
AdeptiCon 2014 – Thursday, Assorted Models

I’ll do another post for Thursday and my games, this is just a bunch of photos of things that I thought were cool!

A bunch of neat stuff from the Fantasy “How You Use It” tournament. I took some photos of Lizardman stuff to give me ideas for later. 😛


Really like the purple and blends on this spider.


A Mcfarlane toy, turned into a Hell Cannon.

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This pyramid is super cool.


A bunch of the Malifaux boards.

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This table got crazy with buildings placed on each of the 8 middle platforms. I played on it, and have some commentary on it when I write that far. 🙂


Pip and Patrick played in the 3000pt Return of the Big Brawl event all of Thursday. Here’s Pat against his first opponent. I finished two games while they were still working on one. 😛 (Also because they started an hour later than my event :)).



This was another great spider model. It’s really messy, but I really like it anyway. The painter used a ton of splotchy foam spotting to paint on the colours, and it’s a really neat effect.


Brandon Palmer of GMM is the creator of that awesome Chaos Dwarf display board from last year, as well as the pirate ship, and he came back this year with even more. I took some photos, but he has more on his blog. He’s a commission painter, so I’m pretty much helping him advertise here…which I think I’m ok with. This is a stunning piece of work.

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Mr. Wappel has been blogging about his own display board for 40k, and here are some photos of the final product. LEDs and fake stained glass windows!

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And then a few more photos of Big Brawl and How You Use It armies!


really like this orange in this fellows army.
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Lastly, a photo of the hallway. It got busier as the weekend progressed!


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