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Malifaux – Chiaki

I started painting Chiaki with the colours that I had down to paint Toshiro in. I like them a lot less on her though, the green doesn’t look quite right, and the “wave of energy” or whatever her base is made of is a really strange colour against the high saturation colours of her dress and scarf thing.

Then, once again, I suck at faces.

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Masters of the Path box set

Well, most of it. Chiaki is good for potential Ten Thunders stuff, and the Ashigaru can be summoned by Toshiro or taken when Tara is a Resser.

Yan Lo and the Soul Porter stayed on the sprue for now, I don’t need another Master to learn quite yet. 😛


The bases are Secret Weapon. The more I use these, the more I hate being tied to manufactured bases. When I run out, I have to get more shipped to me, and that sucks.