading the story encounters for the Costume Event and wrote down some notes on how best to get victory points from the various strategies they’d designed. One thing that became apparent – there would be a lot of Interact Actions, and very few VPs from Strategies.

Because Interact can only be taken while not engaged, all an opponent who is trying to stop you has to do is get a model with a 3″ engagement near the Interact location and that Strategy is entirely blocked. If both players did this 100% successfully, the only points they could get would be from Schemes, and would limit the maximum points to 6.

Malifaux is a wonderous game that rewards the careful observer, so I took a look through the available models, both Mercenary and Arcanist, to find something that would help.

There were a few options, but the best one turned out to be the Performer. A 5ss Arcanist Mercenary, with some excellent usage as well as two very important abilitys: “Don’t Mind Me: This model may take Interact Actions while engaged.”, and a Wk of 5 The plan – keep her behind the lines (she’s a little fragile compared to the rest of my crew), get stuck in with my tanky models, and use her to claim the Strategy points. I won’t get 10 points from this plan, but if I can get a few extra points from the Strategy that my opponent is struggling to get, all the better!



After all of that thought process, I split a Colette box with Jamie. And because I didn’t think this performer would be caught dead working on the railroad, I had to come up with a basing scheme that worked for a higher class of lady than I’m used to working with. So I built a train station platform out of basswood!


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