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fire gamin

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Malifaux – Fire Gamin!

I’ve wanted to play the Kaeris box set with Mei Feng for a while. I had previously painted one Fire Gamin and one Gunsmith for the Wyrd painting contest, so it was a relatively easy matter to paint the last three models.


The one on the right is the one I did for the painting contest. It’s interesting to see here, because the old one is better painted, but in these photos the new ones certainly have a bunch of “pop” from the bright yellow at their base!

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Arcanists – Fire Gamin – Final

This guy was pretty easy after that base coat.

I mixed Sunburst Yellow and Blazing Orange together and all-but drybrushed it over it’s skin. This thing is so covered in flamey crevasses, almost anything I did here was going to hit the surface.

Then mixed in a little bit of Mephiston Red and went over it again. Some Lementors Yellow to try to make sure I kept the bright yellow in the recesses. Then I went to Mephiston and Orange, and then to Mephiston and Rhinox Hide, then to straight Rhinox Hide and then straight Chaos Black. Lastly, some more Lementors, because I think you just can’t have enough of that stuff.

All of these stages were drybrushed, trying to hit less and less of the model each time.

For the fireball, I stopped after the Mephiston+Orange, then did the tip with the Mephiston+Rhinox   Then I painted in watered down Sunburst Yellow into some of the recesses to bring back some of the yellow, as it had been mostly covered by orange at an earlier step.

Badab Black on the cloth, then highlighted with a thin glaze of Ushapti. Ushapti teeth, shadowed with Badab Black. Warpstone Green eyes with Black pupils. Mithril Silver chain links the two scraps of cloth.

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Arcanists – Fire Gamin – Basecoat

This is the first of a many-many-many part series for a diorama I worked on for the Wyrd Summer Painting Contest. It was an anonymous contest, so I was asked to wait until after the voting had finished to post my work. Hold onto your hats!

This guy was super simple… just a few cogs, some Arcanist basing and some Sunburst Yellow. Whee….
