Musings & Meta Tournaments

OFCC 2014 Painting Todo

While the last month and a bit of blog entries has been scheduled after the Wyrd contest, and while I did not get much painting done at all in the last months of the show I was in, I haven’t been entirely slack. I’ve been busy assembly-lining skinks for OFCC.

I don’t have photos of them yet, but they should be done really soon, because I have a list of things that need doing before the 26th of September!

  • 24+ extra skinks. My lists have been under powered by far because I only own 33 skinks. Another 24, plus using my camo skinks, means that I can get up to a useful amount. These guys are almost done.
  • 6 Ripperdactyl riders. These are such cool units and models, and I really want to use them. I need another 3, as I already have 3 in a box, but either way I need to shake a leg to get them painted!
  • Old Blood on Cold One with Stegadon Helm. I have my Old Blood with the Blade of Realities sorted, but I need to get my tanky guy done. I’ve built him, but he’s on pause while I finish skinks and figure out this Agrellan Earth business.
  • Finish a base for my 3rd skink priest. He was previously riding a stegadon, but I need the steg naked now and need a third priest.
  • Make another 1-3 skirmisher movement trays. I need at least 1 more, but if I have time for 3 they probably will get used at other tournaments.
  • Something to replace the Engine on my stegs back. This is the least likely thing on the list to be completed, but here it is. My current stegadon has an Enginey thing on it’s back, and I’m not using it as an Engine. Also, has no Giant Blowpipes, which is a bit of a WYSIWYG issue. We’ll see how the month goes.

I’m not doing as much circus this month, having brought it down to a single 2 hour class…on Wednesdays. I really want to take this class, and I’m super sad that it interferes still with Warhammer, but sometimes we don’t get everything. 🙂

However, I should be able to bring up the painting. If anyone has 3+ rippers they don’t want…I’d love to buy them from you. 🙂

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