Instead of pulling my photography stuff out, I edited photos from the weekend. I know I still owe you guys some final photos of my skinks, rippers, maybe those tokens and *cough* the last Old Blood (who won’t be finished anytime soon), but I just couldn’t be bothered to set it all up last night. >.<
So now you’ll get to read about OFCC 2014. I’m going to post these in quick succession instead of waiting my usual 3 days, and hopefully we can get back to some painting shortly!
There are a ton of photos in this post, so I’m going to put them behind a cut.
Friday night we left after work and drove down to Portland from Vancouver, BC. It was about 6 hours including a stop for dinner which included 3 pitchers of Deschutes Black Butte Porter split between 4.5 guys (driver was 0.5). Delicious. This was pretty uneventful, as I went to sleep after arriving. Not everyone did, but that was fine.
Saturday morning bright and early we have some games to play! OFCC is a team tournament, with teams of 4. You play your individual games, but all of the awards are collated between everyone on your team. A week ago CHOP! had 2 complete teams of 4 going down, but something happened to make 3 people drop out at virtually the last moment. We asked the organizers, and ended up playing a team of 5 with one person sitting out each round. This was preferable to us rather than our fifth finding a new team, because we wanted to stay together.
We played Borderlands: Scylla first round, and they ended up winning Best General at the end (spoilers!!). I played a Chaos player who had played about 30 practice games before the event. I was hosed from the beginning, but I had a good plan that ended badly because I couldn’t make enough space to chaff a giant unit of Chosen away.
Game 2 was against Team America: Warhammer Police. They had two teams — Stars and Stripes — and I forget which one we played first, and which we played in game 3, but we played both eventually. I matched against Neil Marker with his awesome looking pirate-themed Empire army. I lost this game too, despite killing a lot of things, because I failed to finish the job properly. >.<

You can’t see it in this photo, but my saurus are about to take 19 wounds from that steam tank. On the list of terrible decisions, saurus on steam tank is in the top 10 of the weekend.
Game 3 I played against an Ogre army. One of his artillery pieces blew up first turn, which was a big help to me. I had lined myself up to take out his Core units, as they were worth extra victory points in this game. Lastly, I had 2 units of skink cohorts that were 60 and 80 points respectively, who spent the entire game sitting at the back of the board — 4VP for those 2 units was a good trade I think. 🙂

This is a photo of Pete’s game 3. Him and his opponent decided to drink instead of playing. We ended up tying for 4th. Coincidence? 😛

After game 3, getting ready to get out the door. By which we mean, drinking a beer before going out for drinks and dinner.
That night we walked about 5 blocks away to a pub for dinner. Usually this doesn’t work out great, because when you show up with 15-20 people, no restaurant can accommodate that. But we showed up with 5, and got a table for 10 and over the next few hours people trickled in and got seats around us. We were taking up the big table for 10, and 3 smaller tables for 4-5 by the end of the night!
Pat and I went back to the hotel for some more gaming, while Pete and Jordan went out for more drinking. We played some Coup for a bit, then played an awful themed game called Kittens in a Blender and finished the night with Ascension, which was an excellent deck-building game. In bed around 1am, up at 7am for the next day of gaming!
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