
AdeptiCon 2014 – Friday, Team Tournament Photos!

And the last of my Friday coverage, some photos and commentary from the Fantasy team tournament. It’s 1000pts per general, 3 games over the day, and you’re only allowed a single Lord choice.

Our first game was against Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts. First turn I Freedom Cannon’d off their Casket of Souls, and one of their generals was heard to say “We just lost the game”. Ah, Warhammer. These guys were fun opponents, they kept trying until the very end even though they knew that they weren’t going to be able to get anywhere. One of them even offered to trade me my Warmachine box for the one I wanted! (If you read this – I traded with someone else later!) We did end up winning this game pretty handily.


Our second game…was odd. It even started off odd. The gentleman in blue hardly said a word, and the fellow in the Nights Watch t-shirt was very gregarious. They offered us a dwarven beer, which we accepted. Neither of them drank during the game though. Night’s Watch fellow made several anti-Canadian jokes before we’d finished deploying. One or two is funny. Three or four is past time to move onto better material.


They played double dwarf, and we knew we couldn’t face their giant block of dwarves with 4 characters in it. Our plan was to cannon/magic off Rares (for points) and hang back. It mostly worked, except that my Tzeentch Herald zapped himself off the table first turn, and Freedom Cannon couldn’t shoot through any entire warmachine before it was removed as well. In the end, we tried to arrange our positioning to reduce the effect of their gyrocopters, and to avoid getting charged by the giant block of doom.


At the start of round 2, these four guys decided that playing shirtless was a good idea.


In the end, we lost this game. And we scored them low on sportsmanship as well, which is never good for anyone. The gentleman in blue spoke up a bit more, and we genuinely felt that he deserved a 4 on the sports scoring. His friend, however, just kept pushing buttons and saying things that were just a little insulting, and he wasn’t entire clear on all the rules and argued about his lack of knowledge. They had come from a 40k background, and not knowing all the rules can be forgiven, but added up with everything else we felt that we couldn’t justify giving them a normal scoring. 🙁

Our last game of the event was against Team Northern Defenders, a Little To The Left. They were great fun to play against! They had brought a Tomb King and Warriors of Chaos pairing with a ton of TK monsters and a ton of WoC chariots. We held back and used magic and the Freedom Cannon to victory!

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That night Patrick and Pip were scheduled to play in the Warbands event which was a 500pt Fantasy thing. I brought a list, intending to try to sign up at the last minute, but everyone decided to drop it and do something else instead. We wandered the vendor hall, checked out the games people were playing and then went back to the hotel to sleep “early”. We had an early morning on Saturday, and a lot of games still to play!

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