In between playing 6 games of Malifaux, I did some other stuff!

My crew set up for paint judging.

Mister Chris Jones volunteering to give Angry Sheep demos.

A stunning 40k display board, Avatar themed.

Some hoofies stand on a rock.


This is neat stuff. I don’t even mind the transparent pillars.

How many layers would you like in your hoofy cake?

Really liking the trend towards 2D painted backdrops. Even as I just airbrushed a purple/blue haze.

I assume it’s a Necron tomb thing.

These guys board was 4 separate pieces like this.

Brandon Palmer at it again.

Apparently that is a ~$300 model on the right.

I don’t even know how much money it costs to get a full sized human skeleton. I hope it’s a cast. >.>

I wouldn’t want to live in the Village of the Giant Skeleton

Details like this caught my eye even as I was walking away from the display. Leaves…

A Malifaux board that I missed photos of from yesterday.
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